CRM Extensions

Last updated: 10/24/2007 2:19 PM

Options Defined


Options for the CRM Extensions software functions are located in 2 places:

1)  The TeamScope CRM Options Manager on tabs that begin with “*Ext”
Examples are: “*Ext General”, “ *Ext Forms”, “*Ext Projects, *Ext Toolbars, *Ext Teamwork, *Ext KB, *Ext Pipeline, *Ext Financial
Explanation of these options is located within the CRM Options Manager at the top of the Options Manager window when the user clicks on the option’s “Value” column.

·  *Ext General

·  *Ext Forms

·  *Ext Projects

·  *Ext Financial

·  *Ext Toolbars (available “soon”)

·  *Ext Teamwork (available “soon”)

·  All options (including the other “*Ext” tabs) in the Options Manager are individually documented in the “tooltip” that appears at the top of the options manager window when the user clicks in the “Value” column of the individual option.

2)  “CRM Extensions Config” item located in both the user’s local CRM config folder located under their “Notes” folder and the public/central CRM config folder typically located under the CRM “Users” public folder.
Explanation of these options is contained below within this document.

CRM Extensions Config

This config item is broken up in to different “Sections” denoted by [Section Name] and the options for each section follow the section name with each option on a separate line.

Notes to CRM Administrators:

1)  Config Item formatting rules:

·  Lines where the first character is a single quote (‘) are considered comments and are ignored

·  All sections start with [Section Name]

·  All section names and options start in the left column

·  Options within a section are formatted as: Option Key Name=Option Value

·  Option Key Names must be unique within a section

·  Any spaces around an Option Key Name are “Trimmed” before the key name is used

·  Spaces around Option Values are *not* “Trimmed”

·  Trailing tabs on Option Values are removed

·  Option Values may not contain new line characters, use “<cr>” instead

·  Option Values may not contain tab characters, use “<tab>” instead

·  Comments at the end of the Option Value start with ‘@>
Use tabs to line up your comments for readability.
Tabs between the Option Value and the comment prefix are ignored

2)  Operational characteristics of the Central vs Local copy of the “CRM Extensions Config” item

·  All option values are included in the Central copy and in most all cases (very few exceptions) provide the default value for all CRM users.

·  When any of the options are placed in the user’s Local config item then the Local copy will, for that user only, be used in place of the corresponding Central setting.

·  When options are placed in the user’s Local copy the [Section Name] must be included but only the options in that section that you what to override for that user need to be placed in the Local copy.

Description of the various Sections within the “CRM Extensions Config” item and the options are below:

Index of Sections within the “CRM Extensions Config” item

·  [CRM Contact Information]

·  [General Options]

·  [Custom Action Names]

·  [Custom Action Templates]

·  [Extensions Folders]

·  [Favorites Folder Management]

·  [Local Failures Recovery Options]

·  [Extensions Variables]

·  [Enforce Categories On Forms]

·  [Explorer Command Bar Additions]

·  [Search Index Refresher Additional Fields]
(CRM Administrator may add this section if desired - sample provided below)

·  [SPAM Email Filter]
(CRM Administrator may add this section if desired - sample provided below)

·  [E-mail Compliance Filtering]

·  [Field Trigger Forms]

·  [Field Triggers For FormMessageClass]

·  [Selection Grid Options]

·  [XXSelection Grid Columns For FormName]

[CRM Contact Information]

This section is designed to provide a location to specify reference and contact information for your CRM users. Each of the options in this section that contain a value (part to the right of the equal sign) will be displayed in the CRM / About CRM Extensions dialog box. A few specifically named options are used in various places in the system to address notification emails, etc and these are noted below, however you may add as many more option entries as you would like.

Note: If you want to reference any of these entries with {{FieldReplace}} entries you may and the format would be
{{INIKeyData.CRM Contact Information, CRM Administrator Name, Local, , True, Trim}}

Entries Used by CRM Extensions:

·  CRM Administrator Name

·  CRM Administrator Phone

·  CRM Administrator Email

·  CRM Sales Name

·  CRM Sales Phone

·  CRM Sales Email

·  CRM Online Meeting URL

Option Name / Possible Values / Default Value / Description and Usage Notes
CRM Administrator Name/Phone/Email / Any text / Person that first installed CRM on your system / Put in here the reference information of the person that will be answering usage and configuration questions for your CRM end users. This should be a person internal to your organization that is knowledgeable of CRM and is able to field most questions on CRM system usage.
CRM Sales Name/Phone/Email / Any text / CRM Reseller / This is the contact information of the CRM Reseller that is working with your organization.
Add any other options you would like / Any options included in this section with non-blank values will be displayed in the CRM / About CRM Extensions dialog box and my be referenced with {{FieldReplace}} functions.

Back to Index of Options

[General Options]

Option Name / Possible Values / Default Value / Description and Usage Notes
Attach Parent Short Cut In New Child Body / Yes | No / No / The CRM Extensions from 2006 and before when child items (Journals, Appointment, etc) were created a little graphic image was placed into the Notes/Body field of the new child item. This graphic was a shortcut to display the linked “Parent” item (usually the contact). This link was redundant with the “Contacts” collection at the bottom of the form and often got in the way of the user typing notes into this field so by default this graphic shortcut is no longer placed in the Notes/Body of the new child items. If you still want this shortcut link then set this option to “Yes”
Auto Resync Cache on Config Changes / Yes | No | Yes, Silent / Yes / There is a very rare bug in the CRM Options Manager. To protect against the extremely rare case a user may hit this bug and also to provide a normal audit trail of option changes the CRM Extensions provides the capability of backing up the significant Config items in both the local and central config folders. Typical setting for CRM Administrators would be “Yes”. You may add this option to the user’s local config with a value of “No” to turn off this feature for an individual user.
The “Yes, Silent” option will perform the normal “Yes” operation described above but will not display the confirmation message to the user that the options cache has been cleared.
Clean Phone Dialer Numbers For USA Auto Dial / Yes | No / No / If you use the Outlook phone dialer this option is likely to format the number properly so that the dialer can properly read and dial the number for you. If you don’t use the Outlook phone dialer function then leave this option as “No”.
Clear System Fields in Outbound Email / Yes | No / Yes / Some fields like “Categories” get passed through outbound email to the receiver and then can be read by the received. It is usually not desirable to have prospects and/or customers to receive email that contain the internal CRM data values (like Categories).
CommandBarKey / Yes | No / No / This is a Toolbar Key for the TeamScope CRM toolbar. Typically only Yes for new users until they learn what each of the buttons do on the TeamScope CRM toolbar.
Company Duplicate Name Check / Yes | No / Yes / Typically used when importing data into the CRM Company folder or setting up Company records for removing duplicates with the TeamScope Scrubber application. Best to always have the Public value of this option to be “Yes” and for the user that is updating the Company Name field in the CRM Companies folder (in preparation for a Scrubber run) then put this option with a value of “No” into the user private/local “CRM Extensions Config” item [General Options] section so that only that user will be allowed to create duplicate company names.
CreateLogFile / Yes | No / No / Used occasionally by CRM Extensions support personnel, otherwise the user setting should always be “No”
Custom Fields Max Length / # / 384000 / Not currently used, leave at 384000
Data Views Show Views Resize Buttons / Yes | No / No / This option may be added by the CRM Admin as it is not added by the CRM Extensions options installer.
The revised Data Views window now makes use of the vertical gray bar for horizontally resizing the views selector box. If the user desires the buttons to click that were used in the original release then include this option with a value of Yes.
This option in the user’s local config will override the central config folder setting.
Debug Options / Reserved for CRM Extensions development personnel
Deferred Email AutoSend Options / None | Startup Only | Hourly interval .25(min), 4(max) / 2 Hours / At Outlook startup the Deferred Delivery Email folder is checked to see if Email items in the folder that were created by the user have a “CRM Send Date” on or before the current time depending on the options below.
When Deferred Email items contain a Category value of “AutoSend” then this option is used to determine if and when these Emails are to be automatically set by the CRM Extensions software.
Format: Interval, then other parameters (may separate with commas for readability)
Available options:
·  “Interval” options:
o  "None" = no auto processing of Deferred Email will be performed (user will need to use Data Views form to send all Deferred Email)
When using "None" no other parameters to this option are used.
At Outlook startup the Deferred Email folder will still be checked for Deferred Emails created by the current user with a CRM Send Date <= current time and if any are found then the user will be prompted if they want to view these emails with the Data Views window in its special configuration for managing Deferred Email.
o  "Startup Only" = Only at Outlook startup the Deferred Email processor will automatically process and automatically send all Deferred Email created by the current user with a "CRM Send Date" on or before "Today". If the Emails have a Categories value of “AutoSend” then these emails will be automatically sent.
When using "Startup Only" no other parameters to this option are used.
o  xx.xx Hour = fractional or multiple of hours for the interval at which the AutoSend processor will run to send all Deferred Email created by the current user with a "CRM Send Date" on or before "Now" ("Now" includes the current time)
§  Actual limits are .1 to 5 hours
§  Example: ".25 Hour" to run the AutoSend processor every 15 minutes
§  "1 Hour" to run the AutoSend Processor every hour
§  "4 Hour" to run the AutoSend Processor every 4 hours
o  “Even Hour” = Runs the AutoSend processor on the Even Hour (8, 10, 12, 2, 4, etc) to send all Deferred Email created by the current user with a "CRM Send Date" on or before "Now" ("Now" includes the current time)
o  “Odd Hour” = Runs the AutoSend processor on the Odd Hour (7, 9, 11, 1, 3, 5, etc) to send all Deferred Email created by the current user with a "CRM Send Date" on or before "Now" ("Now" includes the current time)
·  Other supported parameters:
o  "All Users" may be appended after the time interval to force sending of ALL (regardless of who created the Deferred Email) the Deferred Emails with "AutoSend" in the Categories field with a "CRM Send Date" on or before "Now" ("Now" includes the current time)
o  "Silent" may be appended after the time interval to suppress all messages from the AutoSend Processor operations (progress will still be displayed and automatically closed)
o  "Categories=YourCategoryValue may be appended at the end of all other entries on this line to override the default of "AutoSend".
§  If provided, then only Deferred Delivery Emails that contain this Categories value will be processed by the AutoSend processor.
§  This would potentially be very useful to use for the user that is also using the "All Users" option so that the "All Users" processing filters with a different Categories value
§  Which also means that you could have different Outlook accounts like and both sending out emails each with a unique Categories value
§  To set these up just build different Custom Actions with the "T:" parameter to reference a different set of fields and specify a different "Categories" value in the different Custom Actions
·  Example: Deferred Email AutoSend Options=2 hours, All Users, Silent, Categories=SalesAutoSend
Additional Notes:
·  Outlook must be open for the AutoSend processor to run
·  The AutoSend processor will use the user of the current Outlook profile when determining which Deferred Emails to send
·  Intervals of 1 hour or greater or Even/Odd Hourly intervals will all run at the top of the hour.