This Student Support Document has been developed after analysis of specialist evidence and is designed to advise Colleges/Departments/Faculties of recommended support and adjustments for individual disabled students. This document is sent to you with the student’s consent and should be distributed as indicated overleaf. It is acknowledged that the support and adjustments recommended herein may already be part of existing policy and practice. The Code of Practice on reasonable adjustments for disabled students details the responsibilities of Colleges and departments in communicating, establishing and monitoring adjustments for students

If you have any questions please contact Ken Ewing (Disability Adviser) at . Further information on support and adjustments is located at: , and for training courses, and resources at:

Student Name/D.O.B. / Lucy Lucy / November 2, 2015
Email address /
College/Tutor / King's College King's College
Level of Study / Undergraduate
Course/Year / Natural Sciences
Matriculation year:
HESA Disability Category
Disability Adviser / Ken Ewing
Details of student’s disability/difficulty and impact on study
This student has a diagnosis of dyspraxia, which affects her working memory, visual memory, hand-eye co-ordination and the efficiency with which she processes information. She can experience the following difficulties:
·  Reading and absorbing information at speed
·  Writing under time pressure; handwriting may be untidy and slow
·  Organising her thoughts/ideas at speed
·  Organising and structuring information in practical write ups
·  General organisational/time management problems
·  Listening and note taking simultaneously
·  Problems with concentration / focusing for a sustained period of time.
·  Processing information at speed
·  Losing her place in processes
·  Multi-tasking when listening and carrying our practical tasks
·  Retrieving and processing language information
·  Problems with motor co-ordination may affect practical sessions.
Please note, however, that this student has superior verbal and abstract reasoning skills, which act as a compensatory strength.
Lucy’s difficulties will be ameliorated by following the best practice guidance on teaching and learning. See Best Practice sheet below.
Student’s recommended disability-related academic support
Please follow the recommendations for lectures contained in the Best Practice sheet below, plus the following:
·  Diagrams should be fully labelled or provided electronically,
Please follow the recommendations for supervisions contained in the Best Practice sheet below, plus the following:
·  Student may email you a rephrased assignment to confirm understanding
·  Submission by email if appropriate
Please follow the recommendations for practicals contained in the Best Practice sheet below, plus the following
·  Sufficient time to rehearse or complete practical tasks
·  Extra access to the laboratory if required
·  Extra help from demonstrators and technicians to help her to avoid making practical errors
Please follow the recommendations for libraries contained in the Best Practice sheet below, plus the following
·  Please provide receipts for photocopying and printing
Examination and assessments
Option to use a word processor
25% extra time
Distraction free room, Student will need to read aloud during exam
This information is for advisory purposes only and does not constitute an application for examination access arrangements.
Support provided by the DRC
1:1 Study skills support is anticipated
Evidence received by the DRC
Diagnostic Assessors Report dated: DD/MM/YYYY
Please circulate this document to the following parties: (as agreed with the student)
Senior Tutor, College Tutorial Office, Tutor, DoS, Departmental teaching staff, Supervisor(s), Library staff, laboratory managers
Date of Student Approval: / Version: 1 Last updated: 06 November 2015

Disability Resource Centre

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 332301
