2017 Commonwealth Bank Queensland Secondary Schools

13 – 19 Years Track & Field Championships




Competitors in Hammer Throw and Pole Vault events at the Queensland School SportAthleticsstate championships are required to produce a Certificate signed by an accredited coach in these events (minimum Level Two A.T.&F.C.A. qualification), stating they are competent in the execution of the event and that they have achieved the set state qualifying standard.

Competency for the purposes of this certification means that the student can execute the technique at a standard that is not likely to cause an unreasonable risk to the safety of either themselves, other competitors, or officials.

This certificate must accompany the nomination of the student

Event: ______Distance: ______

Name of Student: ______Date of Birth: ______

School: ______Region: South West


I, ______(name of accredited coach) certify that the abovementioned student is competent in the execution of the technique required for the pole vault / hammer throw (delete that which is not applicable) event and that they have attained the required qualifying standard. Distance attained ______

See attached Qualifying Standards Form for 2017QSSAQualifying Distances.

Name of Person providing Certification (Please Print): ______

Signed: ______Qualification: ______

Date: _____/_____/_____

To Be Returned To Regional School Sport Officer ByWednesday 30 August 2017

PO Box 456, Roma Q 4455

Fax: 4572 6555


2017QSSAQualifying Standards

Hammer Throw

Men13 Years28.00 metres3 kg

Men14 Years28.00 metres4 kg

Men15 Years32.00 metres4 Kg

Men16 - 17 Years35.00 metres5 kg

Men18 - 19 Years32.00 metres6 kg

Women13 Years26.00 metres3 kg

Women14 Years27.00 metres3 kg

Women15 Years28.00 metres3 kg

Women16 Years30.00 metres3 kg

Women17 Years32.00 metres3 kg

Women18 - 19 Years27.00 metres4 kg

Pole Vault

Men13 Years2.30 metres

Men14 Years2.30 metres

Men15 Years2.30 metres

Men16 Years2.70 metres

Men17 Years2.70 metres

Men18 - 19 Years3.00 metres

Women13 Years2.00 metres

Women14 Years2.00 metres

Women15 Years2.00 metres

Women16 Years2.00 metres

Women17 Years2.00 metres

Women18 - 19 Years2.00 metres