What is the Transition Support Project?

The AshcombeSchool and The Priory School would like to ensure your child’s transfer from primary to secondary school is as smooth as possible for both children and parents/carers. It is a significant change for all pupils and families and one that it is vital to get right. As a result of this all Dorking Primary Schools work closely with The Ashcombe and The Priory to identify and suggest pupils and parents who might benefit from additional help and support around the time of transition.

The project aims to give these pupils and parents as much knowledge, support and guidance as possible during the transition to secondary school.

How does it work?

Support is given to pupils and families through a series of meetings, visits and support sessions. These begin when your child is in primary school and continue once the transition has been made to your child’s secondary school. They are run either by David Jackson (DSP Transition Coordinator) or by a member of staff from The Priory School.

When does it start?

Support sessions start during the summer term, normally just after half term.

Where does it take place?

Support sessions initially take place in your son or daughter’s primary school. Once they have moved to secondary school they will take place there.

Who is it for?

Parents/carers and pupils who would benefit from additional help and support both before, during and after transition.

What do I need to do next?

If you are interested in taking part in the Transition Project please let your child’s teacher or SENCO know as soon as possible. Alternatively you can e-mail Joanna Parish (Transition Coordinator) on the e-mail address below.

Transition Coordinator—Joanna Parish

Our hopes for you

Parents who have been involved in previous Transition Projects have agreed that it made the move to secondary school a more relaxed and positive process, both for themselves and their child. We hope to offer you the same experience.

Previous feedback from parents/carers involved:

“The project was very good at highlighting my child’s vulnerabilities - it would not have been obvious to staff without this discussion.”

“My child’s start at The Ashcombe was easier because I knew someone was keeping an eye on him – therefore I was able to relax and not worry about how he was managing.”

“My son was nervous to start secondary school and this support helped him. He has settled in very well.”

“It was good having someone who my child could identify to help him if he needed support.”

“It made me feel much more confident which had a knock on effect to my son.”

“A very big thank you – it made life at the start of the new school so much easier. Thank you.”