Testing (Manual Testing with Selenium) Exam

  1. Difference between Waterfall, V-model and Agile Model?
  2. What is Re-testing testing and Regression testing?
  3. What is the difference between Sanity and smoke Testing?
  4. What isLoad, Performance and Stress Testing?
  5. What is Usability testing?
  6. What is UAT?
  7. What is ECP and BVA?
  8. What is functional system testing? Explain in detail.
  9. Draw differences between web application testing and client server testing.
  10. Explain in detail what is integration testing and Regression testing
  11. Explain the difference between defect, bug and error. Give anexample.
  12. Explain the difference between test scenario and test case
  13. Draw differences between QC and QA?
  14. In case of defects in the software, how are priority and severity defined?
  15. What is the difference between priority in test cases and priority in bugs
  16. What do you write in a test plan?
  17. What does ‘testing’ mean?
  18. What is AUT?
  19. What is Ad Hoc Testing?
  20. What is Alpha Testing and Beta Testing?
  21. What is Compatibility Testing?
  22. What is End-to-End testing?
  23. What is Endurance Testing (or Soak Testing)?
  24. What is Localization Testing?
  25. What is Monkey Testing (or Gorilla Testing)?
  26. Why you want to change the organization?
  27. If I offer less package, will you join in my organization?
  28. Explain the bug which is High Severity and Low priority ?
  29. Explain the bug which is Low Severity and High priority ?
  30. Brief about your self?
  31. Write 5 positive and negative test cases for mobile
  32. Write 5 negative test cases on bike
  33. What is automation?
  34. Advantages of Automation
  35. How do you start Selenium RC from command prompt?
  36. What is the difference between Selenium IDE & Selenium RC
  37. How do you handle Ajax controls using selenium?
  38. Eg. By typing in search engine how do you capture the auto suggestion
  39. How do you select the 2nd item in a List box or drop down.
  40. How do you identify an object using selenium?
  41. Brief about your framework
  42. What is the difference between assert and Verify Commands?
  43. Explain about your reporting method
  44. What is the difference between Selenium RC and Webdriver
  45. How to take data from Excel
  46. What are all things can not be done through selenium IDE
  47. Brief about Selenium Grid.
  48. How to use selenium for performance testing
  49. How to get all the links in
  50. Is it possible to handle multiple pop ups in selenium?
  51. How is Selenium different from commercial browser automation tools?
  52. What are the difficulties or challenge you faced in selenium?
  53. Difference betweenJunit and TestNg framework
  54. If the default port of selenium is busy then which port you use?
  55. How do you handle the secured connection error in HTTPS?
  56. How do you compare two strings or values are same.
  57. How to create Excel file with some data
  58. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Selenium as testing tool?
  59. How to capture screen shot in Web driver
  60. Write down the logic for Palindrome
  61. How to reverse String without using reverse methods
  62. How many test cases can be automate per day
  63. How much time we can save with automation
  64. What is automation Lifecycle or Automation approach or automation plan
  65. What is Overloading
  66. What is Overriding
  67. What is Inheritance
  68. What is Abstraction
  69. What is Encapsulation
  70. What is the difference between Performance, Load and Stress testing
  71. Write a program to get all the text boxes in mail.in register page with webdriver