The Healing Codes 03.13.2008 16

Tom Costello

The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family, I welcome you to this call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is March 13, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded.

This recording is available as a download from our website:

This question and answer call is one of several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you can achieve the results that you want. Additionally we record these calls and make them available. However, I would say the most important support that we provide to new Healing Codes clients is in the form of personal coaching that is included with The Healing Codes packages. I really recommend that you take advantage of that during your 90 day period. That plus pretty consistent use of The Healing Codes pretty much will guarantee you that you’re on the right road. That’s really what you are looking to do.

Patricia is one of our Certified Coaches and comes on this call to listen to what you say, what I have to say and to develop further insight. One of the other things I’d mention is that Patricia has been recognized on one of our videos. I’ve had people say to me “I want Patricia Allen as my practitioner because I heard her in action. I heard her reference to the Holy Spirit and that really resonates with me.” So please do take advantage of the coaching.

We have a Clients Only area on our website. Like the words say it’s for clients only. If you’re not yet a client please respect that boundary. It is a place where you can ask questions, read other people’s questions and responses. We have a moderator who monitors that support area. The user name and password required are:

User Name: healingcodes Password: 12days

Tonight we ask those of you who have some questions about how to do The Healing Codes, any part of it that you are uncertain about this is a great opportunity to ask. Your questions serve you. They serve other people on the call and perhaps serve somebody listening to the recording at a later date. We like to validate people for their experiences with The Healing Codes. So if you’ve got those kinds of comments feel free to get into the queue when Jodi explains how to do that.

Finally I would say that we’re really looking to encourage you to do this work. This world needs us operating at higher levels of awareness, that is functioning fully in present time, expressing our highest potential, our highest capabilities in whatever context that is for you personally. The word benefits as we improve.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. Secondarily, the opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by.

Before Jodi tells you how to get into the queue, let me just go through a couple of the fundamentals that I think are essential. When people say to me, “How do you get the fastest results” I go through a couple of different points. Number one: Don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. This is about relaxation, the opposite of stress. Doing The Healing Codes is like meandering down a wide boulevard, not like walking on a tightrope. If you do The Healing Codes, that is quiet yourself, get into a comfortable position, say your prayer which in my opinion sets your intention, and in saying a prayer you are speaking to your Creator. If you’re making a request you are making that request of whatever you believe the creative force is. As you state that you in fact are opening yourself up to get exactly what you want. The healing of the conditions that you want is already created by virtue of that in my opinion. Then as you do The Healing Codes in a physically comfortable position and relax, what no longer serves us tends to leave. That process is allowing results rather than causing them or forcing them.

As you do The Healing Codes if you can focus on the condition you want, that tends to bring it into reality faster. Fears and doubts and those beliefs that we’ve acquired over the course of our lives that suggest we can’t have things, we don’t deserve good things, and so on, those things, in the light of present time and with the impact of this additional energy being recycled or redirected into the body seems to shift them. It’s almost like shining a light on a shadow. It makes it go away except it can be permanent in this case.

When I say physically comfortable I suggest people use pillows in their lap or in a recliner or on a bed, couch or floor. Use pillows so that you’re not tiring your shoulder and arm muscles and in fact you can hold that position for any number of minutes that you so desire. I happen to be sitting at a desk right now with my elbows propped up on the desk. I literally use this position to do the Codes. I could do this for days on end because I’m not using any type of muscles which might distract me or get tired.

With those thoughts in mind, Jodi, would you explain how to get into the queue?

Jodi: Gives technical directions.

Tom Costello: I think in terms of The Healing Codes as dealing with internal dirt. If you think of friction and we do if we’re thinking about an automobile and we have oil in our cars. We change that periodically because dirt and dust and perhaps metal filings from moving parts get into the oil and it needs to be changed every 3000 – 6000 miles or so. It is that idea that in the day-to-day experience and starting in our lives some people believe starting in utero and then (recording interrupted by Tom’s phone cutting out)…

Participant: (Jean) This is a problem that I’ve had for some time. It is based on fear. I even am afraid to ask the question. I’ve been unable to use The Truth Technique. It just doesn’t work. I can’t follow through with anything that anybody else is getting. I just had this bulb turn on that somewhere there is big fear that is keeping me from using it. I wonder how, what information you might be able to give me so that I can overcome that. I also suspect that it’s holding me back from getting moving pictures. I’m afraid to go there.

Tom Costello: Congratulations, Jean, on being able to jump into the queue despite the idea that one foot is wanting to stay on the brake. You still went forward.

Participant: I had to.

Tom Costello: Good for you. To my way of thinking it is that intention that I’m going to do it – period, end of story that starts to move all kinds of energy and makes things available to you. Now to your questions.

I believe that so many of the misunderstandings that we acquire, misbeliefs or safety programming, fears and all the others ways we could look at them… They are really, in their essence designed to protect us. Even if they are ineffective, even if they make us prisoners, their original intention was “I’ll protect you. Don’t go out in public. Don’t speak in public. Don’t try to get a promotion. Don’t try to ….” Those, while they are actually sabotaging us and restricting our freedom of movement and our ability to shine our Light (capital L), it is protective in nature. Don’t see this. Don’t hear this. Don’t feel this. Don’t know this. It’s as if it’s going to be a very, very big problem for you.

The trouble is it seems that if this experience occurred when you or I were five years old it is a five-year-old’s awareness putting the foot on the brakes. It is not somebody here in 2008 going “I need to protect myself from this.” It is kind of like a child’s energy, a child’s pattern of thought.

I think the first order of business – I think this is often huge in so many different areas – the concept of safety. If we could be safe, if we had a magic wand and we could tap ourselves on the shoulders and be safe, then we can do all manner of things. We could invent this, write that book, do this, go there, dance this dance, say “hello” to that person. On and on that goes. We’d be willing to do that. But it is the fear programming that says, “Don’t do that. You could be embarrassed. You could be humiliated” and so on.

In certain cases if we were talking psychology, psychologists would talk about repression, that the subconscious mind has gathered so much information over the course of our lives and maybe even genetically from our forbearers, that information actually exists for us. If we try to factor in our mother’s and father’s and great-grand-grandmothers’ and great-grand-fathers’, their experiences into “should I have a glass of milk or a glass of water?” we would be paralyzed with all that information. Sometimes we don’t need to know the answer as to why we have a fear. We just want to have our behavior changed. “I want to heal this behavior.”

Now let’s back up and say, “I want knowledge”, not information, knowledge. Those are two different things. You say, “I want to use The Truth Technique to determine which of my supplements serve me and which don’t so I can eliminate some and take more of the others” that sort of thing. Parts of you would go, “Um-ah, uh…” You may feel some real resistance even from that. It takes real practice on the one hand to be able to teach your body this method of communicating yes/no, strong/weak using The Truth Technique or any other form of applied kinesiology. What you really want, before that, is you want safety.

My focus would be: I want to heal any fears interfering with my ability to use The Truth Technique. I want to heal any fears that separate me from this knowledge and I would work on that. You’re going to perhaps hear or see or feel “No, no, you have to be protected from it!” Reply, “No, this is 2008 and I’m willing to do it.” That intention starts parting those barriers, those walls. I would continue in that direction. “I want to be safe and I want to know what I want to know. I want to do what I want to do. I want to be who I’m capable of being. I want my light to shine as brightly as I can have it shine and I want to be safe during this whole process.”

You can recognize that the lack of safety is what causes us to hide our light. It’s to defend. It’s hold back. It’s to self isolate and so on. I would suggest that you go for safety. If you’re safe the fear doesn’t exist. If you’re unsafe then, of course, that fear looks like huge mountain in front of you blocking your path. If you go for the safety and try to create that condition, you speak it, and then watch your reactions. That’s where I would go with your healing Codes.

What I’d like to do, Jean, is give you a Custom Code for that. Would you be open to that?

Participant: Oh, yes. Very much so.

Tom Costello: I would expect that there are a relatively small number of people on this call so I’d like to do that. I’m going to have you go through the testing procedure that we use. I’ll ask you. You’re the only person I do this procedure with. I’ll test silently for anybody else who ends up getting a Code. What I want you to do is hold the skin on your neck between your Adam’s apple and your chin. Say, “I want to be healthy.”

Participant: I want to be healthy.

Tom Costello: Say, “I’m ready to test truthfully.”

Participant: I’m ready to test truthfully.

Tom Costello: Say, “I am free from conscious conflict regarding my healing.”

Participant: I am free from conscious conflict regarding my healing.

Tom Costello: Good. Say, “We need to find additional pictures.”

Participant: We need to find additional pictures.

Tom Costello: No, we don’t. You can just relax. For other people, I am testing on our end. It’s something that Certified Healing Codes Practitioners have as a proprietary technique. That final question is a question to confirm whether we have the right focus. I would say focus on the issue of safety. When fears and doubts come out of the woodwork you can just observe them, Jean. They, much like shadows, will go “poof”. Okay?

If you’d get ready to write. I give the healing centers first, followed by the hands that are involved. (Custom Code is given for Jean) I would do those 4, 6, 8 or 10 minutes in 30 second increments on each position. The key here is to relax and let… These fears are like moths that when you open up they will change, they will transform, they will fly away. They no longer belong to you. They are not from 2008 or 2007 or any recent time. These are old, old, old. As you open “your cupboard” they can move away from you because your vibration is different. They no longer belong to you. I would do that.

Participant: If I use The Q Codes, would you give me instructions?

Tom Costello: If you’re going to use The Q Codes I would do the same thing four of five times a day and spread them out over the day. Know full well that as you are doing The Q Codes and breathing you’ll be able to feel it in your chest and shoulders and your back, literally your strength…. I’m going to talk at the end of this for the need for oxygenation, the need for hydration, the need for decent food and rest and so on. I would say that based upon what I’ve been studying lately, before you go to bed, depending on your spiritual beliefs, I would ask for God’s help in healing any of these fears and their origins. Just heal them so that I wake up free of them in the morning. You can let this stuff go. It doesn’t serve you. It doesn’t serve the Light within you which is what the world needs – your light, my light, everybody else’s light on this call. That Light within us is God expressing through us.

Participant: That’s wonderful. This has been such a block. I even get dizzy when I try The Truth Technique. It’s just consuming me. With this I cannot thank you enough.