Proceedings of Salem Presbytery – One Hundred First Stated Meeting

February 4, 2014

Westminster Presbyterian Church,Greensboro,North Carolina


Approved an Administrative Commission to install:

  • Rev. Jo Nygard Owens, Associate Pastor, Guilford Park

Approved Administrative Commission for Ordination:

  • Samuel Perkins, Associate Pastor, Westminster

Enrolled as a Candidate for Ministry:

  • Sarah Pugh Morgan
  • Yoonjung Na

Welcomed Ministers Transferring to Salem Presbytery:

  • Rev. Frank Covington, HR, transferred fromSheppards and Lapsley

Approved Ordination and Pastoral Call:

  • Samuel Perkins, candidate under care of Blackhawk Presbytery, Assoc. Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian

Approved Pastoral Call:

  • Jo Nygard Owens, Assoc. Pastor, Guilford Park

January 1, 2014

Approved Ordination to Validated Ministry:

  • Khelen Kuzmovich, candidate under care of Boston Presbytery, CPE Resident WFBHC

Transferred Ministers From Salem Presbytery:

  • Rev. Carl Utleyto Peaks Presbytery
  • Rev. Ronald K. Lee to Presbytery of the Pacific
  • Rev. Chan Woo Lee to Korean American Presbyterian denomination

Secured Interim Pastor contracts between:

  • Rev. Vicki Jones-JohnsonMooresville, First

November 1, 2013 – November 2, 2014

  • Rev. Robert C. Evans, IIIMt. Airy, First

December 1, 2013 – November 30, 2014

  • Rev. Lee Seung TaeKorean First

December2, 2013 – December 1, 2014

Renewed Interim Pastor contracts between:

  • Rev. John Milholland & Fieldstone

December 31, 2013 – March 31, 2013

  • Rev. Joel Long & Boone, First

February 1, 2014 – May 1, 2014

Renewed CRE-Lay Pastor contracts between:

  • Mr. Stedman NewsomeFreedom (Statesville)

September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014

  • Mr. Samuel JenkinsYanceyville(Yanceyville)

November1, 2013 – October 31, 2014

  • Mr. Doug Brinkley Pine Ridge (Pilot Mountain)

April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014

  • Mr. Marty L. Brim & Wentworth (Wentworth)

January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014

Secured the Temporary Supply contract between:

  • Ms. Laetitia Wells, candidate under care of Charlotte Presbytery & St. Paul (High Point)

Renewed the Temporary Supply contract between:

  • Rev. Shaun D. Draughn & Collinstown (Westfield)

November 1, 2013 – May 1, 2014

  • Rev. Eric M. Faust & Bethesda (Statesville)

January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014

Renewed the Stated Supply relationship between:

  • Rev. Ruth LengerDanbury Community Union(Danbury)

January1, 2014 – December 31, 2014

  • Rev. Barrie KirbySpencer (Spencer)

January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014

  • Rev. Bruce Benton & Sparta (Sparta)

February 1, 2014 – January 31, 2015

Dissolved the Pastoral relationship between:

  • Rev. Carl Utley & (Pastor) Oak Ridge (Oakridge)

January 1, 2014

  • Rev. David Partington (Parrish Associate) & Greensboro, First (Greensboro)

December 31, 2013

Granted Status of Honorable Retirement to:

  • Rev. Dale Walker

Effective April 1, 2014

  • Rev. Jesse Bledsoe

Effective May 17, 2014

Commissioned Ruling Elders (Lay Pastors):

  • Elder James M. BeardImmanuel (China Grove)

Approved individuals to fill vacancieson Presbyterycommittees:

  • Church Growth & Transformation:
  • Rev. Peter Smith, Eden, First
  • Committee on Preparation for Ministry:
  • Rev. Thom Burleson, New Salem IP
  • Rev. Curtis Patterson, HP
  • Elder Catrelia Hunter
  • COM East
  • Rev. John Odom, Starmount
  • COM Central
  • Rev. Jim Dunkin, Salisbury, First
  • Nominating Committee
  • Elder David Vaughan, Burlington, First
  • Elder Carolyn Mock, Mt. Jefferson


  • Rev. Reggie Weaver, Pastor, Westminster, preaching in worship: Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, “When Dead Zones Become Hotspots”
  • Participated in Worshipand the Lord’s Supper
  • Presentations or reports from Examinations, Committee on Ministry, Council, Stewardship, Campus Ministry, Equip, Nominating and Hunger Action Advocate
  • Participated in a litany of welcome for the new members of Salem Presbytery
  • Heard a World Mission report by Ms. Elizabeth Little, Church Support Associate for the Presbyterian Mission Agency
  • Adopted Salem Presbytery’s 2014 Budget
  • Approved 501C3 status for Camp Grier
  • Voted to endorse the Authoritative Interpretation overture by Heartland Presbytery to allow Teaching Elders to exercise freedom of conscience in conducting marriage ceremonies
  • Elected Elder David Boger to serve as Moderator for Salem Presbytery