Rosshall Academy / Parent Council meeting
Action list / Date: 8th May 2013
No. / Key points and action / Date
Req’d / Name
1 / Apologies
Shirley Hargan-Kennedy
Chris Freeman
Donna Young
Cllr Watson
Pam McVeigh
Fiona Curran
Billy Green
Marie McDermott
Anne Dayer
Paula Wright
Wendy Mitchell
Nancy Loftus
Linda Lockhart
Alison Mitchell
Tracey Louden
Catriona Watson
Emma Morrison
Barry Quinn
Danny McNulty
Cllr David McDonald
Cllr iris Gibson
In Attendance (parent forum members)
Julia Innes
2 / Action list from last meeting
The minutes were agreed from the meeting 20/3/13.
Matters arising:
Catriona advised that the House bibs had been purchased. House colour still to be agreed at meeting with House Heads.
Mixed sex teams will be considered for sports teams.
Pam has identified a possible house trophy.
3 / Treasurers report
Glasgow City Council account £0.64
Fundraising account £455.49.
All cheques have been cashed.
4 / Fundraising subgroup
Had first meeting today.
Two strands to fundraising.
1.  The Enterprise approach, with the PC and school looking at how pupils can become engaged with the local community and local businesses.
2.  To continue fundraising as has been done previously.
PC could advertise local businesses in return for funding.
Apparently Glasgow City Council is not supporting IPads. PC to contact GCC to get an understanding of compatibility issues. If IPads cannot be used then what would GCC recommend.
The next meeting will be in August.
Fundraising motto for local businesses “Our School, Your Future” / 12/6/13 / WM
5 / Update on all weather facility
No update from Donna.
Anne Dayer went on a pitch inspection with Alistair Henderson some time ago. Amey are not getting told when the pitch is unplayable.
The PE department are no longer able to plan to use the pitch as the condition is often too poor to use. The weekend lets are causing problems as they tend to play on the pitch even when it is not suitable. The Janitor cannot stop them from doing so.
Pam raised concerns that the school do not have the facilities available to provide a full physical education curriculum
A meeting will be arranged with Amey, and Councillors and GCC.
RAFA have also been looking at ways to fundraise for this. / August 13 / PMV
6 / Uniform subgroup
Met for first time today.
Agreed to send out a letter to parents regarding the “buy back” of leavers blazers. Catriona agreed to draft a letter and share with the group. Aim to get this letter sent out by Tuesday 14/5/13.
£10 buy back and sell for £15. Also happy to take donations of other blazers and items of uniform but no money would be given for these. All money made from selling these would go to school funds or one of the charities that the school supports.
7 / Inservice days consultation
Agreed to support the change of the in service day from 5/6/14 to 22/5/14.
Disagreed with the change from 30/9/14 to 18/9/14 for the Scottish referendum as this did not affect RHA pupils.
8 / Additional Supported Learning (ASL) subgroup
Nancy keen to take forward an ASL subgroup in RHA. The school will send out ASL information to all parents and try to identify which parents would be interested in meeting up as a sharing and support group. Nancy agreed to write up a paragraph on ASL subgroup for the PC newsletter at the end of May.action plantion ear
xt 3 years.
ll be planned for parents.
C to sntified inthe ol so no changes will be makd to them.
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9 / Outdoor learning
Pam asked if this is something that the PC should be applying for. It was agreed that the PC should look into this. Pam will complete the application form along with Wendy, Danny and Barry.
To update at next meeting
Brookfield who is building the new SGH paediatric hospital has funding available for local community improvement projects. Barry will look into this. / 12/6/13
12/6/13 / PMV
10 / Head Teachers report
Alison gave an update on new teaching posts.
·  Annette Moultrie from St Mungos has joined the Technical Department.
·  Carol Thornton from Smithy Croft has joined the English Department.
Interviews for Physics and Biology teaching staff to take place next week.
Principal Teacher for Inclusion (VI and LAC) and Depute Head teacher for learning and teaching post to be advertised in the next few weeks.
Alison also advised the PC of the following:
·  Lunchtime stay in report - Consultation with pupils on what would encourage them to stay in school.
·  Lunchtime stay in for S1 pupils planned for all of the year. Permission from parents is required for a pupil to leave the school at lunchtime.
·  Parents to receive a letter advising that pupils should not bring unhealthy snacks (food from the carry outlets) and fizzy drinks into the school)
·  A food Kiosk will be in the playground from August. Consultation on what types of food should be sold to take place.
·  Easter revision school was well attended.
·  Nurture and curriculum are the priorities on the new Learning Community Improvement Plan.
·  Community action plan - Danny to meet with Yusuf Faisal re the new improvement plan to ensure pupils are responsible in the community.
·  Partnership groups – survey of parents re whether the curriculum is meeting learners needs.
·  An assembly took place for the S6 leavers for the first time this year, this went down well and the school will continue to build in this in coming years.
·  All year groups will move up a year as of next Monday
·  S1 visits will take place 6th and 7th of June
·  Sports leadership awards took place in the city Chambers.
·  RHA got the highest partnership award a platinum 2. This award looks at leadership groups, sports groups, etc. and is across all year groups. The award will be given to pupils at the Glasgow City Chambers on the 22/5/13.
·  S2 spy quest took place. The pupils enjoyed the event and performed and behaved well. This will be repeated with each S2 year group.
11 / Correspondence
·  Recruitment training 26 of March
·  Easter revision courses S5/6
·  GPCF meeting papers
·  Funding potential for Outdoor Learning
·  Enquire – the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning
·  Consultation on In-Service Days: Session 2013-14 and 2014-15
·  New National Qualifications – April Update
·  GPCF –Notice of our next meeting: Wednesday 15th May 2013
·  Parent Council resource brochure
·  Parent and Teacher magazine
·  PTA plus magazine
12 / AOCB
·  Kenya fundraising, trip now paid in full.
·  GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) will feature on the school improvement plan next year. Pastoral care teachers will be the pupils named individual.
·  Values trophies. Pam to email Jenny to find out what is required for this year.
·  Newsletter to be written and circulated by the end of May. Wendy will write up a paragraph on the Rosshall's Got talent fundraising event. Linda to provide report on what the PC has purchased for the school this year.
·  Parent Council focus group meeting in 7pm Wednesday 15/5/13 in Glasgow City Chambers. Nancy and Wendy will attend, others are welcome.
·  Football trophy to be awarded each year in memory of Euan Craig.
·  Stuart Crone will attend the PC meeting in June at 8pm to give a sampler of his internet safety talk for parents.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 12/6/13