Saint Peter’s School

Extended Care Program


Dear Parents/Guardians:

As we begin a new year of the St. Peter’s School Extended Care Program, we offer a few suggestions and comments, which hopefully will help make for a happy experience for our children. A typical afternoon includes snack time, homework time, playtime and activities.

SNACKS: Students are requested to bring their own snack each day. You must include a drink.

HOMEWORK: We will see that written assignments are completed before playtime. However, we do not correct papers. This remains to be done by parents in the evening.

PLAY: Students will be divided into two groups in the gym. They have balls and inside toys to play with. No student is allowed to go back to their classroom for books, lunch boxes, sports uniforms or any other forgotten items.

CALENDAR: The Extended Care Program will be open every school day unless notified otherwise. The program will be closed on Vacation, School Holidays and Snow Days. On the day before a holiday and on First Fridays (12:30 dismissal) extended care will not be available. Also, there will be no aftercare on the day of school concerts, Ring Ceremony, Parent-Teacher Conferences and Eighth Grade Graduation. Please note: Calendar is subject to change.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: If Belleville Schools are closed due to inclement weather conditions, the Extended Care Program will not be open. If we are having inclement weather and the school is having a 12:30 early emergency dismissal due to the weather, Extended Care will not be open.

EMERGENCY CALLS: Please limit your calls to those of an urgent nature. Parents are required to call before 2:00 pm, leaving a message with the school secretary (973-759-3143). The Extended Care phone (973-932-2807) is for emergency use only.

SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT: Your child will be signed in by a staff member and must be signed out by a parent/guardian. If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, a note must be sent to the school office stating the full name of the person responsible for taking your child home. Identification will be requested, as your child’s safety is of great importance to us.


BEHAVIOR: As members of a Christian community, the children will be expected to respect the staff, each other and the materials and environment provided. They must never leave the building or school grounds without explicit permission from the staff. Such permission will only be granted by order of the parent or guardian in writing or fax. Phone calls are not acceptable. The school’s discipline policy applies to the before and aftercare program.

TOYS: The Extended Care Program will have games, toys and other activities to entertain your child. Therefore, children are discouraged from bringing their own toys. The school cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys or electronic equipment.

BILLING CHARGES: The school will bill you monthly for your Extended Care charges; you will receive a bill on your tuition statement that must be paid upon receipt.

Please note, if your child will be joining us before or after any school activity, you will be billed accordingly. If your child is on basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer and tennis teams you must pay for aftercare if they come before or after practice.

EMERGENCY SAFETY: With the children’s safety and well being in mind, it is most important the parents provide the emergency information requested on the Registration Form. One of the program’s most important regulations involves children leaving the premises. Parents or guardians should not take children from the schoolyard or other areas without notifying the staff and signing the child out. Children will not be allowed to leave the premises with anyone other than their parent, guardian or other adult as specified on the registration form.

PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO PICK UP THEIR CHILDREN BY THE 6:00 PM CLOSING. A FEE OF $1.00 PER MINUTE WILL BE CHARGED FOR LATE PICK UP. If parents are consistently late picking up their child/ren, this will result in the child/ren being suspended from using the Extended Care Program.

All students attending Extended Care Program MUST BE REGISTERED in order to attend the program. Failure to properly register your child/ren will result in you being charged the Non-Registered Extended Care fee, which is significantly higher, than the regular fee. Even those using the program occasionally, failure to be current with aftercare payments will result in your child/ren being suspended from using the Extended Care Program.

Your cooperation with the requirements of St. Peter’s School Extended Care Program is appreciated.