Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. NSW

Meeting opened at 9.25pm.

Present:B.Hoffmann, B.Eather, J.M.McIntyre, R.Towell, P.Turner, A.Pogue, D.Keyssecker


Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Moved R.Towell and seconded B.Hoffmann that the minutes beaccepted as presented. Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes:




President, Bruce Hoffmann, presented a report on the major issues in the preceding year.The year had been a fairly successful one in regards to competitions and matters relating to the amalgamation are moving forward. The exact terms of the proposed new organisation are still to be ratified. A written report will be forwarded to members in due course.

Treasurer.July 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2015.

Balance 1stJuly 2014$57,832.49

Income for year 16,919.84

Expenditure for year 13,007.07

Balance at 30/06/2014$61,745.26

The financial statement was tabled. It was moved J.M.McIntyreand seconded R.Towell that the report be accepted. Carried.

Fair Trading forms were signed by the appropriate signatories and will be passed on to the Public Officer for posting to the Department of Fair Trading, together with the cheque for $54.00

Election of Office Bearers:

Vice President R.Towell declared all positions vacant and it was moved by B.Hoffmann and seconded by D.Keyssecker that A.Poguebe appointed returning officer for the election of new office bearers. Carried.


B.Hoffmann nominated by D.Keysseckerand secondedA.Pogue.

No further nominations. B.Hoffmann elected unopposed.

Vice President.

R.Towell nominated by J.M.McIntyre and seconded D.Keyssecker.

No further nominations. R.Towell elected unopposed.

Hon. Secretary.

J.M.McIntyre nominated by A.Pogue and seconded B.Eather.

No further nominations. J.M.McIntyre elected unopposed.

Hon. Asst. Secretary.

J.McIntyre nominated byD.Keyssecker and secondedA.Pogue.

No further nominations. J.McIntyre elected unopposed.

Hon. Treasurer.

B.Eather nominated by A.Pogue and secondedJ.M.McIntyre.

No further nominations. B.Eather elected unopposed.

Brian has served in this official capacity now for over 30 years. Congratulations, Brian.

Public Officer.

J.McIntyre nominated by B.Hoffmann and secondedR.Towell.

No further nominations. J.McIntyre elected unopposed.

Safety Officer.

P.Turner nominated by B.Hoffmann and seconded by R.Towell.

No further nominations. P.Turner elected unopposed.

The returning officer was thanked for performing this duty.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.49pm.

………………………….. J.M.McIntyre. Hon. Secretary