How to complete a Maryland 4-H Project Record Sheet

Project Record Sheets are submitted at the end of the year to show what you have accomplished in that area. Unit completions and project medals are awarded based on these records. To be considered complete, record sheets need to be completely filled out, include an oral presentation in front of at least 3 people who are not related to you, and show somewhere you have exhibited your project, be it the fair, a club meeting, school, the library, etc.

The project record sheet you will need can be downloaded from the website or you can pick up a printed copy form the county office.

You will need one record sheet for each project area you have. For example, all your crafts will go on one record sheet. Market animals will go on one sheet, breeding animals on another. If you have questions about how many sheets you will need, ask your club leader or the county office.

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Fill in all your personal information here. The size of your project refers to how many items you made or grew or how many animals you have. It can also refer to how many events you attended or participated in for things like public speaking or citizenship. Title of Activity Project Guide refers to the project workbooks you can get from the Extension office. Some counties require these from their 4-H members. We do not, but if you do use them you should fill in that information here. Tell us what you would like to do and learn in this project and please remember to have all the proper signatures!

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Project Journal Log

Communications Topic or Title – This is where you will list any speeches or demonstrations you have given on this project only. List the date, title, where you gave it, and any award received if applicable. This is only for speeches YOU gave yourself and can be on anything related to this project area. They are to be done in front of at least 3 people who are not related to you.

Exhibits – Here is the place to list all of your fair and show entries or anything you have exhibited at school or the library or anywhere else.

Learning Experiences – Did you go to a workshop? Club meeting? Read a book? Practice? List all those things here. You should have at least something for every project.

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Project Financial Journal

Please list all you expenses and income relating to this project. Even if you were given something, it should have a value you can assign to it. Don’t forget to total your columns at the bottom. We don’t care if you make a profit or not, but want you to see what your project costs are and learn to be aware of finances.

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List resources you used to complete your project.

The Life Skills section can be tricky for some people. If you need help, talk to your leader.

Tell us what you thought of this project. Did you like it? Would you do it again?

Supplemental Piece

This is to be a ONE PAGE attachment to show the judges something about your project you can’t get through just by filling out the sheet. Many people like to attach pictures. You can include a recipe, pattern, or anything you like. Market Animal Projects must print out and include the Project Animal Information Sheet (found on this website or from the office)