
Minutes of Meeting

Sept. 6, 2008

Savary Island Fire Hall

10:00 am


Guests: Janine Reimer, Diane Roussy, Jack Arnet

Area A: Harry Robertson, Rick Thaddeus; Susan Poulos (Member at Large) on Conference

Area B: Carolyn Jackson, Sharon Feduniak

Area C: Barbara Graham (Secretary); Jan Lindsay (Chair), Jack McGuire (Vice Chair) on Conference

Absent: Jane Hunderford, Lowell Johnson, Ross Townsend

1.  MINUTES of August 16, 2008:

Amendments: under item #8, add Harry Robertson to the Fall election nominee list;

2.1.5 Jan to contact RCMP

2.1.6 Jack requested a SIC representative on SIDAC

2.1.4 Rick noted Don Turner had stated Development Permits would be in 2009

3.1.1 Jack affirmed that it is the maintenance of the main road that MOT is to concentrate on

Minutes approved, moved by Sharon, 2nd by Harry. Carried.

2.  SIVFD - Phil Zweep, Treasurer

2.1  Phil tasked SIC to educate the Savary public regarding the amount of garbage that is being deposited with refundable items. The problem has become paramount, with large loads of household garbage having to be removed by the SIVFD and other volunteers. Photos of the garbage will be posted in SIN, a flyer will be produced, a poster/sign at the wharf and on going information must be highly visible. Rick suggests that one signage policy needs to be implemented or there will be signs everywhere.

2.2  SIVFD three month report:

·  Lots of very comprehensive training has taken place in emergency preparedness & fire fighting.

·  11 fire fighters took CPR

·  Volunteers have nearly completed the East fire sub station to house the green tanker truck and the quick response 4 wheel drive foam truck. There is more parking available at the site as well. The 2nd foam truck for the West end will be on island at the end of September and housed at the old pumper shed.

·  The new firehall deck is completed with the exception of the partial roof.

·  Volunteers have spent countless hours sorting at the Bottle depot, with 1-2 loads a week being removed. 10-12 people, 3-4 hours, 3 times a week are not fire department members. The income will probably be $15,000.

·  A new SIVFD Association has been formed outside of the SIVFD, to facilitate purchase of a new 4W Drive ambulance for First Responders. Janine Reimer and Doug Smith have worked over a year to incorporate the society. There is an approved application from BCLC to hold a lottery ticket sale. Prizes consist of a John Deere Gator, Sthil Chainsaw and prawn gear; all are on island. Net sales will be $12,000. An application for gaming funds will complete the purchase. Some revenue from refundables will be included in the purchase.

·  CWPP Community Wildfire Protection Plan will identify areas of most concern, ie tracts of unoccupied property throughout the island. SIVFD will approach owners of highrisk properties. A cost sharing approach to clean up properties could be considered. A CWPP report will be circulated.

·  The Triathalon and Summerfest revenues were down over other years.

·  Tax line increases on properties are beneficial for capital projects. We can no longer rely on fundraising.

·  West fire hall will be deferred until 2009, this year has been too busy to accomplish everything.

·  There will be an expansion of the community space in the Fire Hall in 2010, adding 30 ft in length, an extra bathroom and reconfigured kitchen.

·  There will be a meeting with MLA Nickolas Simon asking for better road maintenance.

3.  Transportation/MOT:

3.1  Survey of roads by Emery Rae will start in October and end March 31, 2009.

3.2  Road Maintenance: Fall grading to start shortly, which may include a barge of gravel.

·  Multi year program in writing is requested

·  MOT goes to budget meetings this month

·  Carolyn will request terms of reference for the Emery Rae study.

3.3  Transportation Study: looks promising; Sharon Goddard to set terms of reference, to Include all aspects on island.

·  MOT has not had a solid community base to work from in the past. There have been fragmented factions. Long range plans can take up to 25 years. PRRD wants it to be all encompassing ie. barge, parking, roads, maintnenance, long term

·  An OCP should demonstrate the wishes of a community. SIC needs to make the point that PRRD did not do an effective job of the OCP, if MOT can’t depend on the Transportation section.

4.  Governance:

·  A sub committee should be struck to support item 3.1.1 of the August minutes. The sub committee member(s) should be the official contact(s) for govt or agencies and report back to SIC in a timely manner.

·  SIC needs a constitution to move forward with an organized structure and membership.

·  Where is the history of PRRD mandating SIC as the recognized organization to act on behalf of islanders?

·  PRRD correspondence on their website .pdf file: SIDAC_rsagenda210808.pdf was read aloud by Harry to clarify misunderstanding regarding vacancy on the Dock committee.

·  A motion was tabled to “form a subcommittee to look into all aspects of SIC as a constituted organization” by Susan. More information is required.

·  PRRD must define what SIC’s mandate is.

MOTION: “that members-at-large do not vote, but should still be able to make a motion” moved by Barbara, second by Sharon, 1 opposed. Carried.

5.  SIC Election:

·  Nominations close Oct 15, 2008. Nominees to date are:

Area A: Janine Reimer, Rick Thaddeus, Harry Robertson & Susan Poulos

Area B: Sharon Feduniak, Carolyn Jackson & Mary-Ellen Dewsnap

Area C: Jack Arnet

5.1  If there are no more than three nominees in an Area, a ballot will not be issued.

·  Barbara will produce the election and get a copy of the 2008 property assessment roll. Every owner will get one ballot, a letter of instruction from the chair will accompany each ballot, along with a declaration of property ownership or “beneficial ownership” as defined as a “claim at law” ie. spouse or legal aged child not named on the assessment roll. The beneficial ballots must be requested & returned in advance of the closing date Nov 25, 2008.

·  At this time, Carole & Tom Rogers will act as returning officers in Powell River.

6. Area F: Sharon gave a report on the concept of Savary becoming a separate electoral district within PRRD.

·  SIC motion passed to explore the concept

·  PRRD motion passed with questions from Texada

·  Sharon spoke to Derek Trimmer, Director of Regional Initiatives, Ministry of Commnity Development, who was not encouraging & wants a history. Savary is not unique, there are many islands with issues. His Ministry has struck an agency to deal with small communities.

·  A meeting is scheduled with MLA Nicholas Simons Sept 18, 2008 at 1900 Vancouver Blvd to discuss the topic, in addition to road maintenance.

6.  Transportation Survey: Property owner Bob Moore will be approached to colate the results from the SIC survey. Other arms length persons may be contacted if he is unavailable.

·  A verbatim draft report should go to SIC first, but should be completely transparent and available to the public.

7.  SIDAC: Collin Mallory, CTM Contracting is the new Warfinger, with their first meeting next Monday. Rick will apply to SIDAC.

Next meeting October 4th, 2008, at the Fire Hall and by conference call 10:00 a.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was terminated.