English Unit Plan

Unit Theme:3.2 Immigration Date: Period: 6 weeks Teacher: ______

Reform Strategy (PCEA): Grade:12 34 5 67 8 910 11 12

Transversal Theme: Cultural Identity  Civic and Ethic EducationEducation for PeaceEnvironmental EducationTechnology and Education Education for Work

Integration:Spanish English  Social Studies Science  Math Fine Arts Physical Education Health Sciences Technology

Transfer Objective (T) and Acquisition (A)
T1. The student will leave the class able to use his/her learning from fictional and informational texts about immigration and slavery to understand why people migrate and to understand the multicultural background of Puerto Rico. He/She will use appropriate vocabulary and past tense grammar to help convey ideas.
The student acquires skills to...
A1. Listen and respond to 5W questions.
A2. Ask and answer detailed questions to stimulate conversation.
A3. Offer and support opinions and ideas by providing valid reasoning,text evidence, and/or relevant background knowledge about the subject matter.
A4. Critically read a variety of relevant texts to describe ideas, phenomena, cultural identity, and literary elements in the texts. When reading, ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to deepen understanding of key details and make personal connections.
A5. Recall personal experiences or gather information from print and digital sources (e.g., word wall, book talks, grade-appropriate texts) to answer a question in writing.
Essential Questions
EQ1. Why do people immigrate?
EU1. People immigrate for many reasons. You can be pulled to a new country or pushed out of your old country, or you could be brought against your will.
EQ2. How are immigrant experiences the same or different than ours?
EU2. We can learn from other cultures, but no one’s experience is the same. Puerto Rican culture blends many histories and people together.
EQ3. What effect does immigration have on culture, family, and history?
EU3. Immigration has a significant impact on the development of a people/culture and an individual that may not be known or fully understood for years.
EQ4. What do good readers do?
EU4. Good readers build on prior knowledge from experience and reading to understand both real people and fictional characters and to help understand the world around them.


Days / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards and expectations
Activity:Introduction to Content Focus.
Teacher introduces the concept of immigration and asks open questions.
Teacher and students create a KWL chart.
Other Evidence: / Standards and expectations
Other Evidence: Journal/ Entries
Personal Reflections. Some family members who had immigrate, come and share with the students.
Attachment 3.2 Other Evidence
Making Connections / Standards and expectations
Students will come up with the main idea they have learned about immigration and they share orally. Then the reasons will be categorized into pull and push factors. A class chart will be created so the students can refer to it.
Main Idea and DetailsOrganizer / Standards and expectations
Class Magazine / Standards and expectations
Standards and expectations
Activity: The students will answer open questions about understanding immigration. Some selections of picture books will be read.
Other Evidence: 3.2 Making Connections will be completed / Standards and expectations
Activity: Working with a partner, the students will read the book and complete the attachment 3.2 Learning Activity-Character Map. The teacher shares vocabulary for this lesson by coming up with words with the students.
Apply Other Evidence:
Activity: / Standards and expectations
PT2 Use Attachment 3.1 Learning Activity-AccordionFoldables / Standards and expectations
Activity: PT2 / Standards and expectations
Activity: Students will look at the census records. Some websites are going to be used to have a discussion with the students about vocabulary.
153, 1765, 1867 census
Standards and expectations
Other evidence:
/ Standards and expectations
Activity: Students will look at the information in groups and will come up with their own questions. The students will do research and discuss with their classmates. / Standards and expectations
Activity:Students will use the census data and what they have researched to discuss the question “Are all people immigrants?” Students make connections to their ancestors. / Standards and expectations
Activity:Students will read parts of “From Slave Ship to Freedom Road” and will see pictures from “The Middle Passage”. The pictures will be used to create a gallery walk and discuss the horrors of slavery. / Standards and expectations
Activity: After the discussion of slavery, the teacher will select a phrase to write on a chart paper. A T chart is created.
Standards and expectations
Activity: PT3 / Standards and expectations
Activity: PT3 / Standards and expectations
Other evidence:
Word Family Check

Attachment 3.1 Other Evidence Word Family Assessment / Standards and expectations
Other Evidence:
Attachment 3.1 Other Evidence
Word Family Book
Fluency Check
Attachment Resource 8 / Standards and expectations
Activity: Introduction of past tense adding a suffix. Students find examples of past tense words in books to create a list.
Standards and expectations
Activity: Working in groups, the students will share their list and will read them aloud. Teacher shares how the past tense “ed” is tricky. / Standards and expectations
Activity:Reading again the list the students prepared, the students will create a chart of the different sounds of “ed”. The teacher will say a word and the students will classify them. / Standards and expectations
Activity: As a class, the students will look up for the Attachment 3.2 Resource Exploring Past Tense English. They will discuss it with the teacher. / Standards and expectations
Activity:Students will finish their journals.
Other evidence: Journal Entries/ Personal Reflections. / Standards and expectations
Activity: PT4
Week 6 / Standards and expectations
Activity: PT4 / Standards and expectations
Activity: Students will make index cards of past tense words. / Standards and expectations
Activity: With the past tense word index cards, the students will make a word sort where they classify the words by their ending sound. / Standards and expectations
Activity: Integrated Assessment 3.1 / Standards and expectations
Activity: Integrated Assessment 3.1