Create a Lesson Plan to teach Rules for EACH Location (3 separate Lesson Plans):

(See Attachment in Brainshark for Rules Lesson Plan SAMPLE)

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 1: Cafeteria
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart all rules under this location) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Treat others with respect. / Follow directions the first time / Multiple redirects.
Listen as staff members are speaking. / Good body language. / Defensive body language.
Use kind words. / Proper Manners. / Cursing/Inappropriate language.

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

District-provided character education

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

Staff will model appropriate behavioral interactions and provide ongoing character education. School guidance counselors will regularly discuss character education with groups of students, whole classes, and individual students as needed. Students will participate in classroom discussions that focus on providing modeling and activities to encourage respectful behavior, active listening, and using kind words.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Initial behavior assemblies/presentations during September 2016
2. Ongoing lessons/activities in classrooms
3. Support lessons for specific students as needed
4. Refresher/reminder lessons at the beginning of each quarter
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Administration, Support Staff, Guidance Counselors, Members of the RtI: B team, Classroom Teachers

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 2: Classroom
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Treat others with respect. / Being helpful. / Rude interactions.
Listen as staff members are speaking. / Eye-contact (cultural) / Inattentive posture.
Use kind words. / Complimentary language. / Insulting language.

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

District-provided character education

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

Staff will model appropriate behavioral interactions and provide ongoing character education. School guidance counselors will regularly discuss character education with groups of students, whole classes, and individual students as needed. Students will participate in classroom discussions that focus on providing modeling and activities to encourage respectful behavior, active listening, and using kind words.

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Initial behavior assemblies/presentations during September 2016
2. Ongoing lessons/activities in classrooms
3. Support lessons for specific students as needed
4. Refresher/reminder lessons at the beginning of each quarter
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Administration, Support Staff, Guidance Counselors, Members of the RtI: B team, Classroom Teachers

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 3: Cafeteria
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Treat others with respect. / Be considerate of others. / Not helping others.
Listen as staff members are speaking. / Engaging / Ignoring
Use kind words. / Using manners (Please, Thank you) / Sarcastic answers

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

District-provided character education

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

Staff will model appropriate behavioral interactions and provide ongoing character education. School guidance counselors will regularly discuss character education with groups of students, whole classes, and individual students as needed. Students will participate in classroom discussions that focus on providing modeling and activities to encourage respectful behavior, active listening, and using kind words.

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. Initial behavior assemblies/presentations during September 2016
2. Ongoing lessons/activities in classrooms
3. Support lessons for specific students as needed
4. Refresher/reminder lessons at the beginning of each quarter
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
Administration, Support Staff, Guidance Counselors, Members of the RtI: B team, Classroom Teachers