Center for Women’s Ministries, Inc. ®

Center Director Manual

Expectations for Center Directors

Reporting Volunteer Hours: Time spent doing anything for the ministry should be recorded, whether it is at the local CWM, the national office, delivering speeches or interviews, making phone calls from home, or traveling and participating in a relevant workshop which will advance your skills to do the work God has called you to do. Careful records will more accurately reflect the awesome work that goes into leading this special ministry.

Staff Meetings: Center directors (CDs) and/or assistant center directors (ACDs) are expected to participate in three staff meetings annuallyas conducted by their regional director (RD). Regional directors will determine dates and agendas for the meetings with input from national. A schedule with dates, times and location for the regional meetings for the coming year is distributed in January by the RD. National will also send a calendar of events in December notifying CDs of events sponsored by national for the coming year.

CDs are asked to submit by email a one-page quarterly center report and 3-4 prayer requests to HQ. Refer to national’s annual calendar of events for dates when reports are due.

The CD meetings generally include the following aspects: Spiritual development,updates on new CWM protocol or review, continuing education training, a report from national, center reports from each director, and prayer time. Meeting, lunch and travel time should be included in volunteer hours reporting. Please mark your calendar for the year and plan to attend all the meetings. It is sweet fellowship with kindred spirits!

Retreats: Two retreats are held annually.

1)NationalSpring Leadership Retreat: Sponsored by national, this is a wonderful opportunity for longer learning sessions during a weekend retreat for RDs, CDs, ACDs, and national staff and board members, and is held usually in late April or early May in IN. Dates, times and location are listed on national’s calendar of events.

2)Regional All-Volunteer Retreat: This event is for all volunteers within their respective regions. The RD will organize and implement the agenda for the retreat with the assistance of area CDs. Times and locations will be determined by each region and included on their regional calendar of events.

Meeting, meals together and travel time, but not sleep or personal care time, should be included in volunteer hours reporting.

Advanced Training Requirements:Volunteers are required to seek out and participate in relevant continuing education activities. Eight hours of advanced training are required annually for the following volunteer positions: CD/ACD, prayer coordinator, advisory committee member, volunteer coordinator, counseling volunteer, Bible study coordinator, Bible study leader, support group coordinator, support group facilitator, office manager, training supervisor, resource manager, teen service coordinator and teen counseling volunteer.

Volunteers from national CWM and several local CWMs belong to the American Association of Christian Counselors. AACC conducts regional, national and world conferences that offer workshops that can count as advanced training. When we learn about workshops presented by other Christian professionals within an area, national attempts to inform all local CWMs. (See Center Director Manual/Program/Guidelines for Advanced Training for more criteria on advanced trainingrequirements) Meeting, meals and travel time, but not sleep or personal care time, should be included in volunteer hours reporting.

Leadership Appointment: When appointing leadership within a center, the RD will be responsible to inform national of candidates for the position of CD/ACD before approaching that volunteer to prayerfully consider the position. If she agrees to be considered for the position, the volunteer will fill out the CD/ACD Application form and the Ministry Style Assessment (See Center Director Manual/Personnel), make a copy of both for her records and send copies to national. The assistant for center development in the US (ACDUS) will conduct an interview in person, by phone or by Skype with the candidate. The executive director (ED) and the ACDUS will conduct CD interviews, and the ACDUS and RD will conduct ACD interviews.

The RD will be responsible to conduct the annual Leadership Development Inquiry (See Center Director Manual/Accountability) with each CD in the region and submit copies to national upon completion.

The CD is responsible for appointing positions within the local center. The RD is available to assist in this process.

Should a change in leadership within a center be necessary, contact the RD and national, and they will assist you in the process of leadership succession. (See Center Director Manual/Personnel/Guidelines for Leadership Succession)

Closing Doors: At no time should a committee or leadership of a CWM close down operations without first seeking assistance from the RD and national, well in advance of “no turning back.” It is our conviction that God keeps His promises; He will do what He said He would do, though perhaps not in the way we expect, and the RD and national will labor alongside you to help discern His way. (See Center Director Manual/Accountability/Guidelines for Closing a Center)

Center Director Manual/Accountability

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