A PBL+MM for High School Band Students

Music SOLs: IAD.20 & IAD.23

Designed by

Emily M. Marek


Do you feel that music in public school systems is at risk? Would you like to help change this trend? With the various scheduling systems around in today’s school systems, it can be very difficult to arrange the school schedule to accommodate music. Your assignment is to research various block scheduling systems, school board budgets, and course offerings. After learning about the different scheduling options, you will need to choose one schedule (examples include but are not limited to 4x4 block, AB block, or 7 period day) you feel will best fit Nottoway High School. You will then put together a presentation for the school board with a valid argument on why you feel this schedule should be adopted.


You will work in groups of 4, with each group choosing a scheduling system to present. You will use resources such as Brainstorming, a KWHL Chart, a Pros/Cons list, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint to create your project. In addition, you must come up with a list of questions and contact school board members, guidance counselors, MarshallTrammell from Chesterfield County, and either Dr. Edwards (superintendent) or Dr. Johnson (assistant superintendent) for information on the scheduling process. As a group, you will then choose the scheduling system you feel would work best for Nottoway High School and begin planning out the changes.


Day 1: Look at resource. Create a pro/con list for each type.

Day 2: Groups begin debate on which scheduling system they feel is best suited to a small school system. By end of day, each group should choose which system they feel is best and begin more complex research.

Day 3-5: Research.

Day 6-10: Compile information and begin working on PowerPoint Presentation.

Day 11: Turn in projects to teacher for evaluation and begin preparation for presenting your schedule.


It is proven that students who participate in musical activities such as band and chorus need to be immersed in this subject matter year round to promote a strong program. Due to the 4x4 scheduling, music students are forced to take courses in the fall and spring, which makes 1/4th of their classes music classes. In a small school system this creates many scheduling conflicts, especially with AP and dual enrollment courses. Directors are forced to rehearse after school, which creates conflicts with sports and other academic endeavors. Ultimately, music programs suffer from 4x4 block scheduling.

Nottoway High School has been on 4x4 block scheduling for the past 10 years. Research shows that 4x4 block has a negative affect on band and chorus programs across the country. According to MENC, the National Association for Music Education: 69% of those music programs surveyed saw a decrease in enrollment in their choir, band or orchestra after a move to block scheduling.

66% found that the decrease was directly attributed to scheduling conflicts.

81% of those surveyed believed that students rejoining music classes after a semester or year’s absence were significantly behind other students in skill development and slow to regain their original proficiency.

In groups of 4, begin the Brainstorming process by reviewing the Scheduling Resources Websites, articles, and books. After you feel you have knowledge of the subject matter, discuss the various different scheduling systems in your group and come up with the scheduling system choice you will use for your project.

Scheduling Resources

More classes and greater variety article

Books on Block Scheduling

The Effectsof Block Scheduling. Michael D. Rettig; Robert Lynn Canady. School Administrator, March 1999 v56 i3 p14.

Rites and Wrongs: Institutional Explanations for the Student Course-Scheduling Process in Urban High Schools.Carolyn Riehl; Aaron M. Pallas; Gary Natriello.American Journal of Education, Feb 1999 v107 i2 p116.

Fundamentals of School Scheduling.Nan S. Spalding. School Administrator, Sept 1998 v55 i8 p56.

The 4x4 plan. (block scheduling) Clarence M. Edwards Jr.Educational Leadership, Nov 1995 v53 n3 p16(4)

Ten guidelines for implementingblock scheduling.Donald G. Hackmann Educational Leadership, Nov 1995 v53 n3 p24(4).

You will then create a pro/con list for both the 4x4 schedule in place at Nottoway High School as well as the new schedule you choose to “implement”. Keep these lists and add to them as you continue your research.

Using the KWHL chart, detail individually what you know about the scheduling system you chose and then compare/contrast as a group.

Each member of the group will then choose one of the following:

  1. Create a chart or graph to compare/contrast the various scheduling plans used in Virginia during the 1994-95 school year, 2001-02 school year, and 2004-05 school year. What trends do you see?
  1. Contact school board members from your county and Chesterfield County. Find out their positive and negative feelings on 4x4 block scheduling as well as the scheduling system of your choice. Find out why they use the scheduling systems that are in place right now.
  2. Contact the principal(s) at your school and find out their positive and negative feelings on 4x4 block scheduling. Find out why they use the scheduling systems that are in place right now.
  3. Research your school’s schedule and create the “new” 2005-06 schedule based on your group research. Create charts, graphs, and other multimedia organizers to show your research.


Each student will be expected to do a self-evaluation on his or her preparation and research in addition to being evaluated by the teacher. Both student and teacher will use the following rubric:

D / C / B / A / Grade
Group Participation / Student did not contribute much to the project, and had to be guided by the teacher through the majority of the work. / Student depended on others in the group to do the majority of the work, and assisted in a minimal way with his/her share of the project. / Student participated most of the time to the group work, but needed to be guided through some of the time. / Student participated fully to the group work and did his/her share for the project.
Research / Students did not use all of the resources available to him/her during the research period and did not look for additional sources. / Students chose a few good sources and relied on them heavily for the project. / Students used all of the sources given to them and found a few additional sources to prove their point. / Student used a multitude of additional sources in addition to the sources given and researched the project thoroughly.
Use of Time / Student needed to consistently be reminded to work on their project. / Student needed to be reminded by a facilitator of group member to get to work some of the time. / Student was on task most of the time. / Student was consistently on task and working diligently on their project.


Each group is required to create a PowerPoint Presentation to present their research. The presentation must be a minimum of 10 minutes. Please make sure you plan accordingly and practice your presentation against a timer to make sure it is the correct length.

Use the Multimedia Presentation Checklist to assist you as you prepare your presentation.

Each student will be expected to do a self-evaluation on his or her PowerPoint Presentation in addition to being evaluated by the teacher. Both student and teacher will use the following rubric:

D / C / B / A / Grade
Group Participation / Student did not contribute to the presentation and allowed others in the group to present the project. / Student depended on others in the group to do the majority of the presentation, and assisted in a minimal way with his/her share of the presentation. / Student was actively involved for most of the presentation. / Student was actively involved for the duration of the presentation. / ____
Sources / Students did not use any citations for their research. / Students needed much more information to back their position. / Students did not use as much research as possible to back their position, and needed to credit their information more through their presentation. / Students used research to back their stand on the issue, and correctly cited their information. / ____
Use of Time / Students were long winded and had no obvious plan to present their information. / Students had a plan for their presentation, but allowed themselves to get off the subject during their presentation. / Students were prepared for their presentations, but did not practiced ahead of time and lost focus on what they were doing. / Student presentations were well thought out and practiced ahead of time. / ____


Pro/Con Chart

4x4 Block Scheduling / Your Choice:______
Pros / Cons / Pros / Cons

Adapted from a template from the WebQuest Page. Updated Spring 2003.