JANUARY 30, 2012

1:00 P.M.


ROOM 113

I. Call to Order

Ms. Anderson introduced Sgt. Jeffrey C. Whitmarsh, III to the Board as the officer replacing Sgt. Gygrynuk in Professional Licensing. Also visiting today is Captain Jason H. Sapp, Director, State Bureau of Identification.

Lt. Colonel Paige called the meeting to order at 1307 hours and subsequently turned the meeting over to Ms. Anderson. The meeting was tape-recorded and the Licensing Specialist of the Professional Licensing Section will maintain the tape(s). The following members of the Board of Examiners were in attendance:

Lt. Colonel James Paige

William G. Bush, IV, Esquire

Mrs. Sandra C. Taylor

Ms. Kelly R. Jansen

Mr. Michael D. Connelly - @ 1320

Mr. Harvey A. Woods, III

The following individuals were also in attendance:

W. Michael Tupman, Esquire, Deputy Attorney General

Sergeant Jeffrey C. Whitmarsh – Professional Licensing

Captain Jason H. Sapp – State Bureau of Identification

Ms. Peggy L. Anderson - Professional Licensing

Mrs. Lisa M. Trolinder – Professional Licensing

Mr. Glenroy A. Johnson

Mr. Tyrell L. James

Mr. Dan Roddy – Sunstates Security

II. Review and Acceptance of Minutes

The minutes of the October 27, 2011 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Woods, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was carried.

III. Appeal Actions & Hearings

A.  Requested Hearings

1. Tyrell L. James – Exhibit A

Ms. Anderson presented the case for Mr. James in that he came in for processing on 07/29/11 as an armored car guard. His criminal history revealed that on 09/01/11 he was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child and is scheduled for a domestic violence trial on 03/15/12. Mr. James requested a hearing in a timely manner and is here to present his case.

Mr. James gave his version of the circumstances of the incident between himself, his ex-girlfriend and her family over being able to see his daughter. The incident happened on 08/25/11, police were notified on 08/29/11, the day after Mr. James was supposedly attacked by her family on 08/28/11.

Due to the charges still pending, the Board cannot grant a license. Mr. Bush, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to uphold the emergency suspension pending the resolution of the criminal charges. Mr. James is to notify Ms. Anderson of the outcome of the trial. The motion was carried. Mr. Woods abstained.

2. Glenroy A. Johnson – Exhibit B

Ms. Anderson presented the case for Mr. Johnson in that he came in for processing on 04/30/10 as a security guard. His criminal history revealed that on 03/31/11 he was arrested and has been found guilty of assault 3rd and attempt to commit a crime; and possession of narcotic schedule I – diversion program. Mr. Johnson requested a hearing in a timely manner and is here to present his case.

Mr. Johnson spoke about the program that he is participating in for the drug charges that he must report monthly to his probation officer.

Due the assault 3rd conviction status, the Board cannot lift the suspension. Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion of revocation. The motion was carried.

B.  Notice of Intent to Suspend or Revoke

1. Donnie A. Davis

2. Marques D. Lively

Ms. Anderson presented B.1.-2. that letters of intent to suspend or revoke were sent and no response from the individuals requesting a hearing by the due date.

Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mrs. Taylor, made a motion to revoke the ID cards of B.1.-2. The motion was carried.

C.  Notice of Emergency Suspension

1. Robert J. Hart, Jr.

2. Andre L. Johnson

3. Davon Silver

4. Mark C. Trimble – PI & SG

5. Kyle L. Wiggins

Ms. Anderson presented C.1.-5. that letters of emergency suspension were sent and no response from the individuals requesting a hearing by the due date.

Mrs. Taylor, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to revoke the ID cards of C.1.-5. The motion was carried.

IV. Licensures

Ms. Anderson stated that all licensures, renewals and approvals in Item IV. have met all the statutory requirements for Delaware Code Title 24 Chapter 13 and the Rules & Regulations and have provided same to the Professional Licensing Section.

A. Class A – Private Investigative Agency - Renewals

1. Claims Bureau USA, Inc.

a. License Holder – Brian A. Landry

b. Delaware Manager – Hugh J. Craig

2. Eye-C.U. Investigations

a. License Holder – James M. Beatty

3. ICU Investigations, Inc.

a. License Holder – Dean Smith

b. Delaware Manager – Dean Smith

4. InfoRetrieval

a. License Holder – Kelly R. Jansen

5. James F. Valentine Inc.

a. License Holder – James F. Valentine, Jr.

b. Delaware Manager – James F. Valentine, Jr.

6. Joseph Michael Lamonaca Detective Agency

a. License Holder – Joseph M. Lamonaca

7. Maryland Claims Investigation, Inc.

a. License Holder – Robert H. Jones

b. Delaware Manager – Russell L. Ball

8. Ronald E. Bielinski, Private Investigator

a. License Holder – Ronald E. Bielinski

9. Shannon Associates

a. License Holder – Robert C. Shannon

10. The Simons Group

a. License Holder – Gary Simons

b. Delaware Manager – Gary Simons

11. U.S. Detectives, LLC

a. License Holder – Thomas D. McAlaine

b. Delaware Manager – Thomas D. McAlaine

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to accept A.1.-11. as presented for licensure renewals. The motion was carried. Ms. Jansen abstained on A.4.

B. Class A – Private Investigative Agency – New

1. First Advantage Background Services Corp.

a. License Holder – Richard J. Taffet

b. Delaware Manager – Richard J. Taffet

2. Foraker Investigations, LLC

a. License Holder – Christopher D. Foraker

3. T and B Investigations #1

a. License Holder – Thomas Haile, Jr.

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to accept B.1.-3. as presented for licensure. The motion was carried. Ms. Jansen abstained on B.1.

C. Class A – Private Investigative Agency


1. Grant Investigative Services LLC

a. Non-Renewal

Ms. Anderson presented C.1. as informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

D. Class B – Private Security Agency - Renewals

1. Command Security Corporation

a. License Holder – John C. Reed

b. Delaware Manager – John C. Reed

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Bush, made a motion to accept D.1. as presented for licensure renewals. The motion was carried.

E. Class B – Private Security Agency – New

1. Signal 88 Security of Delaware

a. License Holder – Peter J. Mango

b. Delaware Manager – Peter J. Mango

Mr. Bush, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to accept E.1. as presented for licensure. The motion was carried.

F. Class B – Private Security Agency – Changes

1. G4S Secure Solutions (USA) Inc. – Upgrade to Class C

a. License Holder – Malcolm C. Burchett, Jr.

b. Delaware Manager – Nicholas J. Paros

Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to accept F.1. as presented for licensure upgrade. The motion was carried.

G. Class B - Private Security Agency – Name Change

1. Security Forces, Inc.

a. Security Forces, LLC

Mr. Bush, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to accept G.1. as presented for licensure name change. The motion was carried.

H. Class B – Private Security Agency – Resignations/Non-Renewals

1. Bowles Security Group, Inc.

a. Bought Out – U.S. Security Associates, Inc.

2. DECO Security Services

a. Delaware Manager – Gerald S. Donahue, Jr.

3. Whelan-SFI Security

a. Merged – Security Forces, LLC

4. U.S. Security Associates, Inc.

a. Delaware Manager – Michael Hallowell

Ms. Anderson presented H.1.-4. as informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

I. Class C – Private Investigative & Private Security Agency

Renewals w/Changes

1.  E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company

a. License Holder – Donald J. Ostmann

2. SPI Security Services, Inc.

a. License Holder – Darrell Hervey

b. Delaware Manager – Darrell Hervey

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to accept I.1.-2. as presented for licensure renewals with changes. The motion was carried.

J. Class C – Private Investigative & Private Security Agency


1. FJC Security Services, Inc.

a. License Holder – Robert A. Hopes

b. Delaware Manager – Robert A. Hopes

Mr. Woods, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to accept J.1. as presented for licensure. The motion was carried.

K. Class C – Private Investigative & Private Security Agency


1. E.I DuPont de Nemours and Company

a. License Holder - Patti J. Souders

2. SPI Security Services, Inc.

a. License Holder – Thomas P. Nixon

b. Delaware Manager – Thomas P. Nixon

Ms. Anderson presented K.1.-2. as informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

L. Class C – Private Investigative & Private Security Agency

Old Business

1. Security International of Delaware LLC

Ms. Anderson informed the Board that L.1. had until this meeting to remove any Delaware information on the JW Investigations website. The website was checked yesterday and Mr. White has complied with the Board’s request.

This is informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

M. Class D – Armored Car Agency – Renewals

1. Brink’s Incorporated

a. License Holder – Lawrence F. Rodo

b. Delaware Manager – Dennis L. Casteel

2. Dunbar Armored, Inc.

a. License Holder – Kevin R. Dunbar

b. Delaware Manager – Mark D. McKittrick

3. Loomis Armored US, LLC

a. License Holder – Patrick Otero

b. Delaware Manager – Michael S. Matey

Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to accept M.1.-3. as presented for licensure renewals. The motion was carried.

N. Certified Instructors

1. Handgun/Shotgun - Approvals

a. John Cooper – Handgun

b. Matthew J. Sadoon – Handgun/Shotgun

Mrs. Taylor, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to approved N.1.a.-b. as presented for firearms instructors. The motion was carried.

2. Handgun/Shotgun – Resignations/Terminations

a. Daniel L. McCready – Termination – 10/25/11

Ms. Anderson presented N.2.a. as a termination. This is informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

3. Baton/Mace/Handcuff – FYI

a. Jeffrey Pino – Baton

b. William F. Nutter, III – Baton/Mace Handcuff

Ms. Anderson presented N.3.a.-b. as approved instructors for baton/mace/handcuffs. This is informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

4.  16 Hour Guard Training – FYI

a. Izzy Izquierdo – International Security, L.L.C.

b. Brian A. Crist - Independent

Ms. Anderson presented N.4.a.-b. as approved instructors for the 16 hour mandatory security guard training. This is informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

O. Rule 10.0 – Uniforms, Patches, Badges, Seals, Vehicular Markings

1. Andrews International Government Services, Inc.

a. Patches (3)


a. Soft Uniform, Pin, Letterhead, & Business Card

3. DigiStream Mid-Atlantic, LLC

a. Business Card

4. Executive Investigation Bureau Inc.

a. Letterhead, Business Card, & Brochure

5. First Advantage Background Services Corp.

a. Letterhead & Business Card

6. FJC Security Services, Inc.

a. Uniform, Patch, Vehicle Markings, Letterhead,

Envelopes (2), & Business Card

7. FloydCorp Security Solutions LLC

a. Uniform, Patch, Business Card & Website

8. Harvard Protection Services LLC

a. Vehicle Markings

9. MC Security International LLC

a. Uniform, Patch, Badge, Letterhead, Business Card

& Brochure

10. Signal 88 Security of Delaware

a. Uniform, Vehicle Markings, Business Card & Brochure

11. T and B Investigations #1

a. Letterhead, Business Card, & Shirt

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Bush, made a motion to accepted O.1.-11. as presented for approval. The motion was carried.

P. Address/Phone Number Changes

1. Admiral Security Services, A Division of Red Coats, Inc.

a. Delaware Address

2. Executive Investigation Bureau Inc.

a. Delaware Address

Ms. Anderson presented P.1.-2. as informational purposes only. No vote necessary.

V. Old Business

A. Rules & Regs

1. Rule 1.0 Firearms Policy

2. Rule 2.0 Use of Rifle and Shotgun

3. Rule 4.0 Training Requirements

a. Effective 12/01/11

Ms. Anderson informed the Board that the Rules & Regs have been approved and were effective 12/01/11.

VI. New Business

A. Professional Licensing Comments

1. Rules & Regs

a. Rule 1.0 – Firearms Policy – Exhibit C

Ms. Anderson presented this rule amendment as it pertains to the caliber of the weapon that an individual will carry.

After discussion, it was determined that the rule should read: All individuals must qualify with the same make/model/caliber of weapon that he/she will carry.

Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Connelly, made a motion to approve the amendment to Rule 1.0 as presented with the revision. The motion was carried.

b. Rule 9.0 – Security Guards/Armored Car Guards

Exhibit D

Ms. Anderson presented this rule amendment as it will allows armored car guards to carry a generic ID card, rather than have the name of the agency on it. The guards would be carrying an ID from the agency they are working for. This generic ID will allow these individuals to move from agency to agency without have to go through the licensing process each time. This is mirroring the ID cards for the regular security guards.

After discussion, Mr. Woods, with a second by Mr. Bush, made a motion to approve the amendment to Rule 9.0 as presented. The motion was carried.

B. Board Member’s Comments

There were no comments from the Board members at this time.

C. Public Attendee’s Comments

There were no public attendee comments at this time.

D. Lt. Colonel’s Comments

Lt. Colonel Paige thanked everyone for their time today.

VII. Adjournment

A. Schedule Next Hearing

1. Thursday, April 12, 2012 @ 10:00am

B. Schedule Next Meeting

1. Thursday, April 19, 2012 @ 10:00am

Mr. Connelly, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1359 hours. The motion was carried.