July 16, 2013

This regular meeting of the Jerome City Council was called to order by Council President Bob Culver at 5:30 p.m.

Present: Councilman Chris Barber, Councilwoman Dawn Soto, Councilman Robert Culver, and Councilman Dale Ross. Mayor John Shine was excused.

Also present were staff members: City Clerk Shonna Fraser, City Administrator Polly Hulsey, City Attorney John B. Lothspeich, Police Chief Dan Hall, Fire Chief Jack Krill, Library Director Linda Mecham, WWTP Superintendent Gil Sanchez, Building Official Dave Richey, Community Development Director Zoe Monahan, Water Supervisor Larry Bybee, and Engineer Consulting Engineer Scott Bybee, and Jim Mullin from Keller Associates.


Council President Bob Culver led the audience in recitation of the pledge of allegiance.


Those items contained in the consent calendar are as follows:

1.  Approve the minutes of the July 2, 2013 regular meeting and the July 2, 2013 executive session

2.  Officer’s reports – Fire, Building, Library, Law Enforcement, Finance, and Planning and Zoning

3.  Approval to pay Magic Valley Labs $2,740 for May lab testing

4.  Approval to pay Country Home Products $2,895.97 for a leaf and lawn vacuum with chipper

5.  Approval to pay Energy Management Corp $3,300.05 for WWTP generator maintenance

6.  Approve Claims

Councilwoman Soto made the motion to approve the consent calendar as presented. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Ross. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Councilman Culver asked about the Country Home Products item. Mr. Sanchez stated the leaf vacuum is saving valuable manpower in keeping the lawn and grounds clean.


Councilman Ross made a motion to hire Burke Richman as Finance Director and confirm the mayoral appointment of Mr. Richman as Treasurer. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Council President Culver administered the oath of office to Mr. Richman.

Ms. Hulsey stated the City Treasurer is a position that requires city council approval and confirmation of the mayor’s appointment.


Councilwoman Soto made a motion to approve the addendum and agreement for Keller Associates including engineering services for updating the facility planning completed previously and continuing with pre-design, design, and construction assistance for the Jerome Wastewater Treatment Plant. In addition, this addendum serves as authorization to proceed with Judicial Confirmation Assistance, which will allow the city to incur indebtedness for the necessary project improvements. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Barber. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.


Councilwoman Soto made a motion to approve the alcohol license application for beer and wine for Hector Nevarez d.b.a. G Series Inc. “The Cooler” for consumption off premises at 124 East Main Street contingent upon passing inspections. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Ross. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Ms. Fraser stated G Series has been issued a beer and wine license by the State of Idaho and Jerome County for 2013-14. Inspections are on-going for the business. Chief Krill and Mr. Richey are working with the business to get premises up to fire and building codes. All fees and applications have been received. Zoning is correct for the use.


Councilwoman Soto made a motion to approve the alcohol license application for beer and wine of Mario Zavala d.b.a. Los Potrillos’ Mexican American Restaurant for consumption on premises at 1410 South Lincoln. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Barber. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Ms. Fraser stated State of Idaho and Jerome County license have been received; all fees and applications have been received, and the premises have passed all inspections.


Councilwoman Soto made a motion to purchase a Ricoh Afficio MP C2551 multifunction copy machine at a cost of $6,900. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Ross. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Quotes were received from two companies for a replacement copy machine for city hall as shown below:

Ricoh USA, Inc. provided a quote for a Ricoh Afficio MP C2551

Purchase Price $6,900

Color cost per copy .0700 cents and black and white cost per copy .0090 cents.

Boise Office Equipment provided a quote for a Xerox 7835

Purchase Price $$7,299

Color cost per copy .0553 and black and white cost per copy .0072

Ms. Fraser noted the current machine has been in use since 2005. The new copier will replace the functions of the aging scanner, fax machine, and cut down on the use of the color printer.


Councilwoman Soto made a motion to approve the purchase of a variable frequency drive controller for the Flying J Well from Bond Electric at a cost of $14,333.40. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Barber. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, Councilwoman Soto, and Councilman Culver. NAYS: None.

Larry Bybee stated new quotes were requested for the variable frequency drive controller that included installation costs. The two comparable quotes received are shown:

Bond Electric Mountain West

VFD $ 8,753.78 $10,951.20

Control Wiring 3,279.62 5,475.19

HMI (7” Touch

Screen 2,300.00 911.25

$14,333.40 $17,337.64

Mr. Bybee thanked council for considering the information again. The components have been broken down. The person doing the programming has been performing this function on the majority of the SCADA system to date.


Chief Hall explained prior to the Fourth of July he reminded staff to enforce fireworks ordinances, of which he found there are really none. The laws cover selling; there is nothing addressing possession or use of fireworks. He would like council guidance on whether or not staff should address fireworks or leave it as is. He noted there are residents that feel strongly about fireworks. Only fourteen complaint calls were received this year. One letter was received with fireworks safety concerns cited.

Councilman Barber commented the noise ordinance may be part of the puzzle. The danger of fires from fireworks is a concern for many residents with acreages and animals. There were mortars being fired off this year and they go on for days.

Chief Hall stated the city of Twin Falls passed a more stringent ordinance this year. It did not stop the issues but it did slow them down. The city does not have enough personnel to address every issue; however, he agreed the noise ordinance can be used. He also noted specific dates and time periods when fireworks are allowed may be useful.

Mr. Lothspeich researched this issue prior to the meeting. He stated in addition to looking at ordinances state wide he also looked at fire hazards and personal safety concerns and injuries. Most local ordinances address anything that flies and anything that explodes. Those items would specifically include mortars, bottle rockets, M80’s, and firecrackers. It was noted smoke bombs, fountains, sparklers, etc. are safe and sane. He suggested a definition of what is NOT legal to possess and use.

Council directed staff to draft an ordinance to present in the near future. They will find a balance between fun and dangerous.


Councilman Ross thanked the fire and police departments and everyone who attended the Fourth of July celebration at the park.

Ms. Hulsey reported there will be a presentation of the High Five Grant this week at the library from 1-3. Bob Richards will step down from 20/20 as of September 1st. Staff is working to establish a meeting with Stephanie Bonney for EPA and judicial confirmation discussions. Mr. Lothspeich is also working to coordinate with the Department of Justice.

She asked for council direction on replacing the façade of the council chambers building that was lost during the wind storm on the Fourth of July. Council directed staff to find the most cost effective solution.

Ms. Hulsey stated the city has paid $40,000 to 20/20 this year as provided in their agreement with the city. This item will be discussed for next year’s budget. He commented he believes the city has done a good job in promoting the city on its own and in conjunction with SEIDO. Ms. Monahan will ask for a copy of the 20/20 group progress report and forward it to council.


There being nothing further to discuss, this July 16, 2013 regular meeting of the Jerome City Council adjourned at 6:01 p.m.

John Shine, Mayor


Shonna Fraser, City Clerk