Georgia College & State University
315 GCSU Downtown Macon Center
November 16, 2012
9:30 am Madrid: Martha Hughes
9:45 am Waterford: Dan Cabaniss/Nick Norwood
Executive Committee:
10:00 – 11:30 am
1. Minutes
2. Old Business
a. Program Updates for 2012
i. Directors’ Updates
(1) Paris:
(a) There are some lodging issues with Cite but Luc will be going to Paris in December to work something out.
(b) Has been aggressive with recruitment and visited N. Georgia, Kennesaw, and Dalton. The goal this year for Paris is 50
(2) Madrid:
(a) Nothing to report, confident applications will come; goal is 80 students
(3) Waterford:
(a) Recruitment is going great and program is almost full; believes video has helped tremendously and has 1000 hits. Walter’s traveling was very successful also, will try to come to Valdosta next year
(4) St Petersburg:
(a) Some students want 6 hours of language and will talk to Polytecnic to see if this is possible.
(b) Margee will be going to N. Ga on the 28th to talk to classes
(c) Marge talked to lit classes at GPC and is still trying to get Art History included in the program
(d) There is an Early Bird special for the first 10 students; $200 will be deducted from their final payment.
(5) Scotland:
(a) David was absent, but sent email. Hopes to make 2014 more affordable for students and wishies to re-explore housing in Glasgow to help with keeping the cost down. Also wanted the board’s opinion on using hotels. Board decided that the PD can determine what is the most cost effective and logistically feasible for the program.
(6) London:
(a) Absent, no issues
(7) Berlin:
(a) Absent, no issues
b. EC Budget (Irina)
i. Everyone is healthy
ii. Scotland will probably need to borrow money
iii. Paris won’t have the money to pay 40% of housing and will need to borrow money as well.
iv. Ireland is happy to help if they have the funds
3. New Business
a. EC Student Enrollments (Bev)
i. London 48
ii. Paris 24
iii. Madrid 9
iv. Berlin 2
v. St. Pete 0
vi. Waterford 55
vii. Edinburgh 7
b. Student Orientation Handbook (Irina)
i. Beverly will contact Jeff & Nadia Brown to determine pricing for the books. Last year was $10/book but the cost will more than likely be higher this year.
ii. London, Paris, and Ireland are interested in doing the book as well.
iii. If PDs decide to do this, they will need to send all the information to Nadia and Jeff. If there are pictures to be included that needs to be sent as well.
iv. EC office will scan in photos of students and send them to Nadia and Jeff to be included in the book
v. Margee designed photos that accompany rules and this can be included in the book as well.
c. Promotional Videos for Paris, Berlin, others (Margee)
i. Bryan Redding to do them?
(1) Ireland program purchased Bryan’s airfare, lodging, and meals that the students received, and went on the bus and excursions with the students. They paid $1250 for the video. He spent 3 weeks in Ireland to collect all the footage.
(2) Dan C said that Bryan would need 10 days to film but could maybe get it done in 7. Bryan prefers to come towards the middle or end of a program because students are more informed about the process for the program and PDs will know who the good students are.
(3) If Bryan goes to two places the airfare could be split between the two programs.
(4) Someone at Kennesaw is willing to do it for free as long as airfare and lodging are paid for.
(5) Videos shouldn’t be longer than 6 minutes
(6) PDs can determine who they want to use to make a new promo video
d. LaGrange (Margee)
i. Beverly will send out a message to all campus reps to ask if they’d like to include LaGrange into the EC consortium. Must have at least 18 yeses (half)
e. Joint Enrolled Students (Margee)
i. Preffered that students are at least 18 and have completed one freshmen semester, but ultimately it is up to the program director
f. Policy on opposite genders in the same room? (Bev)
i. Margee will contact a lawyer to determine if there is USG rule, if not, the it is up to PDs
g. Crouch Award (Martha)
i. Willetta Grant from Spain was nominated for the Crouch award.
ii. She will get $50 gift card from Amazon and her name on a plaque at Ga Southern.
iii. Dan will email Willetta to let her know and will copy Neal, Beverly, Martha, and Margee. Margee will also try to be there in person to congratulate the student as the chair of EC
iv. PROCESS: PDs should tell their faculty about this during the faculty orientation and then remind them at the beginning of the program. Towards the end of the program faculty and PD will discuss nominations and settle on a student
v. http://ww2.valdosta.edu/europeancouncil/joom/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=225&catid=38
4. Other Business or Announcements
a. Phone interview with UGA’s Red & Black paper (Irina & Bev)
i. The phone interview with Elizabeth from the Red & Black went very well. Elizabeth will send Beverly a link to the article as soon as it is published. Once the article is published Bev will send it to everyone involved in the EC
b. Jan 25: SCIE and Study Abroad Committee GC Macon Campus
i. Need someone who will get faculty paid while they participate on these programs.
ii. Margee and Neal worked on a 3 page job description for the new study abroad position for Georgia
iii. New person needs to be a liason between the chancellor and with the president/provost at individual schools
iv. Faculty should get paid for what they’re getting paid when teaching at home.
v. There used to be a study abroad survey that organized the demographics of study abroad and this should be done again.
c. Jan 30- Feb 1: GAIE at King and Prince Resort, St. Simons Island GA.
d. Feb 15: Exec Ctte and EC at GC Macon Campus
e. Mar 1: Application Deadline for 2012 Summer Programs
f. Mar 8: First payments due
g. Mar 15: Final count on summer programs and institutional enrollments
h. Mar 25: Deadline for Faculty Applications for Summer 2013
i. Apr 8: Final program payments due
j. Apr 19: European Council ad hoc committee selects 2013 study abroad faculty GC Milledgeville Campus
k. Apr 20: Required faculty workshop and planning meeting GC Milledgeville Campus
l. May 18: Student Orientation
11:30 am Saint Petersburg: Irina McClellan
11:45 am Paris-Luc Guglielmi