I hereby give notice that the MEETINGof theParish Council

will be held onTuesday20th Juneat 7.30pm

in the Library Building, Meadow Lane, Burton Joyce



  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 2nd May 2017
  4. Open session for public (15 minutes)
  5. Payment List: to approve payments for May / June
  6. Correspondence: none received to date
  7. Annual Audit

(i)Presentation of year end accounts, income and expenditure statement and balance sheet to be signed by the RFO and the Chairman

(ii)To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for the year 2016-17

(iii)To consider, approve and authorise the Clerk and Chairman to sign Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2016-17 on the Annual Return

(iv)To consider, approve and authorise the Chairman and RFO to sign Section2 Accounting Statements 2016-717 of the Annual Return

  1. Financial Matters

Proposal: to make an application to Sports England for a facilities grant of £15,000 to support the development of a new Bowls Club pavilion at the Poplars Sports Ground.

To approve Parish Clerk to view and submit payments atUnity Bank and to authorise provision of a corporate credit card from Lloyds bank for emergency purchasesby the Clerk.

  1. Burton Joyce Library Agreement: to approve extension of licence to 31st August 2017
  2. Neighbourhood Plan: to receive verbal update on progress
  3. Local Minerals Plan:to receive verbal update on statusand to make decision as necessary on a potential planning application from Brett Aggregates.
  4. Old School Building. Update on operational progress and purchase process.Toreceive recommendation on applications for long-term rental. To receive proposals for fire proofing and security upgrades for the Parish Office at the Old School Building.
  5. Committees: to consider the following:

(i)Amenities: No formal meeting held in May

(ii)Planning: To receive minutes of meeting held on 12th May 2017

(iii)Finance & General Purposes: No formalmeeting held in May

(iv)Poplars Sports Ground: Verbal update on meeting held at 6:30pm 20th June

(v)Community Engagement: No formal meeting held in

14.Information Update: to receive any items not requiring decision

  1. Confidential Items.Press and public to be excluded from this item due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

(i)To consider request to maintain family plot and install non-regulation memorial stone and border at Burton Joyce Cemetery

(ii) Parish Council response to recent damage to BJPC property

  1. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 4th July ay 7:30pm

Jessica Sherrin

Clerk to the Parish Council14th June 2017