College of Business Administration Spring 2014

IDM 726Course Title: Seminar in Project Management

Required Material

Conducting Research Literature Reviews 3rd Edition

Fink ISBN 978-1-4129-7189-8

APA Manual

If Needed, assistance with a writing center

Course Description

IDM 726 Seminar in Project Management

Prerequisite: 9 graduate hours; and permission of Project Management graduate coordinator. Presentation and discussion of professional or technical problems in the organization and management of projects. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge and experience gained in their program of study to the critical evaluation and analysis of the theory, research and practice of project management. 3(3-0), D

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

Understand how research data is collected and analyzed.

Understand how to interpret statistical results.

Summarize the potential strengths and weaknesses of a research study.

Conduct a thorough literature review.

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with basic research methodologies and the analysis of research data. Students will conduct a significant literature review culminating in a major paper.

Class Expectations

This class is an on line class in that, correspondence will be through BB. However as a student, you need to understand that this class’s primary goal is for each student to successfully write a seminar paper. Therefore, the primary assignments in this class will be working on the paper. There will be very few discussion questions/interaction with other students. It is the student’s full responsibility to contact me if they do not understand contents of the class. If you do not contact me, It will be my understanding that you do not need assistance. You can send me an email or call me. If I do not answer, leave me a message. I will return your call.

This class is a Master Level class and should be a class that is at the end of each student’s journey therefore, self disipline and time management should be mastered. It is each stundents responsibility to meet deadlines and expectations of this class. Also, students know that in the Master’s Program a student must maintain a ‘B’ average to graduate. Grades will be earned and will not be adjusted to meet that requirement. It is each student’s responsibility to meet their individual requirement.

The exam will be a timed, multiply choice comprehensive exam based on the teachings throughout the program. The outcome of the exam will reflect the knowledge a student has gained throughout the program. Even though this exam will not reflect on the class grade, it is extremely important that each student do well on the exam as it could prompt a verbal examination with professors within the department before graduating. It is the Department’s goal to produce highly qualified students for a career path in Project Management. Once the exam has been posted, you will be notified and will have ample time to take the exam.

Make-Up Or Late Assignments

Not accepted. It is the responsibility of each student to keep up with due date. You should know that the due dates have a time posted. Therefore once the time has passed, the assignment will come off of BB. Those of you who are procrastinators, should not be in this class. Procrastination could cost you a grade.

Submitting Assignments

Other than getting your topic approved, all assignments should be submitted through BB. Assignments through email will not be accepted, regardless if it is early or late.

Student Performance Evaluation – ‘Grading’

80% Based on Seminar Paper

20% Assignments/Discussion Questions

Grading Scale

A 93.0 – 100.0%

A- 90.0 – 92.9%

B+ 87.0 – 89.9%

B 83.0 – 86.9%

B- 80.0 – 82.9%

C+77.0 – 79.9%

C 73.0 – 76.9%

C- 70.0 – 72.9%

D+67.0 – 69.9%

D 60.0 – 66.9%

F Below 60.0%

Dropping Class

It is your responsibility to understand the University’s procedure for dropping a class. If you stop attending this class but do not follow proper procedure for dropping the class, you will receive a failing grade and will also be financially obligated to pay for the class. For information about dropping a class or withdrawing from the university.