Charli Cooksey was born in St. Louis, Missouri on December 18, 1986. She is the daughter of Mary Wheeler-Jones and Charles T. Cooksey. Charli was not only born, but also raised in St. Louis. Her father had premonitions of Charli becoming a ballerina, as her mother was pregnant with her. Ironically, when Charli was born she had an innate talent for dancing. At an early age Charli was enrolled into dance classes. Dance soon consumed her extracurricular time. She went on to attend a performing arts middle of the St. Louis Public Schools District. Along with dancing, Charli acquired a love and talent for tennis. Between the performing arts and tennis, Charli’s childhood was consumed with balancing Alvin Ailey summer camps with intense United States Tennis Association camps. When high school approached, Charli, while still maintaining a love for ballet and tennis, developed a desire to serve her community and the nation through politics.

During high school, Charli would sometimes miss school to volunteer for the Kerry campaign despite her age making her too young to vote. The active involvement in student council and various campaigns inspired Charli to choose political science as her undergraduate major. Charli attended Prairie View A&M University following her high school years. She entered school on a tennis scholarship, but her passion for politics and community activism soon overpowered her tennis career. While at Prairie View A&M University, a HBCU outside of Houston, Texas, she saw first hand the injustice being imposed on her classmates and others around the world. She became heavily involved in local movements demanding fair voting rights for Prairie View college students. Charli felt obliged to help students become aware of the voter disenfranchisement they were victims of. Thousands of students became registered to vote under Charli’s leadership along with other student leaders and organizations. Cooksey was even part of the efforts to organize a successful 1,000+ student march to the site of early voting, which was a 7 mile distance from the college campus that housed over 50% of the voters in the county. Furthermore, while Charli attended Prairie View A&M University, she organized the founding of the first Young Democrats Club on campus, initiated voter registration as apart of freshman orientation, and organized forums for political candidates to introduce themselves to the students, as well as serve as the campus coordinator for the Obama presidential campaign. Cooksey even ran for a position on the Waller County School Board, but lost to an incumbent.

Following college, Charli had ambitions of attending law school until approached by Teach For America. Teach For America’s mission aligned with Charli’s personal goal of being of service those disenfranchised and unjustly represented in mainstream America. Teach For America seemed like the perfect opportunity to serve and attempt to help solve a disturbing crisis that exist within America- the education achievement gap. Therefore, law school could wait as providing deserving students with a quality education was an urgent and necessary task in Charli’s eyes. Charli Cooksey is currently a sixth grade English teacher at Compton Drew Investigative Learning Center Middle School. Being an educator has been the most challenging and fulfilling experience of her life thus far and she looks forward to helping make a difference and open doors for youth in inner city St. Louis.

Charli plans to attend law school following her Teach For America commitment, then open her own school that grooms inner city youth to become community activist and use politics as a vehicle to help edify their community.

  • Charli’s Quote:

Every student is a G (Genius). It is simply the teacher’s obligation to help activate and bring out the G inside of them. A child is not a student until you as an educator have successfully taught them…how to be a G- how to think like a Genius, inquire like a Genius, achieve like a Genius, and progress like one, never being stagnant and always thirsty for more knowledge about themselves and the world they live in.

  • Motto Quote:

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” –Dr. Martin Luther King


LP1 / Date: TBD
Students will be able to / Students will be able to pre-write in response to a writing prompt and topic
By the end of class, what should your students be able to do, know, or answer? / Students will be provided with a writing prompt and as their exit slip/ assessment, they must complete the QPOBTt23aAV Pre-Write formula (something I created) properly to get out their thoughts before writing the actual essay. Major things students must be able to do as a result of the Pre-Write Formula are create a T (thesis), 3 Bs (main idea of each body paragraph), 2s (supporting details in body paragraphs)
Spiraled Skills
What other skills will be touched upon or reviewed during class? How will this be integrated? Please choose at least one other skill. / Proper grammar usage: commas in appropriate location, periods, capitalization
What is the purpose of this lesson? / Do Now: What do you do when you have a lot of blank paper and someone actually expects you to fill all of the papers with words, sentences, and thoughts?
Rationale: I want students to understand writing as a process, not just a “I write a quick essay without any preparation.” They need to learn how to organize their thoughts and ideas before putting them in essay form.
Introduction to New Material: / Step 3: Pre-Write Formula: QPOBTt23aAV
  • Q (Question): Turn the topic from the writing prompt into a question you can answer in essay form
  • P (Position): Take a position on the topic. What is your answer to the question
  • O (Opener/Closer): What strategy will you use to open and close your essay?
  • B (Brainstorm 3 Main Ideas): Each B (B1,B2, B3) will be the main idea of a body paragraph and support your T(Thesis)
  • Formula- T=P+B1,B3, and B3
  • t (Thesis Remix): restate the thesis in the conclusion paragraph
  • Formula- To close, since B1, B2, and B3, P
  • 2 (Major Details): must state two reasons for the Bs using the transition words First, … and Second,… (two 2s per body paragraph)
  • 3a (3 adjectives): Must open with 3 negative adjectives describing life without P and T. Must close with 3 positive adjectives describing life with T and P
  • A (Audience): Did I consider my audience as I pre-wrote?
  • V (Vivid language): Did I use vivid language in all of the paragraphs?
  • B1? B2? B3?
  • -3a?
  • +3a?

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice: / Guided Practice: Students will be divided into small groups for the duration of the Writing Unit. They will respond to a writing prompt collectively and create a Pre-Write together. (HEAVY TEACHER INVOLVEMENT AND HELP)
Independent Practice: Students will independently respond to a different writing prompt as their exit slip by following the Pre-Write Formula. The group will grade, evaluate, and provide feedback to one another about the independent practice, then I will grade and provide feedback as well. (My grade will be the final grade for the exit slip).
How will students receive feedback on their performance? How will you determine evidence of mastery? / Students will receive the feedback and time for corrections the next day.
Students must demonstrate 80% mastery and must show understanding of how to create the Bs and T
LP2 / Date: TBD
Students will be able to / Students will be able to compose an introduction paragraph
By the end of class, what should your students be able to do, know, or answer? / Students will be provided with the same writing prompt as before and as their exit slip/ assessment, they must create an introduction paragraph in response to the writing prompt, applying necessary letters from the Pre-Write Formula (-3a, T, V, A- stay aware of audience)
Spiraled Skills
What other skills will be touched upon or reviewed during class? How will this be integrated? Please choose at least one other skill. / Proper grammar usage: commas in appropriate location, periods, capitalization
What is the purpose of this lesson? / Do Now: How do you catch the reader’s attention when writing an essay?
Rationale: I want students to understand that when writing you must consider your audience, make it relevant, and most importantly captivating. Students need to get the reader invested in their essay through the introduction paragraph as well as clearly state their thesis
Introduction to New Material: / Step 4: Introduction Paragraph
  • 10 sentences
  • Sentence 1: -3awhat would life be like without your P(position on the topic)?
  • Sentence 2: These words all describeexplain what the -3a is talking about
  • Sentence 3: Try to imagine a life like thisgrab reader’s attention and pull them into the picture you are painting
  • Sentences 4-8: Describe the 5 senses without your P Paint a negative picture, so reader’s will eventually realize how important your P and T are)
  • Sentence 9: Connector explain how the 5 senses connect your T(thesis) that you are about to state
  • EX: This ugly picture is nothing you want to experience, that is why…
  • Sentence 10: T

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice: / Guided Practice: Students will be divided into small groups for the duration of the Writing Unit. They will collectively respond to the same writing prompt from before and create an Introduction Paragraph. (HEAVY TEACHER INVOLVEMENT AND HELP)
Independent Practice: Students will independently respond to the same writing prompt as from their pre-write formula day and submit a completed introduction paragraph. The group will grade, evaluate, and provide feedback to one another about the independent practice, then I will grade and provide feedback as well. (My grade will be the final grade for the exit slip).
How will students receive feedback on their performance? How will you determine evidence of mastery? / Students will receive the feedback and time for corrections the next day.
Students must demonstrate 80% mastery (8/10 sentences correct) and MUST include the T as the last sentence.
LP3 / Date: TBD
Students will be able to / Students will be able to compose a body paragraph
By the end of class, what should your students be able to do, know, or answer? / Students will be provided with a writing prompt and as their exit slip/ assessment, they must create a six sentence power paragraph that supports the T and the B
Spiraled Skills
What other skills will be touched upon or reviewed during class? How will this be integrated? Please choose at least one other skill. / Proper grammar usage: commas in appropriate location, periods, capitalization
What is the purpose of this lesson? / Do Now: How do you organize your thoughts from the Pre-Write Formula into something meaningful and understandable to the reader?
Rationale: Students need to know how to organize thoughts in paragraph form with supporting details and examples that ultimately all point to the writers T and position on the topic.
Introduction to New Material: / Step 5: The Body Paragraphs are done in Power Paragraph format (they already learned how to write a Power Paragraph)
  • The formula: 1,2,3,2,3,4 (explains type of sentence and order)
  • 1= Main Idea (B1, B2, or B3)
  • 2= Major detail (reason explaining B1/ Main Idea)
  • 3= Supporting detail (example, detail from passage, or further explain 3)
  • 2= (2nd) Major detail (reason explaining B1/ Main Idea)
  • 3= Supporting detail supporting second 2 (example, detail from passage, or further explain your second 3)
  • 4= Conclusion (restate the B/main idea, also including a closing paragraph transition such as To close,… In conclusion, ….)

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice: / Guided Practice: Students will be divided into small groups for the duration of the Writing Unit. They will collectively respond to the same writing prompt from before and create their B1 Body Paragraph, which is their first body paragraph. (HEAVY TEACHER INVOLVEMENT AND HELP)
Independent Practice: Students will independently respond to the same writing prompt as from their pre-write formula day and submit a completed B1 Body Paragraph. The group will grade, evaluate, and provide feedback to one another about the independent practice, then I will grade and provide feedback as well. (My grade will be the final grade for the exit slip).
How will students receive feedback on their performance? How will you determine evidence of mastery? / Students will receive the feedback and time for corrections the next day.
Students must demonstrate 80% mastery and must stay on topic and have all six sentences.
LP4 / Date: TBD
Students will be able to / Students will be able to compose a conclusion paragraph
By the end of class, what should your students be able to do, know, or answer? / Students will be provided with the same writing prompt from their last exit slip and as their exit slip/ assessment for today, they must complete create a six sentence conclusion paragraph.
Spiraled Skills
What other skills will be touched upon or reviewed during class? How will this be integrated? Please choose at least one other skill. / Proper grammar usage: commas in appropriate location, periods, capitalization
What is the purpose of this lesson? / Do Now: Once you come up with an awesome introduction and clear, concise body paragraphs, how do you end strong?
Rationale: Students must learn writing has organization. It starts strong and ends strong re-state the thesis while still holding the audiences attention.
Introduction to New Material: / Step 4: Conclusion Paragraph
  • 6 sentences
  • Sentence 1: t/ thesis remix- copy straight from Pre-Write formula
  • Sentence 2: Connector- connect the thesis remix to the 3 positive adjectives you are about to use
  • Sentence 3-4: Choose any two senses you want to describe positively explaining how wonderful life is with your position and T
  • Sentence 5: You feel (sense) described
  • Sentence 6: Pull the reader in
  • EX: Try to imagine a life like that!

Guided Practice/ Independent Practice: / Guided Practice: Students will be divided into small groups for the duration of the Writing Unit. They will collectively respond to the same writing prompt from before and create Conclusion Paragraph. (HEAVY TEACHER INVOLVEMENT AND HELP)
Independent Practice: Students will independently respond to the same writing prompt as from their pre-write formula day and submit a completed Conclusion Paragraph. The group will grade, evaluate, and provide feedback to one another about the independent practice, then I will grade and provide feedback as well. (My grade will be the final grade for the exit slip).
How will students receive feedback on their performance? How will you determine evidence of mastery? / Students will receive the feedback and time for corrections the next day.
Students must demonstrate 80% mastery and must restate the T using t/thesis remix.
Teacher: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Week 1 / Introduction:
  • Student Handout
  • Outline
  • Calendar
  • Expectations
  • Groups
/ Students learn the major types of writings: PEND (Persuasive, Expository, Narrative, Descriptive)
  • Students learn how to choose appropriate type based on information in prompt
/ Students learn the major elements of an Expository essay
  • Look at a lot of models and student exemplars
/ Students learn how to break down a writing prompt and read it effectively (Step 1) / Quiz: Everything assessing what was learned throughout the week
  • Teacher grades quizzes and returns on Monday

Week 2 / Students receive feedback based on quiz, Teacher identifies any major, consistent errors common among entire class
  • Groups make corrections to quiz
  • Students retake quiz again for mastery
/ Students learn how to breakdown a writing prompt to properly respond and writing an effective essay (Step 2)
  • Students vote on group writing prompt
/ Students learn TAPT process (Step 2): figuring out topic, audience, purpose, and type of writing (expository this part of the unit)
  • Groups complete Step 1 and 2 for chosen writing prompt
  • Students independently complete Steps 1&2 for personal essays
/ Students learn the first half of the Pre-Write Formula (Step 3): QPOBT
  • Apply knowledge to group essay
  • Apply knowledge to independent essay through an exit slip
/ Quiz assessing students mastery of things learned from the week