Whitefish Bay Little League

Board Meeting Minutes– December 19, 2012

Meeting called to order 8:07

Present David Wasserman, David Heller, Jeff Schaetzke, Paul Otero, Jason Burroughts, Jonah Pitt (left 10:05), Martha Fleck, Melissa Anderson, Tony Seaman, Todd Wienke, Darren Miller, Mark Szumski, Josh Levy arrived 7:44, John Mort arrived 8:12.

Review and Approval of November 27, 2012 Minutes Szumski motions for approval, Miller seconds, all in favor, motion passes

Treasurers report (Burroughs) Cash balance, registration revenue, operating expenses, field improvement expenses, and monies out in the past 30 days were presented along with 2013 budget projections.

Update on CCP improvement projects, field improvements, & repairs from dugout project (Miller)

Modifications to the majors field are complete. Manhole covers were averted as part of pipe installations in right field of the minors field. A water main was also discovered. Water should drain away from fields as part of new drainage system. Some aesthetic improvements to be done in the spring.

Equipment update (Szumski) New Little League flag was unveiled.

Sponsorship RFP for CCP update (Otero) RFP has been sent out. Levy will speak with some additional potential donors. Other potential areas for funding include another regulation field and a playground. Funding needs and sources to be revisited.

Website updates – (Heller) 2013 Registration numbers to date are 38 Pee Wee , 22 Minors, 12 Majors, and 1 Juniors versus 2012 numbers of 18 Pee Wees, 25 Minors, 10 Majors & 3 Juniors.

Snack Shack updates (Anderson) Vendor agreements being revisited. Possibility of exploring branded cups with Stone Creek. Cedar Crest and Sysco will bid on ice cream. Possible expanded offerings to include walking tacos on special nights, healthy options, and laundry detergent. Some equipment upgrades may be made: hot dog roller, second microwave, cash register, hand sanitizers, kitchen utensils, freezer, display solution for candy gum, chip bag holder,new paint on interior walls, pretzel rack, new grill with gas line. Parent helper rules will be revised. Children under 12 may not be unattended.

Lights for field update (Otero) Wienke went door to door on Sunday from 3:30 - 3:50. Three consecutive houses voiced opposition and said a coalition would be formed. Musco can be present for Whitefish Bay Board of Trustees meeting and for ARC meeting. Candle estimates and drawings will need to be provided. Levy makes motion that Little League will move forward with seeking approval from village of Whitefish Bay on lighting at Craig Counsell Park. Otero seconds.

Brewer night/All-Stars/Picture Day update (Seaman) VIP and Network have both been contacted. May is likely for team photos. VIP’s sponsorship of Little League is contingent upon contract with them. Brewers night is Tuesday June 25 versus Cubs. Best seats go to early orders. 2011 numbers: 700 purchased, 645 sold. 2012 numbers: 600 purchased, 418 sold. Allstars committee will meet offline January 3. Ten free copies of rule books to arrive early January.

Umpires update (Wienke) Meeting has taken place with Yurkowitz. Communications with kids to be tightened up via texting. Schaetzke indicated frustrations come with confirmation process. Consequences for missing need to be emphasized. Wienke identified areas for concentration to be texting, responses, back-end checks. Introduction may take place in a classroom setting for 100 + umps. A mid-season meeting could take place to answer ump questions. Levels of umps may be differentiated by pay, ability, standings, ex if ump misses game than reverts back to lower level. There could be a head ump/captain for each league. Schaetzke emphasized need for umps to keep games moving. Pitch counts should be announced each half inning and should be put in writing. Coaches should sign score sheets. Protocol should be laminated on clipboards for umps. Coaches will be informed at coaches meeting.

Registration update, set coaches meeting date, safety meeting date (Heller and Wasserman) Date to be set for coaches meeting. All board members should bring calendars to January 16th meeting. Safety meeting date also to be set. Board members should bring laptops to library for January 15th in-person registration.

oOld Business –

oMajors 2013– using 50’ mound, 70’ bases (Miller) Oak Creek moved to 50/70 last year. Germantown will move to it this year. Levy will e-mail other presidents for their status.

oTom Rice Memorial – tabled

oLighting for flagpole (Mark)

oChallenger Division update (Levy) At least 12 kids would be needed. Recruitment will be communicated through Whitefish Bay schools and St. Francis. Another tab will be added on website.Wasserman moves to charter Challenge league. Schaetzke seconds. All in favor.

oDistance signs for Pee Wee, Minors, & Majors fields & update on Majors field distance update (David)

oCoaching update (Fleck, Schaetzke, Mort) (4 commissioners) - # of coaches interested in returning for 2013 season 14-15 returning for Pee Wees. 7 confirmed for Minors. 4 expansion teams. Wasserman will inform families of dissolving teams. Majors 4 are out and 4 are returning.

oCahill Park HS Baseball Field construction update (Mark)

oNew Business

oPlayoff format 2013 , discussion of double-elim for Minors/Majors

oDraft Manifest & Coach Rules vote (Wasserman) Discussion as to how the blind is handled. Miller moves that blind selections to take place after all other selections have been made. Anderson seconds. All in favor.

OGreg Loyda day (Levy) Possibility of day concluding with adult game and MLB players as managers and food, beer, music. Revisit this concept in January.

OChinooks (Otero) game again this year after season


Submitted January 13, 2012

Whitefish Bay Little League Board Secretary

Anne O’Connor