www.hqgsaugus.org February 2015

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Program= Premie positioning pillows
At the February meeting we will be making positioning pillows for preterm babies atMass General.Preterm babies are born before their muscles are fully developed. Positioning pillows encourage the babies adopt good positioning that will help their development. We will provide the fabric all you need to do is show up and help us make a stack of these. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with your quilty friends as well!
The Mystery Shop Hop Bus Trip this year will be on April 25. The cost will be $25. We will be stopping at a restaurant along the way where you canbuy your lunch,but you are welcome to bring your own lunch. Sign up will begin at the February meeting. We will open up seats to non-guild members in March so if you are interested please bring your check to the February meeting. We always have a great time on these trips - lots of friends, lots of laughter, andmost importantly lots of fabric!
UFO challenge issued= Number 3 on your list due.
UFO INCENTIVE PROGRAM! If you signed up to participate in our program to motivate you to finish some of your UFOs (Unfinished Fabric Objects) or PhDs (Projects Half-Done), remember: Number 3 on your list is to be finished by the February guild meeting! Bring your finished item (and remember, you determined when you submitted your list what "finished" means to you in relation to each project; it could mean to finish an item completely, to finish a top, or to finish the blocks for a project) and your list to the February meeting so you can show off and you will be eligible to win a prize. Three or four people will win prizes at each of the designated meetings (February, April and June). If you didn't have three items on your list, you choose which one to finish for the February meeting; however, you won't be eligible for prizes at all three meetings. Everyone who participates will get a special something in June, so if you didn't sign up yet, there is still time. Just see me at the guild meeting and I will give you a form on which you will list up to five UFOs you need a push to finish, and I will add your name those participating in this fun activity!
Fat Fat Quarter Question= What are your most favorite and least favorite parts of the quilting process?
Show and Tell= regular
Vendor= none
Bring Fat Quarter= yellow per Louise Nazzaro
Bring 9 patch= pink for Valentines Day
Raffle tickets= Buy some!
NEQM Passes = Gone! More will be coming soon…
Last months meeting summary:
Auction-supports NEQM and Haille’s Go Fund Me.
Treasurers Report = As of 12/31/14 our total is $ 14,878.85.
Show Quilt Raffle ticket top sellars= $1791 in tickets total
#1 Kathy Connors 24 books
#2 Sue Tamulaitis 14 books
#3 Janice Meade 8 Books
Presidents Message: Joyce Rodenhiser
President's Message-
Well done, Program Committee!! Auctioneer, Dottie, with pizzazz and ephemera and great assistant, Sue, sharing some more funny lines!! Accountants, Anne, Kathy, Sally and Irene...thank you all for the fun while you sold lots of interesting stuff!! Made some good money for great causes.
Women I have met are saving their scraps. They sew a bag of fleece, about 15" X 18," for the smallest, and put their scraps in that. When it is filled they sew up the top to make a pet bed. They prefer filling it with scraps because they don't bunch up when it is washed. The bigger the pet, the bigger the size for the fleece bag. The bag can be put into a basket to give it shape while it is being filled. Happy sewing and help for the environment!
May you be safe and warm.
Happy Valentine's Day, Joyce Rodenhiser
Program Announcements: Dottie Macomber with Lori Sue McNeely, Kathy Connors, Sally Nimblett and Susan Tamulaitus
Program message:
Final -Final payment is due for the Getaway! Please bring your checkbook. I will have your balance due on my spreadsheet.
--If -If you are participating in the UFO Incentive Program, please bring your completed UFO, #3 on your list, for a special Show ‘n’ Tell. Five people who completed their designated UFO will win prizes! If you didn’t complete #3 on your list, you may submit your voluntary donation of $1.00 to a special fund to be given to the New England Quilt Museum at the end of the UFO Program in June.
- -And speaking of prizes: our September vendor, Purrfect Pastimes, mailed 10 prizes to me that she meant to leave with us that evening. Sign up with me for a special drawing to win one of these prizes!
- -There is no vendor for the February meeting, but our vendor in March will be Camp Wool of Kennebunk, Maine. The owner wants me to tell you that she will be giving some lucky winner a special door prize that night, so make plans to be at our March meeting!
- -Because we have so many other prizes for the February meeting, I am going to ask for only three volunteers to answer the Fat Quarter Question. This activity is designed to help guild members get to know each and start to put names to the many faces we see each month at our guild meetings. Plus, if you come up, state your name, and answer the question, you win a fat quarter- and who doesn’t like free fabric! This month’s FQQ is: What are your most favorite and least favorite parts of the quilting process?
- -Susan Tamulaitis has been working tirelessly on both the charity sew-in for the February meeting and the Mystery Bus Trip Shop Hop for April 25th. See her information on both of these activities elsewhere in this newsletter.
- -Looking ahead: our April meeting will feature Sue Pelland presenting her Leaves Galore templates. She is also scheduled to teach a six-hour workshop on Saturday, April 18th. This workshop will cost $30 per person- and before you think that this is too high a price, consider this: I took a workshop with Sue at the Gathering in Manchester a couple years ago, and that price was $65! So this is quite a bargain. I will begin taking signups for this workshop at our March meeting, but I will bring a picture of the workshop project, which is a crib-size quilt called Melissa’s Quilt, and the supply list to the February meeting so you can get a preview and start thinking about whether or not you are interested. The workshop will be limited to 20 participants, but we must have a minimum of 15 to make it a “go”. If I don’t have 15 signups at the end of the March meeting, I will open the workshop up to non-members, so if you have a friend who may be interested, keep this in mind. I will take signups at both the March and April meetings, and if I don’t have at least 15 signups by the end of the April meeting, I will have to cancel the workshop. As with all guild activities, the fee is due when you sign up and will be nonrefundable unless we can fill your slot with someone else. You can check out this project and Sue’s other patterns and her special templates at www.suepellanddesigns.com . Contact me by email r by phone 781-932-3602.
Charity Announcements: Gretchen Berkowitch with Kathy Cusack and Lyrel Gillette

This is a thank you note I received from Lahey Behavioral Health
For the February meeting we will be making premie baby positioning pillows that we will be donate to the Mass General Hospital. We need some people to bring ironing boards, irons, sewing machines and both paper and material scissors. Fabricwill be provided. This isa great chance to catch up with your guild friends and do something meaningful so we are hoping for a large turn out!
Creative Quilt-Works Announcements: Bev McGrath and Gail Dwyer with Linda McVane and Carmen Arnone
9 patch variations= pink for Valentines Day
Keep those Nine-Patches coming!
Gail Dwyer
Member news- From Jane Amato:
Just wanted to let everyone know I received an Honorable Mention Ribbon at the Topsfield Fair for my first completed quilt. Bad news- they spelled my name wrong-put Joann instead of Jane- but they are going to fix it.
I am putting this in our Quilt Show in November and hope to have my hand-quilted one I started 30 years ago completed for the show also.

Sorry for the late posting! Good job Jane!
Peabody Historical Society’s miniature quilt challenge-
shortened please visits their web site.
There is no entry fee to participate in this challenge!
Submissions forReflections on Old Favoriteswill be exhibited along with the Society's antique challenge quilts at the Smith Barn, 38 Felton Street, Peabody, Massachusetts onSaturday,April 11, 2015 from 11-3pm andSunday, April 12, 2015 from 12-3 pm.
Entry forms must be received byMonday, March 9, 2015to participate in the challenge and exhibit. Pictures of the antique challenge quilts, submission guidelines, and entry forms are attached to this email, or you can download these documents atwww.peabodyhistorical.org/news.asp.
Hostess Announcements: Elfrieda Gangemi with Liz
We have a Keurig. We can bring our own K cups or purchase one for $.50. Be “green” bring a mug!
February hostess=Maureen Ward, Marianne Russell, Linda McVane, Lorraine DiMilla, Sue Bedollo, Mary Fitzpatrick, Jean Coughlin, Sally A Nimblett, Ruth Ruggiero, and Pam Strout.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristin Callahan, Secretary

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