Assistant Professor of Management

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Belk College of Business

421 Friday, Charlotte, NC 28223


Phone: 704-687-7682


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC ▪ 2015 - present

Assistant Professor of Management

East Carolina University, Greenville, NC ▪ 2009 - 2015

Assistant Professor of Management

University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland ▪ July 2012

Visiting Professor


University of Georgia, Athens, GA ▪ 2009

Ph.D. in Business Administration

Major: Organizational Behavior

Minor: Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Dissertation: “Great Expectations: The Influence of Organizational Images on Individuals’

Psychological Contracts”

Dissertation Committee Members: Robert J. Vandenberg (chair), Daniel C. Feldman,

Andrew J. Ward

University of Georgia, Athens, GA ▪ 2005

M.Ed. in Adult Education

Concentration: Human Resource and Organizational Development

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC ▪ 1997

Master of Accounting

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC ▪ 1996

B.S. in Business Administration


Stanley, L.J., Kellermanns, F.W., & Zellweger, T. Latent Profile Analysis: Understanding Family Firm Profiles. Conditionally accepted at Family Business Review.

Cooper, J.T., Stanley, L.J., Klein, H.J., Tenhiala, A. (2016). Profiles of commitment in standard and fixed-term employment arrangements: Implications for work outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 25(1),149-165.

Stanley, L.J. (2014). A process model of organizational disidentification. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 6(2), 178-192.

Stanley, L.J. & McDowell, W. (2014). The role of trust and organizational efficacy in family and nonfamily firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy 5(3), 264-275.

Grichnik, D., Koropp, C., Kellermanns, F., & Stanley, L. (2014). Financial choices in family firms: The influence of family norms. Family Business Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0894486514522483

Baranik, L.E., Lau, A.R., Stanley, L.J., Barron, K.E. & Lance, C.E. (2013). Advances in measuring achievement goals in the workplace: Invariance across worker populations and support for mastery-avoidance. Journal of Managerial Issues, 25(1), 46-61.

Stanley, L.J., Vandenberghe, C., Vandenberg, R. & Bentein, K. (2013). Commitment profiles and employee turnover. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 82, 176-187.

Meyer, J.P., Stanley, L.J. & Vandenberg, R.J. (2013). A person-centered approach to the study of commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 23, 190 – 202.

Meyer, J.P., Stanley, L.J. & Parfyonova, N. (2012). Employee commitment in context: The nature and implication of commitment profiles. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 1-16.

O’Neill, O.A., Stanley, L.J., O’Reilly, C. (2011). Disaffected Pollyannas: The influence of positive affect on salary expectations, turnover, and satisfaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(3), 599-617.

Stanley, L. J. (2010). Experiencing family business creation: An extension and implications. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(6), 1085-1092.

Baranik, L.E., Stanley, L.J., Bynum, B. H., & Lance, C.E., (2010). Examining the construct validity of mastery-avoidance achievement goals: A meta-analysis. Human Performance, 23(3), 265 – 282.


Kellermanns, F.W. & Stanley, L. J. (2013). A Second Look and Commentary on the Landscape of Family Business. In Sorenson, R., Yu, A., Brigham, K. H. & Lumpkin, G.T. (Eds). The Landscape of Family Business, 198-209, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.

Vandenberg, R.J., & Stanley, L. J. (2009). Statistical and methodological challenges for commitment researchers: Issues of invariance, change across time, and profile differences. In Klein, H.J., Becker, T.E., & Meyer, J.P. (Eds.) Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions (pp. 383-416). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.


Stanley, L.J., Vandenberg, R.J., Vandenberghe, C., & Bentein, K. (2012). Profiles of organizational commitment: Differences in turnover intentions and turnover using a four-dimensional model. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA.

O’Neill, O.A., Stanley, L.J., Priya, K. O’Reilly, C.A. (2008). A longitudinal study of positive affect, organization changes, and career satisfaction. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

O’Neill, O.A., Stanley, L.J., & Ward, A.J. (2008). Emotion expression and decision makers' response to threat. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting; Anaheim, CA.


Stanley, L.J., Vandenberg, R.J., Vandenberghe, C., & Bentein, K. (2007). Best paper award for Research Methods track. The role of latent variable mixture modeling in a new era of commitment research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association; Nashville, TN.


Stanley, L.J., & Zellweger, T. (2016). Latent Profile Analysis: Understanding family firm profiles. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting; Anaheim, CA.

Marler, L. & Stanley, L.J. (2016). Family ties that bind: The influence of family friendships on nonfamily employee identification and behavior. Presented at the Theories of Family Enterprise conference; Edmonton, Alberta.

O’Neill, O.A., Ward, A.J., Graffin, S., & Stanley, L.J. (2014). Making sense of it all: Affective and cognitive sensemaking and decision-makers’ responses to threat. Presented at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference; Madrid, Spain. (One of ten finalists for the annual SMS Best Conference Paper Prize)

Cooper, J.T., Stanley, L.J., Stevens, C.E., & Kausch, K. (2014). Is culture about country or individual differences? Identifying distinct cultural profiles within and across countries using Latent Profile Analysis. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting; Philadelphia, PA.

Cooper, J.T., Stanley, L.J., Stevens, C.E., & Kausch, K. A. (2014). A latent profile approach to culture vs. individual differences. Presented at the Academy of International Business Conference; Vancouver, Canada.

Stanley, L.J., Vandenberg, R.J., Vandenberghe, C., & Bentein, K. (2012). Profiles of organizational commitment: Differences in turnover intentions and turnover using a four-dimensional model. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Boston, MA.

Cooper, J.T., Stanley, L.J., Klein, H.J., & Salimaki, A. (2012). Profiles of commitment in alternative work arrangements. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Boston, MA.

Meyer, J.P., Stanley, L.J. & Parfyonova, N. (2011). Employee commitment in context: The nature and implication of commitment profiles. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; San Antonio, TX.

Maltin, E.R., Stanley, L.J., Meyer, J.P. (2011). Profiles of organizational and professional commitment: Implications for well-being. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Chicago, IL.

Cooper, J., Stanley, L., Klein, H., & Salimaki, A. (2010). Profiles of commitment in alternative work arrangements. Presented at the Ohio State University 2010 Conference on Commitment; Columbus, Ohio.

Stanley, L.J. (2008). A process model of organizational disidentification. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association; St. Petersburg, FL.

O’Neill, O.A., Stanley, L.J., Priya, K. O’Reilly, C.A. (2008). A longitudinal study of positive affect, organization changes, and career satisfaction. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Anaheim, CA.

O’Neill, O., Stanley, L., & Ward, A. (2008). Emotion expression and decision makers' response to threat. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Anaheim, CA.

Baranik, L., Bynum, B., & Stanley, L. (2008). What is mastery-avoidance? A meta-analysis. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology; San Francisco, CA.

Stanley, L.J., Vandenberg, R.J., Vandenberghe, C., & Bentein, K. (2007). The role of latent variable mixture modeling in a new era of commitment research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association; Nashville, TN.

Baranik, L., Stanley, L., Lau, A., & Barron, K. (2007). Achievement goal dimensionality: Should mastery-avoidance be included? Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology; New York, NY.

Vandenberg, R.J., Stanley, L.J., Vandenberghe, C., & Bentein, K. (2007). On the applicability of latent class growth analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Philadelphia, PA.

O’Neill, O.A., Stanley, L.J., & Ward, A.J. (2007). Top management emotions: Feeling out a firm’s investment in R&D. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management; Philadelphia, PA


Journal of Vocational Behavior 2013 Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing

HR Doctoral Consortium nominee at the 2008 Academy of Management annual meeting - Anaheim, CA

Recipient of the Dissertation Completion Award from the Graduate School - University of Georgia, 2008

Recipient of the Graduate Research Assistantship Award from the Terry College of Business - University of Georgia, 2007, 2008

Recipient of the Edward T. Comer Fellowship from the Terry College of Business - University of Georgia, 2006, 2007

Recipient of the Brinson Scholarship from the Terry College of Business - University of Georgia, 2007

Certificate of Recognition, University of Georgia Graduate School Teaching Portfolio Program, 2007

Doctoral Consortium nominee and participant at the 2007 Southern Management Association annual meeting – Nashville, TN

Recipient of the Leadership Research Consortium Fellowship from the Terry College of Business - University of Georgia, 2006


East Carolina University, Greenville, NC:

Organizational Behavior (Fall, 2009 - present)

Human Resource Management (Fall, 2009 - present)

University of Georgia, Athens, GA:

Organizational Behavior (Spring 2007)

Human Resource Management (Fall 2005, Spring, 2006, Fall, 2006)

Career and Life Planning (Fall 2004)

Average # Average Average Course

East Carolina University of Students Rating Grade Distribution

Organizational Behavior 26 6.6/7.0 2.9/4.0

Human Resource Management 29 6.7/7.0 3.1/4.0

Average # Average Average Course

University of Georgia of Students Rating Grade Distribution

Organizational Behavior 59 4.6/5.0 2.9/4.0

Human Resource Management 32 4.4/5.0 3.2/4.0

Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (2012). Presented to doctoral students at the University of Bern in Bern, Switzerland. (Average 4.4 on a 5 point scale)

Basics of Compensation (2004). Presented to students and faculty at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal.

Career Development (2004). Presented to European Tourism Management graduate students at the University of Algarve in Faro, Portugal.


2012 – present – Editorial Board member, Journal of Vocational Behavior

2014 – present – Ad Hoc Reviewer, Academy of Management Review

2014 – present - Ad Hoc Reviewer, Organization Studies

2013 – present – Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Family Business Strategy

2011 – present – Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Managerial Psychology

2011 – present – Ad Hoc Reviewer, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

2010 – present - Ad Hoc Reviewer, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

2010 – present - Ad Hoc Reviewer, Family Business Review

2014 – 2015 – Personnel Committee, East Carolina University

2014 – 2015 – Master’s Thesis Committee, Mike Sage, Industrial-Organizational Psychology

2013 – 2014 – Master’s Thesis Committee, Megan Waggy, Industrial-Organizational Psychology

2013 – 2014 – Research/Creative Activity Committee, East Carolina University

2013 – 2014 – EDGE College Assessment Committee, East Carolina University

2013 Review Board for the 2013 Family Enterprise Research Conference

2011 Academy of Management New Doctoral Student Consortium luncheon host

2010 – 2013 - Director of College Relations, North Carolina Coastal Society for Human Resource Management (NCCSHRM)

2010 – 2012 – Library Committee, East Carolina University

2009-2010 - Member, Search Committee for Vice Chancellor for Campus Living and Dining at East Carolina University

Reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meeting

Reviewer, Southern Management Association Meeting


Aon Consulting, Atlanta, GA (2001-2003)

Compensation Consultant and Account Manager – Responsible for selling human resource consulting services. Designed base pay, annual and long-term incentive plans, career progression charts, salary structures, job evaluation and classification systems, and assisted in the implementation and administration of compensation plans.

Arthur Andersen, LLP, Atlanta, GA (1999-2000)

Compensation Analyst – Analyzed, designed, and implemented workforce and executive compensation plans for clients

Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Atlanta, GA (1997-1998)

Staff Accountant – Audited financial statements and prepared annual reports for clients