Universitatea din Bucureşti

Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine

Centrul de limbi străine Ariel

Strada Pitar Moş, Nr. 7 – 13, Bucureşti

Telefon: +40 21 318 15 86

Fax: +40 21 318 15 85


© Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997

NAME: ______


SCORE: _____out of 100


  1. Complete these sentences with ten different words or particles. (10 marks)
  1. Eating too many chips and crisps isn’t ______.
  2. I was very ______when I didn’t know the answer. Everyone laughed at me.
  3. Would you mind filling ______this form?
  4. I’m looking ______my cardigan. Have you seen it?
  5. Can you ______this sink? It’s filthy.
  6. How many goals did your team ______?
  7. Why don’t you leave now? I’ll ______up with you.
  8. My younger brother swims like a ______.
  9. There’s a spectacular ______from the roof of the hotel.
  10. I’ve cut my finger. Can you put a ______on it?
  1. Complete the sentences with one of the words in brackets. (10 marks)

Example: Come and look at this. (look/watch)

  1. Can you ______me some money? (borrow/lend)
  2. Please ______me my diary. (bring/lend)
  3. Can you ______the table? (lay/lie)
  4. I’ve ______my briefcase at home. (forgotten/left)
  5. You haven’t ______any mistakes. (done/made)
  6. Where did you ______these apples? (buy/sell)
  7. I’m ______my exam results very soon. (expecting/waiting)
  8. I didn’t ______television last night. (see/watch)
  9. When did you ______your handbag? (loose/lose)
  10. Passports are always ______at the airport. (checked/controlled)

SECTION 2: GRAMMAR (40 marks)

3 a. Choose ten of these words to complete the first ten spaces in the passage. (10 marks)

Example: a. are you b. have you been c. were you

1. a. didn’t write b. have written c. haven’t written

2. a. age b. ago c. old

3. a. during b. for c. since

4. a. has b. should c. supposed

5. a. can b. can’t c. must

6. a. can b. can’t c. must

7. a. hers b. his c. theirs

8. a. going b. going to c. want

9. a. as b. in c. than

10. a. many b. more c. much.

b. Complete the last ten spaces with ten of your own words. (10 marks)

8 Riverside, Oxford, OX2 7HJ

December 8th

Dear Keith,

How are you? What have you been doing recently? I’m sorry I 1______for a long time.

I moved away from Torbay eight months 2______. I’ve been working in Oxford 3______September. I’m working as a receptionist in a computer company. It’s 4______to be one of the biggest in the country. I think it 5______be – we’ve got a lot of customers and I’m always very busy. The work 6______be quite tiring.

I’m staying with Lucia, a girl from work, at the moment. The house used to be her parents’ but it’s 7______now. I’m 8______buy my own flat. Flats are more expensive in Oxford 9______in Torbay and I haven’t got as 10______money as I need. I 11______looked at about twenty – but I haven’t found the right one 12______.

But I’m 13______looking! I’m 14______I’ll find one soon!

Have you 15______been to Oxford? It’s famous 16______its university but there are lots of other things I like about it. There’s one thing I prefer about Torbay – Oxford has 17______rain. I wanted to go for a walk yesterday but it was raining so I wasn’t 18______to go out. You 19______to have an umbrella here! In fact, it looks as 20______it’s going to rain again!

I’ll stop now. Please write and tell me your news.



  1. Rewrite these sentences. Begin with the words in brackets. Make sure the meaning stays the same.
  1. When she phoned, I was watching television. (While)
  1. Could you repeat that? (I wonder if)
  1. Saturday is the best day for me to do the shopping. (I like)
  1. We were having lunch when the police arrived. (As)
  1. Does it matter? (It doesn’t)
  1. Florida is more dangerous than Texas. (Texas)
  1. You have to wear a uniform. (You’re)
  1. It’s possible that I’ll be away. (I)
  1. You can’t smoke here. (You’re not)
  1. We haven’t bought a television yet. (We still)
  1. My uncle drives appallingly. (My uncle is)
  1. ‘I saw a lion yesterday,’ he said. (He said he)
  1. ‘Are soap operas the most popular programmes?’ he asked (He asked)
  1. ‘Be careful,’ she said to her son. (She warned)
  1. I’ll ask the shop assistant to wrap up the present. (I’ll have)
  1. I didn’t work very hard for my exams. (I wish)
  1. Sally is likely to be late. (Sally will)
  1. I’ll take a drink in case I get thirsty. (I might)
  1. Call a taxi and you won’t miss your train. (If you)
  1. It was wrong of me not to leave a tip. (I should)

SECTION 3: READING (20 marks)

  1. Read the passage Coffee, Italian-style. Was Tim Parks on holiday when he visited the bar? Or was he living in Italy? (2 marks)
  1. Imagine that you are moving to Italy to live. Does Tim Parks advise you to do these things in an Italian bar? Put a tick by the things he advises and a cross by the things you shouldn’t do. (4 marks)
  1. eat pastries before ten-thirty in the morning
  2. ask for long-life milk in your coffee
  3. put wine in your coffee
  4. only drink cappuccino before lunch.
  1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) or doesn’t the passage say (DS)? (6 marks)

Example: Montecchio is a large town. (F)

  1. The Pasticceria Maggia is the only bar in Montecchio.
  2. Only bars in the country serve grappa.
  3. In some bars you pay before you order.
  4. Tim Parks doesn’t like going to business or tourist bars.
  5. Tim Parks and his wife arrived in Montecchio on a Sunday.
  6. Tim Parks’ wife is Italian.

7. Why does Tim Parks like the Pasticceria Maggia so much? Write four sentences giving his reasons. (8 marks)


The morning after our arrival in Montecchio, we set off to try the village bars. And for anyone moving to Italy, this is a habit that I would very much recommend.

Timing is very important. If you want to order milky coffee and a pastry, cappuccino and brioche, you should arrive before ten-thirty. Of course, you could order the same things later in the day but this would show that you are foreign. Italians usually like foreign visitors. But they like foreigners more if they agree that the Italian way of doing things is best. When a tourist orders a cappuccino rather than an espresso after lunch, they smile to themselves. Imagine pouring all that milk onto an already full stomach!

Note this warning. If the first taste of your cappuccino tells you that the milk is of the long-life variety, change bar before you spend too much time there. Either the bar is very much out in the country where nobody appreciates cappuccino, or this is a bar where most people are ordering wine or grappa. If they are ordering coffee, they are putting wine or grappa, but definitely not milk, in it.

Avoid bars where you have to pay before you order your drink. If you want to sit down in such bars, you will have to pay for waiter service. So, you will have to pay extra if you pick up your coffee and sit down with it. More important, these are not bars where the same people come and relax every day. No, these are busy bars, business bars, tourist bars. I do not recommend them.

My wife and I went to the Pasticceria Maggia, our local cake shop and bar, that very first Sunday. We ordered at the bar from the girl who was serving. I picked up my cappuccino and brioche and settled into a comfortable chair. My coffee was delicious! I picked up the Gazzetto dello Sport and studied the English football results! (Every bar in Italy is obliged to buy newspapers for its customers.) The whole experience was so relaxing. We have been regular customers since that very first visit.

I have lived in London, Cambridge, Boston. I have spent long periods of time in Switzerland and New York and have holidayed in most of Western Europe. I can honestly say that the Pasticceria Maggia is the most pleasant place for the ordering of coffee.

Adapted from Italian Neighbours by Tim Parks.

SECTION 4: WRITING (20 marks)

8. Think about a film or TV programme you have seen or a book you have read recently. Describe what happened. Try to use a variety of different structures. Write 15 to 20 sentences. (20 marks)


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