Dr Piers Patten’s publications

Patten PEM, Ferrer G, Chen SS, Simone R, Marsilio S, Yan XJ, Gitto Z, Yuan C, Kolitz JE, Barrientos J, Allen SL, Rai KR, MacCarthy T, Chu CC, Chiorazzi N. (2016). Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells diversify and differentiate in vivo via a nonclassical Th1-dependent, Bcl-6-deficient process. JCI Insight2016 Apr 7;1(4). pii: e86288. PMID: 27158669

Pasikowska M, Walsby E, Apollonio B, Cuthill K, Phillips E, Coulter E, Longhi MS, Ma Y, Yallop D, Barber LD, Patten PEM, Fegan C, Ramsay AG, Pepper C, Devereux S, Buggins AG. (2016). Phenotype and immune function of lymph node and peripheral blood CLL cells are linked to transendothelial migration. Blood,2016 Jul 28;128(4):563-73. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-01-683128. Epub 2016 Jun 1.PMID: 27252234

Mehra, V., Pomplum, S., Ireland, R., Yallop, D., Devereux, S., Marcus, R., Shah, C., Patten, PEM, and Kassam, S. (2016). ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma with strong CD30 expression; a diagnostic pitfall and resistance to brentuximab and crizotinib.Histopathology 2016 May 30. doi: 10.1111/his.13002. Epub ahead of printPMID: 27238948

Patten, P.E.M., Chu, C.C., and Chiorazzi, N. Chapter 5.1 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma in Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Advanced Diagnostics and Personalized Therapies. Carbone A, Younes A (Eds). Future Medicine, London, UK. DOI: 10.2217/EBO.12.257 June 2013.

Patten, P.E.M., Chu, C.C., Albesiano, E., Damle, R.N., Yan, XJ., Kim, D., Zhang, L., Magli, A.R., Barrientos, J., Kolitz, J.E., Allen ,S.A., Rai ,K.R., Roa, S., Mongini, P.K., MacCarthy, T., Scharff, M.D. and Chiorazzi, N. IGHV unmutated and mutated chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells produce activation-induced deaminase protein with a full range of biologic functions. Blood. 2012; 120(24): 4802-4811. PMID: 23071276

Chu, C.C., Zhang, L., Dhayalan, A., Agagnina, B.M., Magli, A.R., Fraher, G., Didier, S., Johnson, L.P., Kennedy, W.J., Damle, R.N., Yan, X.J., Patten, P.E.M., Teichberg, S., Koduru, P., Kolitz, J.E., Allen, S..L, Rai, K.R., Chiorazzi, N. Torque teno virus 10 isolated by genome amplification techniques from a patient with concomitant chronic lymphocytic leukemia and polycythemia vera. Mol Med. 2011;17: 1338-1348. PMID: 21953418

Buggins, A.G.S., Levi, A., Gohil, S., Fishlock, K., Patten, P.E.M., Calle, Y., Yallop, D., Devereux, S.Evidence for a macromolecular complex in poor prognosis CLL that contains CD38, CD49d, CD44 and MMP-9. Br J Haematol. 2011;154 (2): 216-222. PMID:21569005

Bagnara, D., Kaufman, M. S., Calissano, C., Marsilio, S., Patten, P.E.M., Simone, R., Chum, P., Yan, X. J., Allen, S. L., Kolitz, J. E., Baskar, S., Rader, C., Mellstedt, H., Rabbani, H., Lee, A., Gregersen, P. K., Rai, K. R. Chiorazzi, N.A novel adoptive transfer model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia suggests a key role for T lymphocytes in the disease. Blood 2011;117(20): 5463-72. PMID: 21385850.

Buggins, A.G.S., Pepper, C., Patten, P.E.M., Hewamana, S., Gohil, S., Moorhead, J., Folarin, N., Yallop, D., Thomas, N.S.B., Mufti, G.J., Fegan, C., Devereux, S. Interaction with vascular endothelium enhances survival in primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells via NF-kB activation and de novo gene transcription. Cancer Research 2010; 70 (19): 7523-7533. PMID: 20736369.

Patten, P.E.M., Buggins, A.G.S., Richards, J., Wotherspoon, A., Salisbury, J., Mufti, G.J., Hamblin, T.J., Devereux, S. CD38 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is regulated by the tumor microenvironment. Blood 2008; 111 (10): 5173-5181. PMID: 18326821.

Buggins, A.G.S., Patten, P.E.M., Richards, J., Thomas, N.S.B., Mufti, G.J., Devereux, S. Tumor-derived IL-6 may contribute to the immunological defect in CLL. Leukemia 2008; 22 (5): 1084–1087. PMID: 17972945.

Patten, P.E.M., Devereux, S. Lymphoma diagnosis: An update. Clinical Medicine 2007 Vol 7 Issue 6 pp 620-624. PMID: 18193715.

Richards, J., Yvonne Morgan, G., Pearce, L., Patten, P.E.M., Mufti, G.J., Devereux, S. Laser capture microscopy as a tool for the assessment of lineage-specific chimaerism from archived blood and bone marrow films. British Journal of Haematology 2007 Vol 136 Issue 4 pp 677-678. PMID: 17367416.

Patten, P.E.M., Devereux, S., Buggins, ASG. Effect of CD3/CD28 bead-activated and expanded T cells on leukemic B cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Journal of Immunology 2005 Vol 174 Issue 11 pp 6562-6563. PMID: 15905490.

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