Key Stage 1 and 2 Session Plan – Adult-led Activities

Subject: Literacy (Explanation Texts)
Date: Time: Group/s: Number of Pupils:
Implications from previous lesson(s):
N/A This is the first week of the Explanation Texts unit / Resources
Book – Until I Met Dudley
‘Why’ Questions (differentiated)
Interactive Whiteboard
Key Vocabulary
Formal/ informal language
TA to work with ??? / Assessment Opportunities:
How will you know the children have achieved your planned learning objective(s)?
Observe and listen to pupils responses.
During taboo game - are children using a range of adjectives?
Can children create their own explanations in pairs?
Can children identify features of an explanation text?
Pair work with ‘Why’ questions which aims to develop technical vocabulary i.e. adjectives, verbs, connectives.
Learning Objectives:
To describe people/things using adjectives.
To identify what an explanation text is.
National Curriculum links
En1– Speaking and Listening
2 d - identify features of language used for a specific purpose.
En3 – Writing;
1 a - choose form and content to suit a particular purpose
6 a - how written standard English varies in degrees of formality
Stage and timing of the lesson / Teaching and Learning Steps (this should identify the role of the Teacher/other Adults): / Differentiation and extension: / Outcomes of assessments:
5-10 minutes / Introduce and model ‘Taboo’ to the class (this is to practise use of vocabulary). Explain to children that the aim of the game is to describe someone without saying their name i.e. describe their features, personality etc. Model expectations i.e. effective use of adjectives to describe a person in the class – this is important to develop use of adjectives for explanations.
Make links to their branching work in ICT. What information do we need in Guess Who to narrow down the options? / Groups 1 and 2 will not be allowed to describe that persons hair therefore will have to consider a wider range of vocabulary when describing.
Group 5 to first hear an explanation from AMand will try to guess who they are talking about. They will then take it in turns to describe someone for the rest of the group to guess (with additional prompting by TA if necessary) / Children will have engaged in Taboo and successfully described a peer by using a variety of adjectives.
Activity One
Reading ‘How I Met Dudley’
10-15 minutes / Introduce concept of explanations. Read ‘Until I Met Dudley’ This is a book that contains real and imaginary explanations and is a fun introduction to explanations.
Discuss the difference in the real and imaginary explanations i.e. layout, language used (formal/informal), connectives, vocabulary. / Think-Pair-Share when identifying the differences between real and imaginary explanations (i.e. clear layout, title/headings, connectives, vocabulary including verbs and adjectives). / Children will be able to identify what an explanation text is and the differences between the real and imaginary texts.
Activity Two
Writing an explanation
20-25 minutes / Pupils to create their own explanations with their partner taking into consideration the features that have been listed.
They will choose from examples in the book including:
How an aeroplane flies
How a clock ticks
How bagpipes get their distinctive sound
How stars shine at night
How large ships keep afloat
How bubbles get into fizzy drinks
Select some children to share their explanations. Ask children to point out what they liked about this explanation.
From this, ask pupils to consider the features of an explanation and create a list on interactive whiteboard. Explain that we will look into these in greater detail by looking at the ‘real’ explanations next lesson. / Working in same ability pairs
A checklist will be on the interactive whiteboard with additional hand outs to be provided to Groups 1 and 2 with suggestion for connectives, verbs and adjectives.
Group 1 to work with ??? looking at an existing suggestion (cats in the dishwasher) and will talk about their own ideas (AM to scribe)
??? to work with Group 3 when writing their explanations to try and enhance their writing, referring them to the prompts where appropriate. / Children can begin to create an imaginary explanation text
Children will begin to identify the features of an explanation text.
Plenary Activity
‘Why’ questions
10 - 15 minutes / Inform children that they will be given ‘Why’ questions and in pairs they are going to give explanations to the questions.
Set expectations – use of language (verbs and adjectives), connectives, formal language use.
(Aim of questioning is of promote good adjective and verb use) / The questions will be differentiated to suit abilities
Group 1 to work as a group with AM reading the question
??? to circulate questioning groups further to expand their vocabulary
Extension – pupils find alternative partners to ask their ‘why’ question to. Compare answers / Children will be able to ask questions and give explanations in response that contains a range of adjectives, verbs and connectives
5-10 minutes / Pairs to model in their tables asking a question and giving an explanation.
Discuss the ‘Why’ questions and responses given. Recap of the features of an explanation / Peer-assessments – did peers use adjectives, verbs and connectives in their explanations?
(have this criteria displayed on whiteboard)