External moderation report form 2016/17 (Auto populated)

{Centre name}, {Qualification}, {Group number(s)} (Auto populated)

Centre name and site:
Date of visit(s):
Name of external moderator(s):

The above box auto populated TBC by Portico

Part 1: Candidate sample
Number of candidates in cohort: / Number of candidates in sample:
Grades: / Fail - / Referral - / Referred Pass - / Pass - / Merit - / Distinction -

The above box auto populated TBC by Portico

The candidate sample must be at least 10% of the cohort. If, according to the moderator’s professional judgement, the assessment decisions are not accurate; the sample must be extended by an additional 5%.

Group ID / ULN / Specialist Discipline / Grade / Reasonable Adjustment / Evidence of an accurate and valid assessment decision / Is the feedback appropriate and reflective of the grade awarded
Auto populated and/or If applicable / Yes/No.
If no, please select from the dropdown
i) Evidence is inconsistent with assessment decision
ii) Any other, please specify / Yes/No.
If no please comment in part 5
Part 2: Candidate authentication forms
External moderator confirms that all candidate authentication forms were presented at the point of external moderation.
Yes / No
If no please note as action.
Part 3: Profile of assessment evidence
The external moderator must review the assessment evidence against the following criteria and provide commentary on the extent to which the evidence meets UAL awarding body expectations.
Where appropriate, the external moderator must provide examples of good practice and opportunities for improvement.
These sections will be auto populated based on qualification and year
Context (Max 150 words)
The strongest project proposals were seen in the photography pathway, where concepts were specific and supported with appropriate research sources. Proposals here were personal and gave insight into how candidates could explore ideas through individually focussed primary visual research. In the majority of other candidates over three pathways, proposals were too narrow, which resulted in restricting the potential of outcomes and less flexibility in the development of ideas.
Whilst bibliographies were evidenced the quality of these was mixed and some failed to reference to Harvard standards. The stronger bibliographies listed a range of sources beyond the web and Pinterest.
Research (Max 150 words)
Evidence of broad ranging research was presented not only within pathway but also extended beyond the learners’ immediate specialisms to include historical, environmental, scientific, literary and cultural perspectives. Research across the sample (including the referral/pass candidate) was highly personal and learners at all levels were fully engaged with their concept, exploring broader avenues to add richness and depth to their investigations and developing outcomes.
Of particular note was a fashion/textiles outcome (ULN: 7577896631) that had made direct reference to children’s drawings touching on the psychology behind early mark making and how this could be translated into printed textiles.
Problem solving (Max 150 words)
Technical notes are used in conjunction with aesthetic decisions and these create a narrative within sketchbooks and blogs, often supported by critically reflective annotation. In the less resolved samples, learners have still made visual connections between technical problem solving and practical skills development, and these two related criteria were often advanced beyond that which the overall grade would suggest.
The external moderator saw a clear journey emerging through illustrated blog pages and learners at either end of the grade spectrum were encouraged to map their progress and make informed and personal judgements to propel their projects forward.
Planning and production (Max 150 words)
All learners in the sample not only considered the way in which they could present their ideas within final outcomes but also contextualised the presentation of their work for exhibition purposes to explore how they might communicate their ideas to a specific audience. Learners in the Fashion sample had not only presented their garments in exhibition but had styled and photographed them to show them in context. Learners across the cohort also considered costing and business plans.
Proposal, authentication form, work plan, bibliography, Sketchbooks, blogs, evaluation etc. placing emphasis on the learner to take responsibility for their submission.
Practical skills (Max 150 words)
Practical skills are of a high order across pathways and it is clear that a programme of skills based workshops and experimental approaches to recording, designing and making is of paramount importance to the course tutors. The breadth of opportunity provided for learners is to be commended and there is evidence of an emphasis on creative individuality.
Final outcomes could sometimes be seen to attract higher grades than the overall assessment. This was most evident in learner (ULN: 4467442226) from the Fashion/Textiles pathway who achieved a pass grade overall, but whose practical skills and final presentation of work was distinctive.
Evaluation and reflection (Max 150 words)
Although reflective practice was evident in sketchbooks, this was mostly descriptive and a narrative of the project, rather than an exploration of discovery of the work of others, own ideas, problems and creative solutions. The written content in sketchbooks was often unnecessary and the moderators would question if the candidates was writing for themselves in order to move their ideas forward or for the moderator.
Few candidates evidenced perceptive and interpretive analysis in order to demonstrate sophisticated thinking or maturity to help make decisions on progressing ideas.
Presentation (Max 150 words)
All candidates presented their work carefully within a group show across all pathways, and had been allocated a personal space in which to communicate their intentions.
The moderators found contemporary presentation methods within the Photography pathway, where the exhibition evidenced a confident selection of conceptual work communicating meaningful and personal practical responses to Unit 13. The moderator team would recommend the other 3 pathways observe this good practice and continue to develop an aesthetic awareness of how work is presented in contemporary settings in order to achieve parity of opportunity to achieve high grading criteria across all cohorts.
Part 4: Assessment methodology
In order for the centre’s assessment decisions to be considered valid and consistent, the moderator must confirm whether there is sufficient evidence of a robust and appropriate internal verification process in place.
Evidence must include; internal verification double marking of graded assignment briefs; appropriate feedback across the assessment teams; evidence of a sampling strategy and standardisation included as part of the internal verification process.
Are the assessment methods and grading valid, reliable and fair and do the assignments enable the achievement of the intended outcomes?
Yes / No
If no, please summarise those aspects which require re-design or strengthening and apply professional judgement when determining which points require a recommendation (Part 6) or an action (part 7).
Part 5: General commentary (Max 250 words)
Please summarise conclusions and identify areas of good practice which should be shared across the teams in the centre. Please comment on the quality of the feedback provided to the students.
The moderation visit went smoothly with all the appropriate resources carefully curated. Excellent communication with the External Moderator before the visit was reassuring with all special circumstance forms submitted to the awarding body in the appropriate fashion and timescale.
The feedback given to the students throughout was constructive and the terminology used reflected the level at which they were working.
Staff were unable to attend UAL Awarding Body events this academic year, due predominately to the distance required to travel. It was suggested that the Centre hold a sharing good practice or standardisation event in the next academic cycle.
Part 6: Recommendations (Max 100 words)
Outline any recommendations for the centre
1. / It would be beneficial for the teams to complete standardisation across each pathway to ensure that grading decisions are robust and that feedback is consistent.
2. / Ensure that indicative measures of achievement are used throughout all formative units in order to inform target setting in the summative unit as well as better informing the differentiation of tutor support.
3. / Build into the induction period opportunities for learners to engage with alternative ways of capturing their critical reflections, rehearsal processes and research (i.e. blogs, vlogs etc.) The Art & Design team would be a useful resource to seek immediate guidance from.
Part 7.1: Previous Actions
Provide an update on progress against all actions detailed in the previous report.
Part 7.2: Actions (if applicable)
Please list all actions identified and indicate timeframe for completion.
The actions will be logged centrally by UAL Awarding Body quality team and monitored for completion.
No. / Action / Agreed
completion date / Responsibility
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