[ ] Remote Access Service (RAS) [ ] Outlook Web Access (OWA)

[ ] Virtual Private Network (VPN)

User Agreement/Authorization




1. PURPOSE: To emphasize individual responsibilities pertaining to the operation, administration, management and control of assigned government-owned computers while remotely accessing Navy Guam Networks..

2. RESPONSIBILITIES: The following user agreement outlines basic safeguards that must be closely followed when using these services to access your official e-mail account via commercial communication methods. Refusal to agree to the terms of the agreement will result in disapproval of this request.

3. Authority: Executive Order 10450, 9397; Public Law 99-474; the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; 5 U.S.C Statute 301; 10 U.S.C. Part II; 14 U.S.C. Chapter 11; UCMJ; DOD 5500.7R, Joint Ethics Regulation; CJCSM 6510.05, SECNAVINST 5239.3A, DON Information Assurance (IA) policy, and E.O. 9397; NETWARCOM message 311452ZMAR2005.

4. Privacy Act Statement: Authority: Executive Order 10450, 9397; Public Law 99-474; the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; 5 U.S.C Statute 301; 10 U.S.C. Part II; 14 U.S.C. Chapter 11; UCMJ; DODD 5500.7R, Joint Ethics Regulation; CJCSM 6510.05, DODD 8500.1, SECNAVINST 5239.3A, DON Information Assurance (IA) policy, and E.O. 9397. Disclosure: The information above may be used to identify you to law enforcement authorities for investigating or prosecuting a violation of law. Disclosure of information could result in denial of access to Navy Guam Network resources.


I UNDERSTAND THAT (User must initial after each paragraph):

1. This service is provided for the conduct of official business only while remotely connected to a Navy Guam Network. The inherent risk of using public transport sources (phone lines, cable service)must be recognized by all Navy Guam Networkusers, and appropriate caution must be used. ______

2. Only Government-furnished-equipment (GFE)is allowed to be used for remote access. ______

3. No peripheral equipment(other than a network interface device or modem, and a directly connected printer)will be connected to the GFE computer while accessing Navy Networks. GFE will be configured, prior to issuance, to assure that no bridging occurs between the transport circuit and the Navy Guam Network. ______

4. In the event of a classified spillage, the user will be required to surrender the GFE to Navy Helpdesk personnel for sanitizing. ______

5. I must immediately report any violation involving an IT asset or any other inappropriate activity I may observe to theGuamRegional Information Assurance Manager (IAM)339-4776. ______

I AGREE TO (User must initial after each paragraph):

1. Adhere to all Navy Enterprise Information Technology (IT) User Acknowledgement 2785 Form rules and procedureswhile remotely accessing Navy Guam Networks. ______

2. Demonstrate the need to access OWAas indicated in justification below. ______

Justification for Access:______


3. I will take the assigned GFE to the Helpdesk when requested to allow for software and/or configuration updates as required. I will notify Helpdesk of any suspect behavior of GFE: ______

4. I will not allow any unauthorized person to operate the assigned GFE, regardless if it is, or is not, actively connected to a Navy Guam Network. ______


In consideration of your acknowledged understanding of basic IT security practices and procedures; your verified security clearance and established "need-to-know," you are hereby authorized limited access to operate and use Remote Network Access and resources necessary to fulfill your assigned responsibilities.

Attempts to probe or break-in to other systems or accounts; circumvent internal protection, accounting or auditing mechanisms; or use command IT systems and assets for purposes other than which they were intended or accredited, will be reported as security violations and may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the UCMJ or civilian disciplinary rules, as appropriate.

Anyone using Remote Network Access expressly consents to monitoring, and acknowledges that, if monitoring reveals evidence of user misfeasance, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. Military or U.S. Government personnel including contractors may be subject to criminal penalties if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently violate this policy.


Printed Name:______Grade/Rank:______



Last fourSSN:______Citizenship:______


Supervisor NameSupervisor SignatureDate


Department Head NameDepartment Head SignatureDate



GuamInformationAssurance Manager (IAM)/Trusted AgentDate