Document name: / Food Hygiene Policy - Group Homes and Rehabilitation Kitchens
Portfolio / Infection control
Document type: / Policy
Staff group to whom it applies: / All staff within the Trust
Distribution: / The whole of the Trust
How to access: / Intranet and ward folder
Issue date: / October 2008
Next review: / October 2010
Extension to January 2012 agreed by EMT 8 September 2011
Approved by: / Executive Management Team
Developed by: / Janet Marsh
Director leads: / Alan Davis
Contact for advice: / Janet Marsh, Food Hygiene Trainer
Joanne Bastow, Facilities Monitoring Co-ordinator
Jackie Storer, Support Services Manager
Alison Perring, Senior Infection Prevention Practitioner

October 2008


High standardsof hygiene are important in relation to the production and service of food. This is particularly important when dealing with vulnerable people as a food poisoning outbreak could be extremely serious and fatalities could occur.

This policy defines the standards required within all food areas of Trust premises. It also provides a comprehensive risk assessment, identifying potential hazards involved in handling foods and effective controls to be adhered to. It is acknowledged that not all areas within the Trust have facilities to provide all sections (1 – 15)referred to in this policy. Any addition to current practices in your area should be in consultation with the Trust Food Hygiene Team (see page 3).

It is a legal requirement that all staff involved in food handling will receive food hygiene training,commensurate with their food handling duties. Refresher training must be sought every eighteen months to two years. The manager of the area will be responsible for ensuring that training records are kept and are updated for their staff.

The manager of the area will be responsible for ensuring that agreed standards of hygiene are maintained at all times within kitchen areas, and adopt standards within this policy relevant to current practice. This policy applies to all staff engaged in the service of food, and shall be read and understood by those staff.

Each individual will be required to certify in writing that they have read and understood the policy by completing the pro forma on the next page.

All staff must sign to certify that they have read and understood the food hygiene policies.







1.Legal Requirements1

2.Personal Hygiene4

3.Health of Food Handlers 7

4.Cleaning and Maintenance10

5.PestControl 13

6.Use of Refrigerators and Freezers16

7.Control of Food Hygiene within Rehabilitation Training Kitchens20

8.General Purchase and Storage of Food Products23

9.Self Catering Provision of Service User Meals31

10.Food Brought in by Carers and Friends63

11.Guidance Notes for Service UsersMaking Beverages64

12.Take-away Foods65


14.Pureed and Softened Foods and the Use of Blenders72

15.Parties and Functions80

16.Use of Microwave Ovens82



  1. Hand Washing Techniques
  2. Kitchen Cleaning Schedule
  1. Fridge/Freezer Temperature Record

4.Frozen and Chilled Food Delivery Record

5.Emergency Food Thawing

6.Food Service Monitoring Record


All kitchens within Trust premises and the activities undertaken within themwill comply with standards as defined by current legislation.

Registration of Premises

All premises handling food will be registered with the local Environmental

Health Department in accordance with the Food Safety Act 1990.

The Facilities Monitoring Co-ordinator will be responsible for ensuring that premises are registered following notification by the manager of the area.


The manager of the area will be responsible for ensuring that agreed standards

of hygiene are maintained at all times within the kitchen area. However all staff

have a responsibility for ensuring that the standards are maintained by their own

actions in accordance with this policy.

Risk Assessment

The principal aim of the Risk Assessments included in this policy are to ensure

that all of the Trust’s food premises conform to Regulation 4 of The Food

Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995. In legal terms the assessment

is known as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).

HACCP is a comprehensive assessment which is carried out to ensure foodsafety. It identifies the potential hazards involved in handling foods that should be implemented, maintained and reviewed on the basis of the following principles:

  • Analysis of the potential food hazards.
  • Identify the points where food hazards occur.
  • Decide which of the points identified are critical to ensure food safety.
  • Identify and implement effective controls and monitoring procedures at those critical points.
  • Review of the analysis of food hazards, the critical control points (CCPs) and the control and monitoring procedures periodically and whenever the operation changes.

The HACCP documents have been compiled as a baseline for Managers of the area to follow. They are necessary to work towards safer working practices and meet legislative requirements. Bacteria causing spoilage of food have not been detailed in this Risk Assessment due to their non-pathogenic nature.

It is the responsibility of this manager to update current practices and carry out further assessments not detailed within this document. The assessments will be checked and advised upon during kitchen hygiene inspections. Alternatively, further assistance or advice regarding assessments can be gained by contacting one of the following team members:

Trust Food Hygiene Trainer Tel: 01924 327056

Facilities Monitoring Co-ordinator Tel: 01924 327686

Support Services ManagerTel: 01924 327339

Infection Control Personnel (Appropriate Locality).

The implementation of the system will also aid in establishing a 'due diligence' defence in the case of proposed legal action by the Environmental Health Department.

It is of paramount importance that individual managers and staff are aware of this policy and ensure that this system is followed.

It is essential that before any changes are made to the function of any kitchen the Trust’s Food Hygiene Team is contacted. Before any procedures are changed they must be submitted to the Trust Food Hygiene Team for assessment and approval.

The Trust Food Hygiene Team members include:

Food Hygiene TrainerInfection Control Nurse

South West Yorkshire M.H. TrustMid YorkshireHospital Trust


Tel: 01924 327056Tel: 0844 811 8110 Ext. 3221

Facilities Monitoring Co-ordinatorInfection Control Nurse

South West Yorkshire M.H. TrustCalderdale & Hudd Foundation Trust


Tel: 01924 327686Tel: 01422 357171 Ext. 2376

Support Service ManagerInfection Control Nurse

South West Yorkshire M. H. TrustCalderdale and HuddFoundation Trust

FieldheadHospitalHuddersfield Royal Infirmary

Tel: 01924 327339Tel: 01484 342000 Ext 2447

Infection Control Nurse

South West Yorkshire M.H. Trust



Tel: 01924 327063

Advisers to the Trust Food Hygiene Team include:

Consultant Microbiologist


Tel: 0844 811 8110 Ext. 2655

Consultant Microbiologist

Dewsbury and DistrictGeneralHospital

Tel: 0844 811 8110 Ext. 83205

Consultant Microbiologist

Pathology Laboratory

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

Tel: 01484 342000 Ext. 2427



Sufficient suitable facilities for ensuring the personal cleanliness of food

handlers shall be provided within each kitchen area. Facilities will include wash

hand basins with suitable and sufficient supply of hot and cold running water,

suitable sufficient supply of liquid soap (and dispensers) and suitable sufficient

supply of clean disposable paper towels. These items are to be used solely for

securing the personal cleanliness of food handlers and nothing else.


Hands are the main route for transferring food poisoning bacteria and must therefore be kept scrupulously clean at all times.

All staff and service users handling food must wash their hands regularly throughout the working day and especially:

  • on entering the food room
  • after visiting the toilet
  • before handling any food or equipment
  • in between handling raw and cooked food
  • after combing or touching hair
  • after eating, smoking, coughing or blowing their nose
  • after handling waste food or refuse
  • after handling cleaning chemicals
  • after their break

The correct hand washing procedure is essential. The hands should be wet and a liquid soap applied. A good lather is required and the wrists, forearms and in between the fingers should all receive attention. See appendix 1 for hand

washing technique.

The hands should be thoroughly rinsed and dried using disposable paper towels.

Cuts and Lesions

Persons with minor cuts/lesions, burns or sores must fully cover the wound with a clean, coloured, waterproof dressing. Waterproof dressings may need to be changed throughout the working day. They must not be changed in the food area.

Protective Clothing

Clean, disposable or washable protective aprons shall be provided for use by personnel handling food to reduce the risk of contamination of food.

Additional Information

As a feature of good practice and a legal requirement:

  • Smoking will not be allowed in the food area
  • Eating is only permitted in designated dining facilities
  • Nails must be short and clean, nail varnish and false nails must not be worn
  • Single use nailbrushes should be available in designated areas for single use only
  • Food handlers must not wear jewellery, the only exception is a single plain band. Rings that contain stones are not permitted

All Practices should comply with the Hazard Analysis Section 2 – Personal Hygiene (page 6).


Contamination of products by poor personal hygiene practices. / Health screening.
Provision of clean protective aprons.
Provision of first aid facilities.
Limit jewellery, nail varnish and other potential contaminants.
Adequate facilities for hand washing.
Food safety training. Staff awareness of personal hygiene practices. / Yes / Satisfactory health screening.
All staff to be suitably trained in food safety.
Strict adherence to personal hygiene procedures. / Food handlers suffering from any food poisoning symptoms must be excluded from handling food.
They must refrain from food handling duties for 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
Medical clearance must be approved.
Staff to be suitably trained.
Counselling/re-training of staff. / Health questionnaire.
Training records
Regular inspections.
Manager to regularly monitor. / All staff and managers
Trust Hygiene Team.



Food handlers suffering from possible infectious conditions likely to give rise to food poisoning must report symptoms to their supervisor immediately and leave the food handling area. If experiencing any of the following they must not handle food:

  • Boils
  • Skin lesions or cuts
  • Discharges from the eyes, ears or nose
  • Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
  • Heavy colds and coughs


Staff with any of the above symptoms must report them to their supervisor

immediately whether on duty or off. The supervisor should then notify the

Occupational Health Department and refer the member of staff so that advice

regarding returning to work and/or exclusion from food handling duties can be

given. It is initially very difficult to be certain whether an episode of diarrhoea

or vomiting is infectious. If there is only one bout in a 24-hour period and it is

not associated with fever then it is reasonable to presume that it is not infectious

and the person may resume food-handling duties. For the clinical management

of individual cases and for public health protection appropriate investigations

such as stool sampling may be necessary. This will be co-ordinated by the

Occupational Health Department or the individual’s GP. If a member of staff’s

family have symptoms of food poisoning they must inform their supervisor who

may consult the Occupational Health Department for advice regarding food

handling duties.

The Consultant Microbiologist will notify the Consultant in Communicable

Disease Control (Proper Officer) immediately by telephone if the member of

staff involved in food handling has a positive stool specimen.

Staff suffering from symptoms of food poisoning MUST be excluded from food

handling whilst symptomatic. On occasion medical clearance may be required

from their GP/Occupational Health Department or where formal exclusion

procedures have been introduced by the Local Authority, Environmental Health


In any case, exclusion from food handling duties must continue until the

member of staff has been asymptomatic for a full 48 hours.

There are some causes of diarrhoea which require special consideration, for

example, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, verocytotoxin - producing

Escherichia Coli and Hepatitis A. The investigation and management of these

individuals is usually carried out by the local authority and the Proper Officer.

It may require that food handlers remain off work for longer than previously


If someone is unable to work because of infection but is not off sick they may

be put on medical suspension with pay.

For cases of food poisoning or suspected food poisoning, Local Authority

Environmental Health Officers will contact the member of staff to obtain a food

history in an attempt to ascertain the source of the food poisoning.

For additional information, please contact:

Leeds and South West Yorkshire

Occupational Health Department Tel: 01977 605585/605586

Consultant Microbiologist

Mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust Tel: 0844 811 8110 Ext. 2655 and ICDs

Duty Professional

West Yorkshire Health Protection Agency



LS14 6UHTel: 0113 2840606

Infection Control Nurse

FieldheadHospitalTel: 01924 327063

DewsburyDistrictHospitalTel:0844 811 8110 Ext. 83221

Huddersfield Royal InfirmaryTel: 01484 342000 Ext 2447

CalderdaleRoyalHospitalTel: 01422 357171 Ext 2376

All practices should comply with the Hazard Analysis Section 3 – Staff

Health (page 9)


Contamination of products by poor personal hygiene practices. / Health screening.
Provision of first aid facilities.
Adequate facilities for handwashing.
Staff awareness of personal hygiene practices through food safety training and Trust Infection Control policies. / Yes / Satisfactory health screening.
All staff to be suitably trained in food safety.
Strict adherence to personal hygiene procedures. / Food handlers suffering from any food poisoning symptoms must be excluded from handling food.
They must refrain from food handling duties for 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
Medical clearance must also be approved.
Staff to be suitably trained.
Counselling/Re-training of staff. / Health questionnaire.
Regular inspections.
Manager to regularly monitor. / All staff and manager.
Trust Hygiene Team.




Kitchens must be kept clean and tidy at all times. The individual must clean up

any spillages as they occur. Areas which are noted by staff to be less than

satisfactory must be brought to the attention of the manager of the area for

action. A suitable and sufficient supply of approved cleaning materials shall be

provided for use. Single-use wiping cloths must be disposed of after each use

and must not be left to stand in sinks or on work surfaces. Green scouring pads

must be discarded at the end of each day. All cleaning materials in use in the

kitchen will be colour coded in accordance with Trust Infection Control Policy.

This will include: mops, buckets, cloths and household gloves.

Cleaning substances available shall be strictly controlled in accordance with the

current COSHH policy and associated information (available from the line

manager). Cleaning substances must be stored separately from food items

preferably in a separate room or cupboard. Careful storage will eliminate the

risk of chemical contamination of food. Mops must be kept separate for use

only in food areas. Crockery and utensils shall be washed appropriately and left

to air dry. Cleaning shall be in accordance with the cleaning schedules as

specified in the Domestic/Housekeeping Services Contract (see appendix 2 –

Cleaning Schedule Guidance).

All items of equipment used in food service must be washed by an approved


Maintenance of Equipment

Defects arising within the kitchen shall be reported immediately to the

Facilities/Estates Department for rectification. In the case of private properties,

these defects should be reported to the Landlord. The responsibility for ensuring

defects are reported and completed satisfactorily lies with the Manager of the

area. Written records of reported defects must be available.

The Facilities/Estates Departments will make annual checks on all electrical

equipment within the kitchen as a planned programme.

Contacting the on-call engineer through the usual procedure provides services out of normal hours.




/ CCP(S) /






Contamination of the products or ingredients by:
Using dirty containers or dirty equipment which comes into contact with food.
Dirty surfaces
Chemical contamination of food through misuse of chemicals. / Provision of a comprehensive cleaning schedule.
Instruction and training of staff in cleaning standards and the use of chemicals.
Clean up any spillages immediately.
Clean as you go.
Never wash utensils
in the wash hand basin. Always use dishwasher/wash up sink.
Never use bleach or bleach products in the kitchen.
Store cleaning chemicals separate food. / Yes / Staff to be suitably trained in cleaning standards and use of chemicals.
Always follow advice.
Strict adherence to cleaning procedures.
Cleaning chemicals to be stored in a separate cupboard. / Advise and re-train staff to increase awareness. / Regular checks by manager, Trust Hygiene Team and spot checks by the Facilities Monitoring Officers. / All staff.
Monitoring staff.
Service Manager (Facilities)