Article 1

This international organization shall be known as the DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL, INC., abbreviated as DCS International.

Article 2

The Distinguished Citizens Society International is a social service organization incorporated in accordance with the Laws of California, U.S.A.

This international organization with chapters in various countries shall refrain from partisan political, religious, or economic activity.

Article 3

The DCS International is a world-wide organization.

Article 4

The DCS International is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, USA, and will establish national and branch chapters in various countries, cities, and regions throughout the world.


Article 5

The purpose of the DCS International is to develop the talents and coordinate the efforts of its members to improve the economic, social and spiritual well being of the larger community. To these ends, the DCS International aims to:

1) Promote individual and group service to the community.

2) Develop a spirit of social service, voluntary contribution and moral leadership

3) Advocate and practice sympathy, loyalty, charity, trust and responsibility in its efforts to make the community a happier place in which to live.

4) Further mutual understanding, good will and cooperation among all peoples.


Article 6

The DCS International shall manifest its concern for the community at large by making specific contributions to its improvement. It will encourage citizens and groups from all walks of life to contribute to enhancing the generalwelfare. The DCS International will encourage outstanding young people to active participation in society and volunteer efforts to improve it. To these ends the DCS International will sponsor cultural and educational activities, and participate in the community social service effort, with the aim of improving the quality of life throughout each community.


Article 7

The DCS International membership consists of group members and individual members.

Article 8

Group members are the National Chapters of each member country and such regional chapters as might be established by the various national chapters.

National or regional chapters with less than thirty paid-up members are entitled to three representatives in the World Association in addition to three Presidents. Group members of the World Association are entitled to an additional representative for each additional ten paid-up members in the constituent group, or fraction thereof.

Article 9

Individual Members are:

1) Founding Members are those individuals who participate in the founding of the World Association within the first two years, and who are founding financial sponsors of the Association.

2) Representatives selected by the various DCS national and regional chapters, who have fulfilled all the obligations of membership including payment of prescribed dues, are individual members of the World Association.

3) Preparatory members are every national, regional, and local member of a DCS Youth Chapter.

4) Individuals or groups which have made a special, outstanding contribution to the DCS International may, upon nomination by the President and approval of the directors, be designated as Honorary Members of the Distinguished Citizens Society International.

Article 10

Members must meet their obligations to the DCS International to maintain their membership in good standing. Membership may be revoked in the event of serious infractions against the Association or those rules, or in the event of criminal activity.

Article 11

Members and founding members may propose motions or resolutions, elect their chapter officers, stand for election for office, and recall their officers in the event of non-performance or malfeasance. Members may also participate in any committee or activity sanctioned by the DCS International. Preparatory and honorary members, while enjoying speaking rights and rights to participate in DCS International activities, do not have voting rights.

Article 12

Members and founding members are obliged to adhere to the DCS International constitution and subsequent resolutions, to carry out assigned tasks or elected duties, to pay membership fees, and to attend the meetings of the Society.

Article 13

Members who leave the World Association for any reason shall not be entitled to any refund of dues or fees already paid. Resignations, stating reasons, should be tendered in writing.


Article 14

The general member assembly of the entire membership is the authoritative body of the Distinguished Citizens Society International. Between meetings, the officers and directors elected by the general assembly meeting carry out the affairs of the Society.

Article 15

Each member has one vote in the general assembly meeting. Should a member be unable to vote in person, he may designate a proxy in writing to another member. A member in attendance may exercise a signed proxy on behalf of no more than one other member. Both group and individual members shall be known as international representatives.

Article 16

The tasks of the general assembly shall include:

1) Enactment and revision of the DCS International constitution

2) Election of board directors

3) Determination, by the board directors, of membership entry fees, annual membership fees and the number and nature of any special contributions or assessments that might be required to successfully fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the World Association.

4) Determination of the annual goals and tasks of the DCS International.

5) Approval of expenditures and the budget, including balancing the books.

6) Approve or disapprove of resolutions or actions of the officers and directors.

7) Recognize members' outstanding service to DCS International or the community.

8) Resolve any other matters that might be brought before the assembly.

Article 17

DCS members in good standing who are not international representatives to the general assembly of the DCS International may attend its meetings as observers.

Article 18

The Association will meet annually,usually at the last quarter of the year at times and places decided upon by the Chairperson.

Other special member meetings may be held at the call of two third of the board committee.

Article 19

The quorum of the general assembly meeting consists of a majority of the voting members. (Preparatory, group, and honorary members are not voting members). Resolutions of the general assembly may be passed by a majority of the members voting in person or by proxy when a quorum is established.

However, the following types of resolutions require a two thirds majority vote for passage:

1) Ratification of this constitution, or subsequent changes thereto.

2) Changes in organizational structure.

3) Matters concerning property, such as the acquisition of a meeting place or office space.

4) Recall of officers or directors, or expulsion of a member.

5) Major changes affecting the rights and responsibilities of members.

Article 20

The Organizers of each successive General Assembly meeting shall be its Founding Members, the current Co-Chairman, the Executive Board Directors and Board Directors, and the special representatives seconded by each participating group member.


Article 21

1) The DCS International shall establish an International Board of Directors consisting of ninety-nine board members elected by the general assembly meeting.

Alternate Directors, not to exceed thirty-three in number, shall also be elected and will serve in the event a director cannot complete his term. Term of service for directors shall be one year. A nominating committee will prepare a list of candidates for director for the forthcoming year prior to each annual meeting of the general assembly.

2) The Board of Directors shall select from its membership thirty-three persons who are able to assume the responsibilities of Executive Board Directors. The Executive Board Directors shall meet every four months, convened by the Chairman of the DCS International or the next senior officer should he be unable to convene the meeting.

3) The Chairman of DCS International shall be elected by the Board Directors and Executive Board Directors from among their number. The Chairman shall have overall responsibility for all of the affairs of the DCS International, and shall represent the DCS International in its external affairs. The Chairman shall also convene and chair meetings of the general member assembly and of the directors.

4) Eight Co-Chairman shall similarly be elected by the Board Directors and Executive Board Directors from among their number. They will assist the Chairman in carrying out the work of the DCS International.

5) Regular board meetings will be held quarterly to half year at times and places decided upon by the Chairperson.

Other special meetings may be held at the call of the majority of the board committee.

6) In the event the Chairman is unable to carry out any of his duties, he shall arrange for one of the Co-Chairman to act in his place. Similarly, other officers unable to perform specified tasks will arrange for another officer of board director to act in their stead.

7) Directors meetings may be accomplished by telephone, fax, electronic mail, or other appropriate means, as might be determined by the Secretary General. Opinions expressed electronically shall be shared among the board directors, and votes may similarly be taken electronically in the interests of organizational effectiveness.

8) The Chairman of the DCS International shall establish an office and staff in his home country DCS chapter to facilitate the work of the DCS International.

9) The Chairperson will served one calendar year term and may extend to another consecutive addition tem for once only.

The outgoing Chairperson served the official executive board member for upcoming year.

Article 22

Responsibilities of the Board of Directors are to:

1) Carry out the duties mandated in the DCS International constitution.

2) Implement the resolutions of the general assembly, providing guidance, and periodic progress reports.

3) Manage the current accounts and the endowment funds of the DCS International.

4) Prepare and finalize of the budget.

5) Achieve financial balance.

6) Undertake such other tasks as might be necessary to achieve the goals of the DCS International.

Article 23

In addition to the above duties, the Executive Board Directors will also be responsible for any urgent actions that must be accomplished when the Board of Directors or the General Assembly is not in session.


Article 24

In order to carry out its activities, each chapter of the Distinguished Citizens Society International shall establish action committees, as follows:

1) Membership Committee

2) Mutual Assistance Committee

3) Education and Cultural Affairs Committee

4) Social Service Committee

5) International Affairs Committee

6) Economic Development Committee

7) Public Relations Committee

8) Awards Committee

9) Youth Service Committee

10) Program Planning and Development Committee

11) Environmental Affairs Committee

Each committee shall select a leader, co-leader and other members of the general assembly who may volunteer or be invited to participate. The committees shall set their own meeting schedules as might be determined by particular tasks and the necessary timing of their accomplishment.

Article 25

A New Chapters special committee shall be formed of volunteers who are in a position to promote the formation of new DCS Chapters. They will identify and cultivate potential founders of new chapters, and may nominate for honorary membership those persons who are prepared to organize a new chapter in their home territory. The committee will be headed by a Chairman and a director of public relations.

Article 26

The DCS International shall establish an alliance of DCS Youth Chapters, which shall stimulate activities and service projects linking DCS Youth Chapters worldwide.

Under the general direction of the Youth Services Committee, these activities will be organized by the local parent chapters and linked together in unified programs where practical.

Article 27

The Board of Directors, in carrying out its fiscal responsibilities shall establish a joint audit committee with representation from each national organization to insure proper financial management and funding for the DCS International.

Article 28

Founders and current Chairman of constituent national and regional chapters of the DCS International are expected to participate in all of the activities of the DCS International, and are expected to provide guidance to newly elected international representatives.


Article 29

The Chairman of DCS International shall nominate a Secretary General, and a Deputy Secretary General, subject to confirmation by the general assembly meeting.

The Secretary General is the ranking administrative officer of the DCS International, and is responsible for its operations, as well as for implementing the policy directions of the Chairman.

The Secretary General has the authority to make necessary expenditures in accordance with the budget and its limitations, and must maintain a record of the operations of the Association.

Other duties of the Secretary General include:

a)Providing input to, implementing and making a progress record of the tasks assigned by the President.

b)Participating in all meetings of the DCS International and in the meetings of the Board Directors and Executive Board Directors, and

c)Providing administrative support for all operational goals of DCS International.

Article 30

The Chairman shall also nominate a Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer subject to the approval of the general assembly meeting. The Treasurer will be responsible for preparing the budget for general assembly meeting approval, and will also be responsible for auditing the income and expenditures of the Association, certifying the books, and submitting a final budget report for the previous year.

Article 31

One to three legal advisors shall be nominated from among the membership by the Chairman, and be subject approval by the general assembly meeting. The legal advisor(s) shall be responsible for interpreting these articles and other matters of rules and procedures that might arise during meetings of the DCS International.

Article 32

Subject to the approval of the Board Directors, the Chairman may appoint representatives to other international organizations, governmental or nongovernmental bodies for a three year term. Appointees must be members in good standing, and the goals and purposes of the organizations to which they are appointed must be consistent with the goals of the DCS International.

Article 33

The work of the representatives to other organizations shall regularly be reported to the Chairman, who shall in turn inform the directors and the general assembly meeting.

Article 34

The Chairman shall convene a nominating committee for the purpose of preparing slates of nominees for the succeeding year's Chairman and Directors. The nominatingcommittee shall consist of founding members, former Chairman, the current Chairman and Co-Chairman, Current Board Directors, Executive Board Directors, officers, committee leader and co-leader and the senior representative of each national and regional DCS organization.

Article 35

The DCS International shall establish a Taiwan office that will be responsible for expanding understanding of the DCS International culture and worldwide membership and participation in the DCS International. The office will have a board director, co-director, and assistants.

Article 36

The general assembly meeting, as well as other scheduled and extraordinary meetings, will be chaired by the Chairman. Forty days written or email or telephonic notice will be given for meetings.

Article 37

Notice of meetings of the Executive Board Directors and Board Directors will be given thirty days in advance. A quorum for these meetings will consist of one half, and resolutions or other decisions of the directors will require a majority vote in order to take effect.

Article 38

All eligible participants must be informed of the nature of meetings, and the procedures to be used, i.e. fax, conference call, etc., and how the participants will be notified of various opinions if the meeting is to be conducted by electronic means.

Article 39

Fax, phone and E-mail can all be used to facilitate meetings that can not as a matter of practicality be held in a central location. Such meetings shall provide for dissemination of all views to all participants.

Article 40

The official languages of the DCS International are English and Chinese, and facilities shall be arranged to translate meetings into both languages. Other official languages may be added when necessary.

Article 41

The sources of funds for the Distinguished Citizens Society International shall be founders’ contributions, initiation and membership fees, long-term membership fees, advertising revenue, members' contributions or endowments, interest on funds' deposits, fund appeals and other fund-raising activities. Initiation and membership fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 42

Honorary and Preparatory Members are exempt from membership fees. Fees for preparatory members shall be minimized. They will be determined by the Youth Services Committee subject to review by the Board of Directors.

Article 43

The fiscal year of the DCS International shall be from January 1 through December 31, inclusive.

Article 44

Three months before the start of each fiscal year, the Secretariat and the Treasurer shall prepare an annual work plan, and a budget of projected income, expenses and salaries for approval by the Board of Directors. Within two months of the end of the fiscal year, they shall also prepare an annual work report and final accounting for the previous year's budget. They shall also prepare a property inventory, and an accounting of foundation funds, income and expenditures, for approval by the Board of Directors.

Article 45

In the event of dissolution of this organization, it’s property shall become the property of the local authorities wherever such property might be located.



Article 46

Constitutional Amendments can be accomplished by the General Assembly in one of the following ways:

1) By resolution signed by one-third of the membership and passed by a two-thirds vote of a general assembly quorum consisting of two-thirds of the entire memberships, and