A parish of the R.C. Diocese of Galloway. Charity No. SC010576


Parish Priest: Fr. Eamonn; Address: 28 Greenock Road, Largs KA30 8NE;
Tel. 01475 672324; Website:; Twitter: @SMarysLargs

Response to the Psalm: “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul”.

WEEKDAY MASS: 10am Daily (except Tuesday) including Saturday (1st Saturday of the month)

Tomorrow (Monday) is the Solemnity of St Andrew.

The Rosary is said before Mass each day during the week beginning at 9.40am.

Saturday Vigil 6pm; Sunday 10am

Saturday after morning Mass and after the Vigil Mass.

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Will take place each Tuesday from 10.30 - 11.30am. and on Saturday (1st Saturday) from after Mass until 4.30pm.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please remember all the sick for whom prayers have been requested. See the book at Our Lady’s statue.
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: including Joe McCabe (Brisbane St.), Donald McLean (Fairlie), and Catriona McAllister (Kilbirnie).
FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR ABOUT THIS TIME: including Rose Taggart, Kathleen McKendry, Stephen McGurk.


Tea / Coffee in the hall after 10am Mass.

NOVEMBER – MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: The final Mass for the Holy Souls will be celebrated tomorrow (Monday) at 10am Mass

ADVENT TALKS ON OUR LADY: I propose to give two talks under the title “What are they (Scripture Scholars) saying about Mary”. These talks would include some historical background and present insights into the Church’s present thinking on Mary. They will take place this Wednesday 2nd and 9th December 7.30 – 8.30pm. Followed by Tea. If you would like to attend, please put your name on the list on the noticeboard in the porch.
A ‘TAIZE EVENING’: will take place on Wednesday 16th 7.30 – 8.30pm.

“HALL FOR ALL”– FUND-RAISING BAG PACKING MORRISONS, Saturday December 5th. The Committee have organised a Bag-Packing event at Morrisons supermarket in Largs next Saturday 5th Dec. between the hours of 10am & 4pm. The day will be divided into rotas of two hours. Rotas: 10am – 12;
12 – 2pm; 2 – 4pm. Eight checkouts will be manned. A member of the Fundraising Committee will be present in the porch this weekend to take names of volunteers to help at the checkouts. If you can, please volunteer to help. The success of the event depends entirely on the number of volunteers. If needing to contact a member of the committee, phone Joe 673209.

CATHEDRAL SUNG EVENING PRAYER FOR ADVENT: In St Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr, today, Sunday at 6pm. All welcome.

SSVP - SENIOR CITIZEN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: (Please note change of date) will be held on Saturday 19th Dec. (seated for 1p.m.). If you would like to attend please add name to the list in porch as soon as possible, indicating if transport is required.


CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS NATIVITY PLAY: Will take place during 10am Mass on Sunday 20th December. No rehearsal today. They continue next Sunday (6th), after 10am Mass. Dress rehearsal 13th Dec. will last approx. 2 hrs.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Meeting of the Pastoral Council this Tuesday, 1st Dec. (not Wednesday), in small room off sacristy at 7pm.

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Meet this Tuesday, 1st Dec. in the sacristy at 7.30pm.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR THE NEW HALL: Will be taken up NEXT WEEKEND. Gift-Aid envelopes are available on the seats today. Thanks for your continued support. Make cheques payable to St. Mary’s Hall.

EMBRACING CHANGE AND THE YEAR OF MERCY: Following on from the Parish Conversations, we are all invited to join in a prayer service and social gathering on Sunday 6th Dec., at 2pm at St Peter in Chains, Ardrossan. This will be our first step together in responding to Pope Francis’ call throughout the Year of Mercy. Please be part of this important gathering. Donations of home baking for the tea after the service would also be greatly appreciated. These can be left at the hall from 1pm.

St Mary’s Primary on Tuesday 1, Dec. at 3.30 - 7.30 pm Tickets £2 adult; £1 concession; £5 family to include mince pie/shortbread & drink.

BENEDICTINE MONASTERY CHRISTMAS FAYRE: will be held on Saturday 5th Dec. 12.45 – 4p.m. Tickets will be on sale after both Masses this weekend – Adult £2; child 50p. or pay at door.

THE GALLOWAY NEWSLETTER is available in the porch this weekend.

1ST LARGS BOYS’ BRIGADE: Christmas Fayre Dunn Memorial Hall, on Saturday 5th Dec. 10am – 12.30pm. £2. CHRISTMAS POST cards for Largs Area only collected in church next weekend. ‘POST OFFICE’ daily from 7th – 11th Dec. in Dunn Memorial Hall from 10a.m. – 12noon & 2pm – 4pm. Cards also collected in ‘Halidays’ and ‘Superdrug. Donation 20p per card.

IAN RUTHERFORD - Sincere thanks to all who sponsored Ian in the recent Cologne Half Marathon. £520 was raised for the Beatson Pebble Appeal.