NZQA registered unit standard / 28701 version 1
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Title / Interpret chipseal design instructions and construct chipseal surfacings
Level / 4 / Credits / 14
Purpose / People credited with this unit standard are able to: interpret chipseal design instructions; prepare to construct chipseal surfacings; and construct chipseal surfacings.
Classification / Infrastructure Works > Bitumen Surfacing Construction
Available grade / Achieved

Explanatory notes

1 The following requirements apply to this unit standard, and must be complied with:

RNZ 9803, Quality Assurance for Bituminous Binders: A Code of Practice developed by Roading New Zealand, RNZ 9803:2013, Roading New Zealand, available at;

RNZ 9904, The Safe Handling of Bituminous Materials Used in Roading – Code of Practice RNZ 9904:2006, Roading New Zealand, available for purchase at http://www.;

RNZ 9805, Quality Assurance of Aggregates for Roads RNZ 9805:2009, Roading New Zealand, available at;

Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM), New Zealand Transport Agency, available at;

Chipsealing in New Zealand, New Zealand Transport Agency, available at;

New Zealand Transport Agency specifications at

NZTA M1: Specification for Roading Bitumens;

NZTA M6: Specification for Sealing Chip;

NZTA M6 Notes: Notes on Specification for Sealing Chip;

NZTA P/3: Specification for First Coat Sealing;

NZTA P/4: Specification for Resealing;

NZTA P17: Performance Based Specification for Reseals;

NZTA T10: Specification for State Highway Skid Resistance Management;

NZTA T10 Notes: Notes to the Specification for State Highway Skid Resistance Management;

Operating manual;

Site safety plan;

Contract quality plan.

2 Definitions

Company procedures refers to all documented policies, procedures, and methodologies of the candidate’s employer at the time of training, including but not limited to those relating to health, safety, environment, quality, and operations.

Maintenance period means the period of time from the removal of temporary speed restrictions until final acceptance by the engineer during which time the contractor may have corrective action obligations specified in the contract specifications.

Operating manuals refers to the plant operating manual and manuals written for specific components or items of plant and equipment that may be published by the manufacturer or the company.

Protection period means the period of time from the completion of construction until the removal of temporary speed restrictions during which time the contractor may have corrective action obligations specified in the contract specifications.

PMB means polymer modified binder.

PSV means polished stone value.

Outcomes and evidence requirements

Outcome 1

Interpret chipseal design instructions.

Range instructions for three sites covering four different surface types such as – granular, stabilised, chipseal, bituminous mix.

Evidence requirements

1.1 Chipseal design instructions are interpreted to determine plant, materials, and processes to be used for constructing the chipseal.

Range plant – broom, sprayer, tanker, chip truck, chip spreader type, rollers, transporter equipment;

materials – binders spray rates, binder quantities ,chip size, chip source, chip quantities;

processes – stockpile pre-treatment, environmental pre-construction checks, weather checks, rolling pattern, temporary traffic management, roadmarking.

1.2 Binder application rates are determined from chipseal design instructions and checked against site conditions, and any adjustments are communicated and recorded in accordance with contract requirements and company procedures.

Range examples of adjustments – application rate, transverse variable, cutters, volatiles, water content of emulsions, PMB;

reasons are given for any adjustment.

1.3 Compaction requirements and rolling methods are determined from chipseal design instructions, and any adjustments are communicated and recorded in accordance with contract requirements and company procedures.

Range requirements – equipment, water, critical timing;

methods – number of passes, speed of roller, roller type, number of rollers, rolling pattern;

adjustments for – drop in pavement temperature , change in weather.

Outcome 2

Prepare to construct chipseal surfacings.

Range evidence is required of working on three contracts covering each of the following surfaces, binders, and seals in any combination:

surfaces – granular, stabilised, chipseal, bituminous mix;

binders – hot bitumen, cut back, emulsion, PMB, polymer modified emulsion, latex modified emulsion;

seals – first coat, two coat, reseal, membrane.

Evidence requirements

2.1 Pre-construction checks are carried out and surface is swept in accordance with company procedures.

Range checks – day’s weather, two day forecast, rain radar, pre-seal repairs completed, construction signed off ready for sweeping, start and finish locations, chip condition.

2.2 Requirements for site safety, environmental protection, and temporary traffic management are confirmed and implemented in accordance with company procedures.

2.3 All objects and surfaces that need protection are either protected or marked and recorded so they can be found and/or reinstated after sealing in accordance with company procedures.

Range examples of objects needing protection – service covers, fire hydrants, adjacent surfaces, roadmarking offsets.

2.4 Parties affected by site works are identified and notified in accordance with contract requirements and company procedures.

2.5 Spray runs are planned to match seal design, site conditions, seal type, chip stockpile location, and available plant in accordance with company procedures.

Range start and end positions, rate changes, widths, tapers, seal joins, centreline, shoulders;

evidence is required of communication with supervisor and chip truck drivers.

2.6 Sampling and testing requirements are confirmed in accordance with company procedures.

Outcome 3

Construct chipseal surfacings.

Evidence requirements

3.1 First spray run is checked and assessed for compliance with target in accordance with contract quality plan requirements, and any adjustments are made in accordance with company procedures.

Range checks – length, width, before and after dip, chip depth; chip adhesion, chip cleanness, chip dryness;

assessment – visual on road, compare with sprayer data.

3.2 After each spray run, checks are made for compliance with quality requirements, samples are taken in accordance with company procedures, and sprayer is reloaded in accordance with company procedures and operating manual.

Range checks – binder temperature remains within parameters for spraying, no streaking, no binder flow, ambient temperature, dips, binder quantity.

3.3 Joints and overlaps are constructed to match contract quality plan requirements and corrections are made in accordance with company procedures.

Range paper start and finish, staggered start and finish for multicoat seal, centreline, wheelpaths.

3.4 Chip spread is checked visually against target photos for each seal type and is corrected as required. Any consequent adjustments to application rates are agreed with engineer in accordance with company procedures.

Range corrections – chip truck calibration, mat test, ground speed, chip from stockpile, percentage coverage.

3.5 Chip spread is monitored visually and adjusted to apply the agreed chip application rate for each section on site.

3.6 Compaction is checked for compliance with quality requirements in accordance with company procedures.

Range checks – compaction started on time, rolling pattern.

3.7 Traffic and site protection are monitored and consequent actions taken in accordance with the CoPTTM, site safety plan, and company procedures.

Range monitor – starting traffic on new seal, cones, guidance, traffic speed, traffic rolling.

3.8 Hand work is managed to ensure surfacing complies with contract requirements in accordance with NTZA P/3, NZTA P/4, and company procedures.

Range hand work on areas that cannot be reached by the chipseal machinery – edging, application rate, extent of seal, spreading chip, finishing.

3.9 Site tidiness is managed in accordance with site safety plan, RNZ 9904:2006, and company procedures.

Range chip stockpiles, loading and unloading of plant and materials, transfer of binder in the field, disposal of waste materials, picking up start and finish paper, flattening piles of chips, cleaning up stockpile site.

3.10 Protocols for seeking assistance in the event of uncertainty over technical requirements are followed in accordance with company procedures.

Range examples of uncertainty – wrong seal design, wrong treatment, wrong binder, wrong chips, seal not working, chips not fitting.

Planned review date / 31 December 2019

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment /
Registration / 1 / 19 February 2015 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0101

This CMR can be accessed at

Please note

Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment.

Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.

Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards.

Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMRs). The CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements.

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact the Infrastructure ITO if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.

Infrastructure ITO
SSB Code 101813 / Ó New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015