23rd November 2011

Meeting Commenced:2.05pm

Meeting Ended:3.50pm

PRESENT:Councillor Joe Kean - In the Chair

Councillor Brocklehurst, Bramer-Kelly, Hudson, King, NickyTurner, George Wilson and Ronnie Wilson

Co-opted Members: Jim Wheelton


Bev Humphrey )Greater Manchester West (GMW)

Penny Evans )Mental Health Trust

Gill Drummond )

Sarah Kevley)

Councillor John Warmisham - Leader Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Jennifer McGovern - Assistant Director, Joint Commissioning

Community Health & Social Care Directorate

OFFICER:Mike Relph - Senior Democratic Services Advisor


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Howard Balkind, Councillor Janice Heywood, Harold Kershner and Marian Wilson


There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 26th October, 2011 were approved as a correct record.


There were no questions from members of the public.


The Committee received a presentation from representatives of the Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust on proposals for changing and improving mental health services in Salford and which focused on the following key issues:-

  • Drivers for Change
  • CurrentProvision
  • Case for Change: Benchmarking -SalfordPosition
  • Analysis of Bed Usage and Future Bed Requirements in Salford
  • Benefits for Service Users
  • Clinical Benefits
  • Financial Impact
  • Stakeholder Consultation Process
  • Recommendations

Councillor George Wilson, said thatin the past,it was his impression that, people with mental health issues were generally treated through long term residential care,however this no longer seemed to be the case. Bev Humphrey replied that the numbers of people receiving care for mental health issues had not been reduced,but both changes to the methods of treatment and how these were delivered, had resulted in fewer numbers full time residential care.

Councillor Ronnie Wilson referred to the transfer of services to Woodlands which he suggested, due to its location, would cause difficulties for patients whose families lived in Central and East Salford. Gill Drummond said that the visitor levels at Woodlands were good. Bev Humphrey commented that, work was done to encourage the retention of family relations and the importance of them visiting patients was recognised and encouraged.

Councillor George Wilson commented that Woodlands was a more modern facility and provided a better environment and care.

Councillor Jim King referred to the proposed capital investments of £1,318,000 on improving ward environmentsto ensure the safe management of patients and asked how this equated with requirement to make 4% efficiency savings. Sarah Kevleysaid the savings would be achieved through the adoption of an enhancedcare in community approach to the delivery of services and the reorganisation of the dementia teams. She said there would also be a total overhaul of how services were provided and how patients accessedthem. As a result there would be a greater focus on keeping people in a home or family environment and only a small percentage of patients would receive long term residential care.

Councillor Adrian Brocklehurst referred to the analysis of bed usage and asked if high demand was measured and whether there was an active management of this. Jane May replied the analysis was measured against the demographics of population concerned and in turn benchmarked against other areas, so flexibility could be built into the model.

Councillor John Warmisham expressed concerns that the proposals had first been raised through AGMA, rather than directly with the City Council and suggested there needed to be better communication on the part of the Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. He also went on to say he had reservations as to whether the Trust had the resources to provide services through the care in the community approach which was proposed and would need reassurances that this was the case. He also referred to the transfer of the facilities from a central location on the outskirts of the City and said the transport needs of both patients and families needed to be taken into account. In conclusion he asked that the findings of the consultation exercise be brought back to him as Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health, as well as separately to the Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Scrutiny Committee. Bev Humphrey apologised if it was felt that there had been inadequate communication on this issue, but would take the concerns and points raised by Councillor John Warmisham on board and ensure that the outcome on the consultation exercise was brought back to him, as well as this Committee.

Councillor Ronnie Wilson expressed concerns at the mental health facilities at Meadowbrook were not in the best state of repair. Bev Humphrey replied that these facilities had been inherited by the Trust, but the proposals now put forward, would actively remedy these failings. Gill Drummond commented it had to be stressed that, although the facilities at Meadowbrook were not ideal, there was no failings in the level of care provided, however the buildings at the site were perhaps past their sell by date. Bev Humphrey said savings were required as a result of the economic climate and an under occupancy had been identified at Meadowbrook.

Councillor Joe Kean said the overall reduction in bed numbers was not an issuehowever the Committee would like reassurances in relation to the moving of facilities to Woodlands and the associated travel issues whicharose for residents of the City.

Councillor Bramer-Kelly suggested it would be of benefit for Members to visit Woodlands so they could see the facilities first hand. Bev Humphrey said she would be happy to arrange such a visit as well as one to Meadowbrook, so a comparison could be made of the two sites.

Councillor Jim King asked whether a separate satellite facility in the East of the City in addition to the Woodlands site was a possibility. Bev Humphrey replied that this was not a realistic option.

Councillor John Warmisham said that although the comments of the Scrutiny Committee would be welcomed on the proposal, it was he, as the Lead Member Adult Social Care and Health, who would be making the formal response on behalf of the City Council. Bev Humphrey said that this was recognised.

RESOLVED: THAT the presentation and the proposals for changing and improving mental health services in Salford be noted and that the outcomes of the consultation process be reported to the meeting of the Committee to be held on Wednesday, 22nd February 2012.


(Previous Minute 3 - 26th October 2011)

Jim Wilson asked whether there had been any response in relation to the concerns raised about the shuttle bus service between the main car park at Salford Royal, the hospital and its various sitesending at 7.30pm.

RESOLVED: THAT the Democratic Services Advisor be requested to follow this issue up and seek a response from the Salford Royal NHS Trust.


The Community Health and Social Care and Scrutiny Committee Rota Visit 2011/12 were submitted.

It was commented that the November 2011 visit had been to Clifton Green and not Waterside.

RESOLVED: THAT subject to the amendment detailed above, the schedule of Rota Visits 2011/12 be noted.


RESOLVED:THAT the issues on the Forward Plan, relevant to this Scrutiny Committee, be noted.


The work programme for the Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Scrutiny Committee was submitted. A number of outstanding issues on the programme were discussed and it was proposed they be dealt with as follows:-

  • Waiting Times in Hospitals - to be considered at the meeting to be held on 25th January 2012 and combined with a visit to Salford Royal to view the new HopeBuilding. In the event that the visit is not possible then the meeting be held at the Civic Centre as normal.
  • Outcome of Changing and Improving Mental Health Services in Salford - consultation to be considered at the meeting held on 22nd February 2012, which if practical be held at the Woodlands facility, Little Hulton.
  • Making It Better Programme - the meeting on 28th March 2012 to provided with an update information on this matter, particularly in terms of the statistics for referrals to the respective maternity facilities. In addition this meeting to be combined, if possible, with a visit to the Birth Unit at Salford Royal.

RESOLVED: THAT the work programmebe amended to reflect the proposed consideration of the issues detailed above.
