Mersea Road Doctors Surgery

Patient Group Minutes – 3 August 2011 : 6.30pm 272a Mersea Road


Nicky Young (Practice Manager), Dr Stacey (Partner)

Terry Sutton, Joanne Jackson, Christine Ward, Di Powell, Tony Day, Sue Amos, Ken Warne, Mark & Nicholle Scott, Judith Vanstone


John Whitson, Sue Wooldridge, Raymond Whiting, Jean Males, Rupert Edwards


The initial indication is that we will be moving to the Garrison during April/May 2012 – however, the plans need to be agreed, the work put out to tender, work undertaken and all the necessary fixtures and fittings installed before this can happen. Everyone is positive that this move will enable us to provide better patient service e.g. all doctors will be on one site so it should be easier to see your preferred doctor. In the long term the doctors are also hoping to provide other services such as carpal tunnel and vasectomies.

Dr Gatland Retirement

Interviews are currently scheduled for September. The plan is to replace Dr Gatland and take on another part time doctor. However, this is subject to the suitability of the candidates – if the Partners consider none of the candidates to be suitable they will not appoint. The aim is for a period of stability as once Dr Gatland retires the remaining Partners will all have been with the surgery for 2 years or less.

It is the length of time at the surgery which denotes who will be Senior Partner – hence Dr Goel will become Senior Partner once Dr Gatland retires.


Two new registrars are starting in August – James Mudeke, who will be with us for 1 year, and Mary Chesterman, who will be with us for 6 months.

New Notice Board

We are trying to develop a Mersea Road Surgery noticeboard – with local information. To date we have got as far as putting up photos of everyone who works here which should make it easier to put names to faces.

Evening Surgery

Evening surgeries used to be provided on a Monday & Wednesday. However as most bank holidays are Mondays on those weeks there were less evening appointments so this has now been changed to Tuesday and Wednesday 6.30 – 8.30pm.


Although the majority of scripts are available within 48 hours we actually state 60 hours to ensure we are fully compliant. Some of the extra time is taken up with transporting scripts to and from Creffield Road to enable doctors to sign them. Again, this is something which will be rectified when we move to the Garrison.

Patient Questionnaire

At the last meeting we discussed the Patient Questionnaire, however, all the additional questions suggested related to how people felt about the move to the Garrison – the PCT will provide patient surveys specifically for this purpose.

It was agreed to use the same questionnaire just remove the question regarding preferred doctor.

Patient Group

Ideally the Patient Group will grow to represent all patients and hence we would encourage people of all ages etc. to join.

Did Not Attend (DNA)

DNA figures as promised:-

May 243

June 231

July 221

Figures remain constant despite text reminders and letters being sent to “repeat offenders”.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 6 October 2011 @ 6.30pm at Mersea Road.

NB need to avoid the 3rd and 4th Thursdays of the month if possible to ensure everyone ca attend.