The General meeting of The Moultons Parish Council will be held at Moulton Seas End Village Hall on 5th September2017 at 7pm.


  1. Chairmans remarks.

Public forum.

  1. Apologies of absence.
  2. To receive apologies for absence and acceptance of any reason give.
  3. Declarations of interest.

a)To receive any additional declarations of interest in accordance with Localism Act 2011.

  1. Notes of the meeting of the Parish Council on 6thJuly 2017to be approved as the minutes.
  2. Clerks report.
  3. To receive the Clerks report on matters outstanding.
  4. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotment report.
  5. To receive these reports as above.
  6. Police matters.
  7. To receive the local Police report.
  8. Highways matters to include SID report.
  9. To receive the Highways matters.
  10. SID report.
  11. Financial matters.
  12. To receive the Financial report.
  13. Planning matters.
  14. To receive the latest planning report.
  1. Moulton Village ward.
  2. To consider an update from Moulton.
  3. To consider the maintenance on the area surrounding the village notice board.
  4. Moulton Seas End ward.
  5. To consider an update from Moulton Seas End.
  6. Moulton Chapel ward.
  7. To consider an update from Moulton Chapel.
  8. To consider the request from the PCC regarding the tree.
  9. Correspondence.
  10. General correspondence as listed on the Clerks report.
  1. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
  2. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.
  1. Date of next meeting.
  2. To confirm the date of theGeneral Parish MeetingTuesday 3rd October at 7pm to be held at Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre.
  3. To resolve whether to exclude public, police and press who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

N.B. The public WILL be asked to leave at this stage.

Item: Update of business from Clerk and Cllr Walters.