
Without software a computer is just a pile of electronics which gives off heat. If the hardware is the heart of a computer then the software is its soul.Software is a set of computer instructions that tells a computer what to do. As opposed to hardware, software doesn't exist in a tangible form.

Follow the program

Programs make up almost all software. For instance, your Internet browser is software. It's made up of many programs that communicate with one another to make the browser work. A program is a set of computer instructions that perform a particular task. Programmers create programs by writing in a programming language.That program can be written in assembler, a very low level computer language, or in a high level, machine independent language such as the C programming language. This language is how the program talks to the computer.

What is an operating system?

An operating system is a collection of system programs which allow the user to run application software. The operating system abstracts the real hardware of the system and presents the system's users and its applications with a virtual machine. In a very real sense the software provides the character of the system. Most PCs can run one or more operating systems and each one can have a very different look and feel. The Windows you are working with is an operational system that allow you to install, use and manipulate with other software applications.

Application software

According to your application you would like to perform you have to prove the appropriate software to work with. For instance there are different softwares for writing a document, others for mathematical analysis and different for creating databases and manipulating information. Software applications and basic instruction on how to use them are presented in the MUSE training platform in following sections.

What's an installer?

Almost every program comes with an installer. To be able to use a software application most of the times you have to install it firstly in your computer. The installer is a program that unpacks all the programs and files that make your software work. Those programs and files are usually packed away in compressed files to save space and help prevent copying. The installer also tells your operating system that the software is installed and where to find it.