Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF)


Name of Applicant: ______

Applicant is a: City / County EDA HRA Port Authority Other

Name of Business: ______

Yes No Has this potential project been discussed with a DEED loan officer?

Complete Local Unit of Government Section

Yes No Local Unit of Government Information complete?

Yes No Local Revolving Loan Fund information complete?

Revolving Loan fund Balance: $______

Yes No Is applicant up to date filing Minnesota Business Assistance Forms?

If no, please attach explanation to application.

Yes No Are there any outstanding TIF issues associated with the property?

If yes, please attach explanation to application.

Business / Project Background Information

Yes No Business information complete?

Yes No Will any jobs be relocated from another location either inside or outside of

Minnesota? If so, please attach explanation to application.

Yes No Jobs retained / created and wage & benefits information complete?

Yes No Does property or business have outstanding local, state or federal tax liabilities?

If so, please attach explanation to application.

Estimated Project Timetable

Yes No Estimated project timetable is complete and fits with DEED funding per

conversations with DEED Loan Officer?

Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds

Yes No Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds is complete and fits with DEED funding

per conversations with DEED Loan Officer.


Yes No Project narrative complete?

Yes No Business history / background included?

Yes No Proposed project thoroughly described?

Yes No Project’s financial feasibility detailed?

Yes No Local Unit of Government’s ability to manage grant detailed?

Yes No Explanation of why MIF is needed complete/

Yes No Three years of historical financial statements are included?

Yes No Balance Sheet?

Yes No Profit & Loss Statement?

Yes No Cash Flow Statement?

Yes No Year to date internal generated financials attached?

Yes No Detailed Business Plan attached?

Yes No Company History?

Yes No Market Opportunity?

Yes No Competitive Advantage?


Yes No Are there any environmental risks associated with the site? If so, please attach explanation.

Yes No Will the project result in the loss or diminution of wetlands? If so, please attach explanation.

Yes No Remainder of environmental section complete?

Data Privacy Acknowledgement

Yes No Data Privacy Acknowledgement signed


DRAFT: March 14, 2014