Mr. Gilbert
Algebra II
Fall 2010
Phone: 240-236-7282
Each student should have earned at least a C in Geometry. Success in Algebra II will enable you to go on to other academic mathematics courses needed for higher education and promising careers. Today, a good mathematical background is needed for the best positions in nearly every field. This course will help to improve your performance on the SAT Test and is a prerequisite for Pre-Calculus.
Term Grades: 55%-Test 20%-Quizzes 10%-Homework 15%- Warm-ups/Participation There will be four or five tests each marking period. Quizzes are usually given every 2-4 sections. In Algebra, each new idea builds upon previously learned ideas. Therefore, students cannot afford to fall behind. ATTENDANCE IS CRITICAL!Homework exercises are assigned regularly. Students are encouraged to complete their mathematics homework as soon as possible so they can seek help if necessary. Homework is worth 4 points and will be checked on completeness or as a homework quiz. You must show any work necessary to complete a particular problem. Work must be done in pencil, corrections in ink!
Class participation includes: taking notes, doing any class work, and providing meaningful input when possible.
It is your responsibility to arrange make-up work within 2 days of an absence as well as to get the notes that were missed. Any quiz or test must be made up within five school days. A grade report will be sent out after each major test.
Chapter 1: Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 2: Linear Functions and Equations
Chapter 3: Linear Systems
Chapter 4: Quadratic Functions and Factoring
Chapter 5: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Chapter 6: Rational Exponents and Radical Functions
Chapter 7: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 8: Rational Functions
First marking period: 40%
Second marking period: 40%
Final: 20%
Final Exam: 2 days- both sections given at or near the end of the course
Free Response(3 Problems)Selected Response(36 Problems)
1 or 2 Calculator Problems 16 Calculator Problems
1 or 2 Non-Calculator Problems20 Non-Calculator Problems
60 Minutes (20 minutes per problem)70 Minutes (25 minutes calculator problems and 45 minutes for non-calculator)
9 points per problems1 point per problem
(27 points possible)(36 points possible)
Total Final Exam Score will be out of 63 total possible points.
-Be on time.
-Courteous and respectful to others. That includes raising your hand to speak.
-Be prepared for class: notebook, paper, graph paper, pencil, pen, ruler, a covered textbook, graphing calculator if at all possible,homework done in pencil.
-All schools rules apply in the classroom. Water is allowed.
Inappropriate behavior or academic non-performance will result in the following:
1-Teacher warning.
2-Teacher detention and parentcontact.
3-Progressive Discipline Procedures.
Please complete(PRINT) and sign the following page if you have read and understand my requirements for this course.