V.A. Ivanov, A. Samkov, R. Kevorkova, D. Podchasov, V. Domnin, E. Evscev Russian Research Center of Surgery named academician Petrovsky, Moscow, Russia

Objective: Clinical evaluation of tri-leaflet valve prosthesis TRICARDIKS in prosthetics of mitral and aortic valves. Implantation of artificial heart valves is one of the main methods of surgical treatment in patients with valvular heart diseases. Russian firm “Roskardioinvest” has developed a new unique model of artificial tri-leaflet heart valve. “Tricardiks” combines the advantages of mechanical and biological valve prosthesis, provides the central blood flow, creates conditions close to physiological. It has no analogues in the world market.

Methods: In the period August 2007-May 2008 in the Russian Research Scientific Centre of Surgery on the program of clinical trials, there were performed 15 operations prosthetics aortic or mitral valve, using TRICARDIKS - nine implanted in the aortic position, six prostheses - in the mitral position.

Results: Clinical evaluation of implanted prostheses was based on intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography and postoperative transthoracic echocardiography. It estimated rates of cardiac output, gradients, as well as the estimated area of the prosthesis opening.It was noted that the prosthesis mitral valve cardiac output increased from an average of 3.0 l/min - 5.3 l/min. There was an increase in the mitral orifice up to 2.8 cm2 the average peak gradient was 7.9 mmHg and the average gradient of up to 4.1 mmHg. In aortic valve prosthesis, there also occurred an increase in cardiac output from 3.0 l/min to 5.4 l/min, the average peak gradient was 16 mmHg and the average gradient of up to 9 mmHg. Regurgitation on all the implanted valves was 0-10

Conclusions: This clinical experience has shown that tri-leaflet valve “Tricardiks” provides adequate performance of intracardiac hemodynamics on mitral and aortic valve prosthesis, which allows them to be recommended for widespread use.