Dear Parents,

We have had a fun start to kindergarten in room 112! These first days of school were busy and hot. There were many tired and worn out children near the end of the day! For many, it is quite a transition being in school for a full day. However, after a few weeks, everyone should adjust to the new routines without a problem. 

This week we read some nursery rhymes and enjoyed some getting-to-know-you activities. We also received some notes from our class bear named Teddy. His notes took us on tours of Parkdale as we searched for him. We finally found him today, and the children are looking forward to having a turn to bring him home for a visit.

Thank you to those of you who have already returned the many forms that were sent home this week. If you haven’t already done so, please return the forms to school next week. Please be sure to check your child’s BEE folder for all necessary forms. Thank you for remembering to send this folder to school every day!

Kindergarten Information Night will be held on Wednesday, September 14that 6:00 p.m. This night is for parents only as I will be giving a presentation about the kindergarten curriculum and class procedures. Sign-up sheets will be available for parent-teacher conferences and classroom parties. I look forward to seeing you then!

Attached you will find an “All About Me” sheet. Please fill it out and return it to school next weekto be compiled into our first class book. The children will take turns bringing the book home to share with their families. It has been such a pleasure getting to know the children in our class. It is a wonderful group, and I am really looking forward to a great school year! Have a terrific weekend


Mrs. Hayes