Developing Applications Using VB / C# 2008 / Duration: 9 days
Visual Studio 2008 adds a large set of new functionality for the Visual Studio developer. From new language features, including LINQ (Language Integrated Query), to new client-side data support, Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.5 make it easier than ever to create robust, enterprise-level applications. You will learn how to build solid applications using structured exception handling, how to use the Visual Studio debugging features, how to use MenuStrip and ToolStrip controls, and how to add unprecedented flexibility to your user interfaces using the container controls. As you continue through this course you will learn about important development topics that aren't normally covered in a beginning Windows application programming course such as an introduction to .NET interoperability, using .NET Serialization, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), and drawing your own user interfaces using the System.Drawing namespace. You will dig deeper into the most complex of Visual Studio's built-in controls, the DataGridView control, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), using ClickOnce, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and many more topics that will extend your knowledge, your capabilities, and your value as a developer.
At Course Completion:
After completing this course, students will be able to:
§  Learn about creating Windows Forms applications
§  Understand how to trap Windows Forms events
§  Investigate the many Windows Forms controls
§  Work with debugging features
§  Learn the role of DataSets and DataTables in ADO.NET
§  Understand error handling using Exception objects
§  Create flexible user interfaces using new container controls
§  Learn to create MDI applications and application using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
§  Interoperate between managed code and COM components.
§  Communicate using XML Web Services, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
§  Install applications using ClickOnce technology.
§  Save and restore nearly any object to a stream using serialization.
§  Create and execute workflows, using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).
§  Take advantage of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to add features to the .NET Framework.
§  Manage printers, and create free-form documents.
§  Display and edit data using DataGridView control.
§  Create owner-drawn controls and non-rectangular forms using the GDI+ and the System.Drawing namespace.
§  Create managed applications for Office 2007 products using Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO).
CODE:0-0-NHADAVBC2008 / Module 1: Introduction to Windows Forms
§  .NET Does Windows
§  Adding Controls to a Form
§  A Peek behind the Scenes
§  Adding Event Handling Code
§  Adding a Menu to the Form
§  Adding Non-Graphical Components
Module 2: Taking Advantage of the Form Event Model
§  How Visual Basic Handles Events
§  Exploring Form and Control Events
Module 3: Common Windows Forms Controls
§  Label, TextBox, and Button
§  CheckBox and RadioButton
§  ComboBox, ListBox, and CheckedListBox
§  LinkLabel, NumericUpdown, PictureBox and ProgressBar
Module 4: Exception Handling
§  Perspectives on Exception Handling
§  Getting Started with Exception Handling
§  Catching Specific Exceptions
§  Raising Errors
§  Running Code Unconditionally
§  Handling Unhandled Exceptions
§  Creating Exception Classes
Module 5: Working with Strings and Dates
§  Basic .NET Data Types
§  Working with Text: The String Class
§  Working with Dates and Times
Module 6: Accessing Data
§  Overview of ADO.NET
§  Connecting to Data
§  Executing Commands
§  Working with Data
§  Choosing an ADO.NET Provider
Module 7: Introduction to LINQ
§  LINQ Syntax
§  LINQ DataSets
§  LINQ to XML
Module 8: Data Binding Techniques
§  Data Binding Basics
§  Creating a Data Source
§  Creating Data-Bound Forms
§  Data Binding Components and Controls
§  Displaying Data from Related Tables
§  Enforcing Referential Integrity
§  Displaying Data from Lookup Tables
§  Adding Search Capabilities to a Form
§  Filtering by Values from a Lookup Table
§  Data Validation
§  Working with Local Data
Module 15: Container Controls
§  Introducing Container Controls
§  Grouping Controls with the GroupBox Control
§  Introducing the Panel Control
§  Displaying Multiple Panels with the SplitContainer Control
§  Laying out Panels with the TabControl Control
§  Simple Layout Using the FlowLayoutPanel Control
§  Advanced Layout Using the TableLayoutPanel Control
Module 16: Menus and Toolbars
§  Introducing the ToolStrips
§  Working with the ToolStrips
Module 17: Complex Windows Forms Controls
§  Introducing Complex Controls
§  NotifyIcon Control
§  WebBrowser Control
§  MaskedTextBox Control
§  RichTextBox ControlTreeView and ListView Controls
§  MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker Controls
Module 18: Working with My Namespace
§  The My Namespace
§  My.Application
§  My.Computer
§  My.User
§  My.Forms
§  My.Resources
§  My.Settings
§  My.WebServices
Module 19: Interoperability
§  COM Interoperability
§  COM DLLs and .NET Applications
§  .NET Assemblies in COM Applications
§  Wrap .NET Framework in COM Applications
§  Windows API using Platform Invoke
§  Web Services
Module 20: Windows Communication Foundation
§  WCF
§  Creative Service
§  Host Services in Applications
§  Communication between Clients and Services
§  Configure Client and Service Communication
Module 21: Working with Toolbox Components
§  Timer Component
§  BackgroundWorker Component
§  FileSystemWatcher Component
§  Process Component
§  ServiceController Component
§  EventLog Component
Module 30: Examining the DataGridView
§  Architecture of DataGridView Control
§  Appearance of Data in Grids
§  Work with Data in Grids
Module 31: Creating Rich User Interfaces with GDI+
§  System.Drawing Namespace
§  Owner-Drawn Controls
§  Non-Rectangular Forms
§  TransparencyKey Property
§  DataGridView Control Columns
Module 32: Creating Office Applications Using Visual Studio 2008
§  Office Templates
§  Ribbon Designer
§  Custom Task Pane
§  Word 2007's Content Controls
§  Outlook Custom Form Region
§  Odification Form / Module 9: Using the Data Controls
§  Data Controls
§  The BindingNavigator Control
§  The BindingSource Component
§  The DataGridView Control
§  The ReportViewer Control
Module 10: Introduction to WPF
§  Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
§  Investigating XAML and the WPF Designer
§  Introducing Content and Grid Controls
Module 11: Revisiting WPF
§  Laying Out the Application
§  Creating the MoviePlayer Control
§  Creating a Data Source and Hook up Data Binding
§  Adding a Data Converter and a Data Template
Module 12: Handling Input/Output Tasks
§  Introducing the System.IO Namespace
§  Selecting Files
§  Browsing for Folders
§  Handling Path Information
§  Working with Directories and Files
§  Using Stream-Based Objects to Read and Write File Contents
Module 13: Project Settings in Visual Studio
§  The Project Designer
§  Application Properties
§  Compilation Properties
§  Debugging Properties
§  Project References
§  Project Resources
§  Project Settings
Module 14: Debugging Your Applications
§  Debugging Applications
§  Setting Breakpoints and Stepping through Code
§  Debugging Code in Assemblies
§  Evaluating Variables and Objects
§  Edit and Continue
§  Tracing Applications
§  Unit Testing
Module 22: Deploying Applications Using ClickOnce
§  ClickOnce Deployment
§  Publish an Application
§  Deploy Updates to Applications
§  Maintain Applications
Module 23: Serialisation
§  Concept of Serialisation
§  Serialization of Built-In Objects
§  BinaryFormatter and SoapFormatter Classes.
§  Serialise User-Defined Objects
§  Serialisation Formatters
Module 24: Creating and Displaying Reports
§  ReportViewer Control
§  Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering to Reports
§  Subreports and Drillhtrough Reports
Module 25: Windows Workflow Foundation
§  Workflows and Activites
§  Declarative and Code Conditions
§  RuleSets and Policy Activities
§  Application Communication
§  Business Process States
Module 26: Filling the .NET Gaps with WMI
§  Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
§  .NET Framework's Management Namespace
§  WMI Classes
§  WMI Object Methods and Property Values
§  Visual Studio WMI Server Explorer
Module 27: WMI Events and Asynchronous Handling
§  System Events using WMI
§  Work with WMI Objects Asynchronously
§  Create Handlers for WMI Events
Module 28: Creating MDI Applications
§  MDI Applications
§  MDI Parent and MDI Child Forms
§  Menu Lists Open Child Forms
§  Manage Menus
§  Open Forms and their Controls
Module 29: Printers and Printing
§  System.Drawing.Printing Namespace
§  PrintDocument, PrinterSettings, and PageSettings
§  PrintPreviewControl, PageSetupDialog, PrintPreviewDialog, and PrintDialog Controls

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