5/21/2016 8:00:00 AM - 5/21/2016 4:30:00 PM

Breaking the Mold in Esophageal Disorders and Treatment

You thought you knew esophageal diseases, but it's time to Break the Mold! This all day course is intended to provide up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal diseases. New diagnostic techniques and ground breaking treatment options for various esophageal diseases, such as esophageal cancer, GERD, achalasia and Barrett’s have emerged in the past few years. These developments have changed the approach, broken the mold, to esophageal diseases. This course is intended to familiarize all levels of healthcare professionals with these new developments through half day of didactic presentations and afternoon breakout sessions with hands-on demonstrations.

Objective / Content / Time Frame / Presenter / GI / Not GI
Identify pathophysiology and evolution of Barrett's esophagus. / define barretts, risk, incidence, occurance, death rates and progression of barretts Esophagus into esophageal cancer / 77.5 mins / Kimberly Venturella
Identify practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hi grade dysplasia, early esophageal adenocarcinoma, esophageal strictures caused by benign conditions, and identify the appropriate stents for fistulas, leaks and perforations. / An in-depth review of esophageal cancer, strictures that are benign or malignant will be discussed. The treatment of esophageal strictures along with the various approaches to this condition will be explored in detail. Leaks, perforations and fistulas will / 77.5 mins / John Lipham MD
Identify pathophysiology and evolution of Achalasia and the latest treatment modalities available for this condition. / achalasia symptoms, diagnosis, treatment / 77.5 mins / Nikolai Bildzukewicz, MD
Identify the different parameters on a motility study and why this very informative procedure is instrumental in the diagnosis of various esophageal disorders. / normal motility
abmormal motility
motiltiy disorder classifications
how to read motility studies / 77.5 mins / Ron Turner
Participate in the demonstration of the stent placement, motility probes and ablation catheters. / hands on demonstration and return demonstration of various treatment equipment including motility catheters, esophageal stents and RFA The participants will be able to participate in the demonstration of the stent placement, motility probes and ablation / 120 minutes / John Lipham, Kimberly Drohan-Venturella, Nikolai Bildzukewicz, Ron Turner