Racism White supremacy Privilege Distribution Scale

There is an unwritten inhumane Law of racism/white supremacy in the United States and throughout the European World that states, this is how it works:

1.  [1]If you are white, you’re right;

2.  if you are passing you are right,

3.  if you are almost white you got hipe,

4.  if you are colored (coloured) you are ok.

5.  if your are bi-racial, you are ok,

6.  if you are multi-racial, you are ok,

7.  if you see yourself as a minority, you are ok,

8.  if you see yourself as a second class citizen, you are ok

9.  if you are light you might,

10. if you are yellow you are mellow,

11. if you are brown stick around,

12. if you are red, the reservation is your way to get ahead

13. if you are Black get back.

This does not mean that is a righteous law in deed. This is the privilege distribution system by which the unwritten law of global White supremacy/racism is allocated to the populations within each Eurological geographical location. This law has been in operation since the beginning of the perpetuation of Eurological Intellectual Cultural Supremacy (EICS) and captivity and enslavement process of BlacPeople for over 400 years.

Reverse Privilege Scale, in order to undo the racism/white supremacy we have develop some things to do counteract and teach others.

1.  If you are Black, Build your own cultural autonomy.

2.  If you are red the reservation is your way to get a head,

3.  If you are brown, build your town.

4.  If you are yellow, you are not a better fellow.

5.  If you are minority, you see your self as inferior.

6.  If you are a second class citizen, you are a fool.

7.  If you happen to be Black, you are ashamed of your culture.

8.  If you are multi-racial you make a choice and choice and live by it.

9.  If you are bi-racial, you make and choice and live by it.

10. If you are dame near white, you are not white make and choice and live by it.

11. If you are passing, you are white, and no better than anyone else.

12.If white, you are white and no better than anyone else.

According to [2]Dr. Frances C. Welsing and [3]Dr. Neely Fuller Jr. if you do not know what white supremacy/racism is, and how it works, and what it does, then everything that you know just confuses you. There is this unwritten law of white supremacy/racism has been in operation since the beginning of the perpetration of Eurological Cultural supremacy over 450 years BlacZchalaz have said it begin in the 15th and 16th Centuries of the eurological Time-Span. [4] According to Eldridge Cleaver March 1962 and talk Show host Joe Madison on WOL1450AM, in Washington, DC; “In this world and in the United States, BlacPeople and White people have been “Culturally Condition” to believe that white people are superior and BlacPeople are inferior. The manifestation of this is that BlacPeople are underestimated, marginalized, and devalued”. We must take a stand against this whenever and wherever we see this inhumanity and injustice in BlacCulture and other cultures. We must write about it and talk about our Ntalextuwl Freedom.

This unwritten law of white supremacy/racism affects us Eurologically in all parts of our lives education, law, politics, religion, standard of beauty, sex, war, love employment and culture. When you teach Eurological Studies at HBCU’s and Private and Public schools as the mandatory courses and superior knowledge, then you teach that BlacNahlej is inferior and should not be taught or should only be taught as an elective. This is Eurological Intellectual Cultural Supremacy. Blacological research has revealed to study Eurological Studies is to retrogress in the redevelopment of BlacAfrican Culture and the evolution Blacological Thult. To study Eurological studies as the bases and foundation of your Nahlej is to surrender to the perpetration of Eurological Cultural Supremacy as superior to my own Cultural Ntalextuwl Integrity. In the research of Blacology, it has revealed that to study European culture as the bases of your Nahlej is to stagnate the growth of the Innovative Authentic Monolithic Ntalextuwl Creative Genius (IAMNCG) of BlacAfrican Culture and BlacPeople. To be forced to study Eurological studies against my will is a violation of my cultural beliefs and principles. This will cause retrogression in my Ntalextuwl growth as a Blacological Zchala. This is the promotion of Eurological Cultural Supremacy and the marginalization of Blacological Cultural Thult. This causes a problem of retention by forced indoctrination of the accepting of the devaluing of Blacological Nahlej. This is parallel to teaching a Jew that Hitler is a greater and a superior thinker than all Jewish scholars. We cannot participate in our own dehumanization. Blacologically, In our HBCU we must protest this by refusing to study and perpetuate these subjects and request an assignment by BlacZchalaz. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.# II taught 2 things when it comes to our mutual progress. 1.) If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything. 2.) I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” of man’s present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the “oughtness” that forever confronts him. Blacologically speaking, when it comes to the redevelopment of BlacAfrican Culture as BlacZcyNtizt we must say this to ourselves daily, “I refuse to accept the idea… that the presence of the eurological scholars makes the BlacZchalaz morally incapable of reaching up for the BlacNahlej that forever confronts them”.

[1]The Isis Papers, The Keys To The Colors, ISBN:0-88378-104-2,LC#: 90-071890, Copyright © 1991 Dr. Frances Welsing First EditionTHIRD WORLD PRESS, P. O. BOX 19730, Chicago, IL 60619

[2] see The Isis Papers, The Keys To The Colors, ISBN:0-88378-104-2,LC#: 90-071890


[4] Joe Madison Talk Show, The Black Eagle, “Cultural Conditioning” 6AM to 10AM, Monday thru Friday, WOL 1450AM, XM169, Radio One Network, Prince Garden Pkwy, Lanham, Md., www.joemadison.com/home.index.html