1 / Title / Short title of the Ordinance
2 / Declaration of Policy /
  • The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article II Sections 15 and 16
  • Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991
/ LGU policy development thrust on environment
3 / Scope and Application / Coverage of sewage treatment or septage management system (residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, institutional)
4 / Definition of Terms / List of terms operationally defined as used in the Ordinance
5 / Principles of Sewerage and Septage Management / Chapter XVII Sections 74-76 and 79 of Presidential Decree No. 856 or the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines / Fundamentals of sewage treatment and septage management that the LGU shall enforce
6 / Proper Sewage Disposal System Requirements / Chapter XVII Sections 74-76 and 79 of Presidential Decree No. 856 or the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines / Options for existing and new structures and establishments for proper sewage disposal, and permitting system
7 / Design of Septic Tanks / Chapter XVII Section 75 of Presidential Decree No. 856 or the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines / Prescribed design of a hygienic septic tank
8 / Mandatory Desludging of Septic Tanks / Prescribed schedule of desludging, and guidelines on actual desludging procedures
9 / Regulation on Desludgers / Republic Act No. 7160:
  • Section 447, (3), (ii); and
  • Section 457, (3), (ii).
/ Requirements on the operation of treatment plants and septage haulers and transporters
10 / Institutional Arrangements / Republic Act No. 7160:
  • Section 22, (5) and (6);
  • Section 29;
  • Section 33; and
  • Section 35.
/ Roles and responsibilities of appropriate local functionaries for the proper implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Ordinance, and other institutional arrangements with other LGUs, POs, NGOs, and private entities.
11 / User Fees and Other Funding Options / Republic Act No. 7160:
  • Section 18
  • Section 447, (3), (i);
  • Section 447, (3), (iii);
  • Section 457, (3), (i); and
  • Section 457, (3), (iii).
/ Funding options and other potential financial support sources
12 / Sewer Line Connection / Protocols on the connection of facilities to sewer lines provided by the water utilities
13 / Prohibited Acts / Republic Act No. 7160:
  • Section 447, (1), (vi);
  • Section 447, (4), (ii);
  • Section 457, (1), (vi); and
  • Section 457, (4), (ii).
/ Acts considered as unlawful and violative of the Ordinance
14 / Monitoring and Evaluation / Role of LGU officials to regularly monitor violators and to keep track of their compliance
15 / Penalties / Republic Act No. 7160:
  • Section 444, (3), (iv);
  • Section 446, (1), (iii);
  • Section 455, (3), (iv); and
  • Section 457, (1), (iii).
/ List of fines and other penalties as to the frequency of offense.
16 / Separability Clause / Final provisions of the Ordinance
17 / Repealing Clause
18 / Effectivity