Minutes of Meeting Monday 16th January2012

Item / Action
Police Matters
Apologies were received from the police representative who was unable to attend. Yvette advised that Speed Watch was now well underway and areas for monitoring had been extended.
1. / Attendees: Dave Norris, Graham Alleway, Pete Jones,
Jeff Llewellyn, Yvette Jones, Dianne Norris, Robin Short,
Marc Bedwell, Judy Douch, Beulah Kingston
Apologies for absence:Ildikó Roth, Savitri Kegge
2. / Agree Minutes
The minutes of the 14th November meeting were approved.
3. / General Matters
Welcome Leaflet – this was generally liked subject to some tweaking. The official WEVS logo only has one tree and should not be stretched or adjusted, other than by size.
Parish Magazine - the AGM advertisement will be re-run in the February issue where it is hoped that reproduction will be good.
We will place a piece in the Parish Magazine when we have something of substance to relay, bearing in mind that the deadline is normally pre the sixth of each month.
Jubilee Trees - we may have a feature in the March issue if the jubilee trees planting yields a story. Yvette is meeting with members of the PC to discuss planting sites.
Boxing Day Walk – Marc confirmed that this, the 29th walk, was once again a real success with some 140 people across three generations attending. Dave will convey thanks to Nicholas and Niaouli Wolfe for once again leading the walk. A report on the walk is already positioned on the WEVS website.
War Memorial Protection – the guidance offered will not be needed as there is no metal on the memorial. / Yvette & Savitri
5. / AGM
The AGM set for Tuesday 21st February will commence at 7.30 pm. The committee will be in attendance from 6.45 to set up and arrange the room. Dave confirmed that Steve Proud, Heath Warden will be the Guest Speaker, with whom he will liaise prior to the meeting.
A reminder will be sent out to Distributors in the form of the AGM advertisement, as an email attachment. This will also advise them of an extension to the date for receipt of the proposals for donations in 2012, towards worthy causes in the village, with replies to the WEVS Secretary. A further reminder will be sent out three days prior to the AGM.
Setup and display
The Committee table will be positioned diagonally to the left of the screen (facing) as last year.
The signing-in form will be amended to include headings for the email address and name in capitals, together with a signature. This will be positioned on a table to the left just inside the hall.
John Smith to be requested to provide pictures for display relating to the heathland, to reflect the theme of Steve Proud’s presentation.
The WEVS Banner will be position, as last year, at the rear (offset to the left facing).
The refreshment tables at the rear of the room will be covered with the WEVS fabric, protected by the plastic covers.
Seating will be positioned facing the screen.
Dave advised that Ildikó will once again provide the ‘light bites’, Marc Tea and Coffee, Robin wine, soft drinks and plastic beakers.
The Meeting
Dave will open the meeting with the Chairman’s report.
Beulah will do a very short piece on the past year’sactivities, current issuesand in particular an update on the outcome of the Inspector’s decisions on SHBC Core Strategy in relation to West End.
Robin will advise on WEVS finances, in particular the donations made to last year’s worthy causes and the monies held on ice towards the Heritage Walk.
Presentation of Gift to Stuart Cazaly - Robin to Source
 Yvette will report as Membership Secretary including the need for additional distributors and subscription rates for 2012.
Communications - Pete will do an update on the website and the Heritage Walk.
VDS - Judy will bring the meeting ‘up to speed’ on the progress of the VDS.
Election of Officers
(Prior to the meeting Dave will contact all of the present committee about their intentions for 2012 with respect to – remaining on the committee, holding current status, rotationof positions (where appropriate), or resigning.)
The Meeting will then be requested to endorse the nomination of each Officer whether for re-election or new position.
Presentations for donation towards worthy causes in the village
Review Of Website
Amenities – the links to bus services 34 and 35 have slipped, all other links are ok. It was suggested that this page could be livened up, perhaps by showing the main headlines in bold.
Clubs – again embolden the headlines, the Brass Band needs a contact/link and consistency with regard to time and date. The Garden Club meeting date to be changed to the 4th Tuesday in the month.
Current issues – The SHBC Core Strategy position will be updated by Dave, for Pete to edit the website. The Ward Profile can be updated once the recent Census information becomes available.
Diary – Pete to check with Savitri.
History – All looking good.
Shops and Pubs – Some telephone numbers missing, West End Garage to be updated. The grid has slipped and font sizes are to be standardised. All links work. We need to check if Elliotts is still functioning as a nursery/plant centre and how it should be described.
Village – Looks good. Links work. (some fungi pictures are not named – no action).
VDS – Judy will send the update to Pete. Consistency to be applied to bullet points.
Contact us – Pete will redesign this page.
Newsletters–This page will be redesigned and updated by Pete including deleting 2002.
News – The word appreciation is miss-spelt under wine …
Events in the Village (left column) – to be edited to read:
Events in the Village Coming up Soon’
General – Improve consistency regarding fonts, capitals underlining etc.
A new picture was agreed for the WEVS page.
If Committee members wish to change their picture on the Contact Us section they should send an un-cropped one to Pete.
Pete requested that If any of us have some elongated pictures taken in the village or ones that could be edited to suit, be sent to him. The ‘dead tree’ will be replaced once a replacement picture has been located. Also send to Pete any other good pictures that might be used on the website.
The Church needs a contact person.
The website to include a link to the PC website.
Deepcut Exhibition - Information on this is to be placed on the website. See the PC website for details. The dates are Fri 10th Feb 2pm-8pm and Saturday 11th February 9am-1200 noon. / Dave
Robin &
Robin & Beulah
Dave/ Pete
Yvette & Pete
Beulah & Pete
Judy & Pete
Beulah &
All & Pete
6. / VDS Update – Judy updated the meeting on the detailed work being undertaken on the initial draft and summary of the Streetscapes section, which will inform much of the design guidelines. This has been somewhat delayed but will be ready to send to Helen Murch for her approval/guidance very soon. Meantime other sections of the interim document are being reviewed, with each member or pair of members, working on specific sections. The general Guidelines are also being reviewed, strengthened or deleted as appropriate. If an architect is required to look at the Streetscape section Dave has a contact who would do so for a small charge.
7. / Media & Communications
(Savitri, Yvette, Pete, Dianne)
Website hits –Pete advised that hits were increasing gradually, as follows: – October 308, November 349, December303.
Newsletter Distributors – Yvette reported that there was no evidence of subscriptions collected or paid over a two year period by a particular Distributor. Stuart Cazaly briefed Yvette at take-over. This person was not used to deliver Newsletters in 2011. Both Stuart and Yvette called several times through 2011, but the lady has not been at home. Dave will write to this person seeking clarification on this issue as we need this information for our records. Yvette also confirmed that she needed three new Distributors.
Carried Forward from previous meeting:
Constitutional Changes
Newsletter articles of interestfrom previous editions
Marketing Material
Poster for village display boards publicising the website
Newsletter for Mr Bush and reciprocal feedback on Council activity / Dave
Subcommittee Reports
Marc advised that the property in Commonfields, seeking a two storey extension was back on the agenda. Despite many objections including the PC and Dave on behalf of WEVS. With this new application it is likely to go ahead.
Newsletter Deadlines–These are to be four week prior to publication as follows:25th May for June issue and 10th August for September issue.
Fete / Show Dates - Summer Fete Saturday 23rd June
Ag & Hort Show - Saturday 8th September
WEVS Stand – Marc will research the cost of stands which comply with the proportions of Jack’s stand, which got damaged by high winds at the Ag & Hort 2011. This could replace Jack’s and it is hoped he will allow us to borrow it and continue to storage in his garage. / Dianne
Meeting Dates 2012
Tuesday 21 February AGM (Large Hall) 7.30 start
Monday 12 March
Monday 14 May
Monday 19 June - Pre Summer Fete
Monday 03 September – Pre Ag & Hort
Monday 19 November – Website Review (Large Hall)