Copperas Cove High School Gym #2 (CCHS) 400 South 25th Street, Copperas Cove, Texas 76522 (Inside school)

Copperas Cove Junior High School (CCJHS) 702 Sunny Street, Copperas Cove, Texas 76522

SC Lee Junior High School (SCLJHS) 1205 Courtney Lane, Copperas Cove, Texas 76522

Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) 504 Clara Drive, Copperas Cove, Texas 76522

4th/5th GIRLS / 6th GIRLS / 7th GIRLS / 8th GIRLS / 9-10 GIRLS / 11-12 GIRLS
12 / 21 Waco Elite / 31 Cougars / 41 ALM / 51 LH Wildcats / 61 CTX Synergy
13 / 22 ALM / 32 Waco Elite -7Red / 42 Killeen Legion / 52 ALM / 62 Lady Warriors
14 / 23 HC Hawks / 33 Assassins / 43 Waco Impact / 53 Lady Ballers 9 / 63 Cougars
15 / POOL B / POOL B / POOL B / POOL B / 64 ALM
16 / 24 Katy Rebels 5 / 34 ALM / 44 Excel / 54 Lampasas 9th
17 / 25 Waco Impact / 35 Waco Elite 7Blue / 45 Waco Elite 8 / 55 CTX United
18 / 26 San Saba / 36 STARZZ / 46 Assassins / 56 OPEN
4th/5th BOYS / 6th BOYS / 7th BOYS / 8th BOYS / 9-10 BOYS / 11-12 BOYS
81 Waco B Devils / 91 Clutch / 101 ATX (Sobers) / 111 ATX Knights / 121 Austin Titans / 132
82 ATX Knights / 92 Excel 5/6 / 102 Jammers / 112 Pritchett / 122 Jammers 9th / 133
83 ATX Knights / 93 G-town Eagles / 103 Waco Kings / 113 Waco Kings / 123 Assassins / 134
84 TC Crusaders / POOL B / 104 K-town Bulls / 114 Showtime / POOL A / 135
94 G-town Jammers / 124 Austin Hoopz / 136
95 TC Crusaders / 125 K-Showstoppaz / 137
96 Showtime / 126 GC Black / 138
Copperas Cove High School-Aux / Copperas Cove Junior HS-Gym 1 / Copperas Cove Junior HS-Gym 2 / SC Lee Junior HS Gym 1 / SC Lee
9:00 / 43 vs 42 / 9:00 / 21-22 / 9:00 / 25 vs 26 / 9:00 / 44 vs 45 / 9:00
10:00 / 51 vs 52 / 10:00 / 31 vs 32 / 10:00 / 35 vs 36 / 10:00 / 54 vs 55 / 10:00
11:00 / 41 vs 42 / 11:00 / 24 vs 25 / 11:00 / 22 vs 23 / 11:00 / 45 vs 46 / 11:00
12:00 / 51 vs 53 / 12:00 / 34 vs 36 / 12:00 / 31 vs 33 / 12:00 / 55 vs 56 / 12:00 / IF NEEDED
1:00 / 41 vs 43 / 1:00 / 25 vs 26 / 1:00 / 21 vs 23 / 1:00 / 44 vs 46 / 1:00
2:00 / 52 vs 53 / 2:00 / 32 vs 33 / 2:00 / 34 vs 35 / 2:00 / 54 vs 56 / 2:00
3:00 / 61 vs 62 / 3:00 / Game 6-1 / 3:00 / Game 6-3 / 3:00 / 63 vs 64 / 3:00
4:00 / Game 8-1 / 4:00 / Game 8-3 / 4:00 / Game 6-2 / 4:00 / Game 8-2 / 4:00
5:00 / 61 vs 63 / 5:00 / Game 7-1 / 5:00 / Game 7-3 / 5:00 / 62 vs 64 / 5:00
6:00 / Game JV-1 / 6:00 / Game JV-3 / 6:00 / Game 7-2 / 6:00 / Game JV-2 / 6:00
7:00 / 61 vs 64 / 7:00 / 7:00 / 7:00 / 62 vs 63 / 7:00

Note: Coaches please verify times for next game before you depart the gym

Copperas Cove High School-Aux / Copperas Cove Junior HS-Gym 1 / Copperas Cove Junior HS-Gym 2 / SC Lee Junior HS
Gym 1 / SC Lee Junior HS
Gym 2
9:00 / 121 vs 122 / 9:00 / 91 vs 92 / 9:00 / 95 vs 96 / 9:00 / 125 vs 126 / 9:00
10:00 / 111 vs 112 / 10:00 / 81 vs 82 / 10:00 / 83 vs 84 / 10:00 / 113 vs 114 / 10:00
11:00 / 121 vs 123 / 11:00 / 92 vs 93 / 11:00 / 94 vs 95 / 11:00 / 124 vs 126 / 11:00
12:00 / 111 vs 113 / 12:00 / 81 vs 83 / 12:00 / 82 vs 84 / 12:00 / 112 vs 114 / 12:00 / IF NEEDED
1:00 / 103 vs 104 / 1:00 / 91 vs 93 / 1:00 / 94 vs 96 / 1:00 / 101 vs 102 / 1:00
2:00 / 122 vs 123 / 2:00 / 81 vs 84 / 2:00 / 82 vs 83 / 2:00 / 124 vs 125 / 2:00
3:00 / 111 vs 114 / 3:00 / 101 vs 104 / 3:00 / 102 vs 103 / 3:00 / 112 vs 113 / 3:00
4:00 / Game JV - 1 / 4:00 / Game 6-1 / 4:00 / Game 6-1 / 4:00 / Game JV-3 / 4:00
5:00 / Game JV - 2 / 5:00 / 102 vs 107 / 5:00 / Game 6-3 / 5:00 / 101 vs 103 / 5:00

Note: Coaches please verify times for next game before you depart the gym


1. PLAYING RULES: High school rules apply with the following exceptions:

·  CLOCK: 20 – minute running clock except for last two minutes of each half unless one team is ahead by 15 points. If lead

goes below 15 points, clock will again stop. Clock will stop on all technical fouls and timeouts (including Officials timeout.)

·  GAME BALL: 4th-6th grade boys will use girls ball (28.5). All others will use regulation 29.5 ball.

·  WARMUP TIME: Five-minute warm-up and 5-minute halftime break. This may be reduced to keep games on schedule.

·  TIMEOUTS: Four one-minute timeouts per game. One timeout per two-minute overtime period

·  HOME TEAM: First team listed or/on top of bracket is home team, wears light colored jersey, and provides clock operator.

·  VISITING TEAM: Second team listed or/on bottom of bracket is visiting team, wears dark colored jersey, and provides scorekeeper.

2. CHECK-IN /GAME TIME: Teams are required to CHECK-IN at the game site of their first scheduled game at least thirty minutes prior to their first game. A team roster MUST be turned in at that time. GAME TIME is forfeit time. Tournament/Gym Director has final decision if special issues exist.

3. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Players may play in only one team per age group in the tournament. Player eligibility may be checked by a current grade card and birth certificate. The roster turned in prior to check-in will be used for the entire tournament. No additional players will be added. Penalty is forfeiture of any games the player participates in. We expect coaches and players to maintain the highest ethical standards and do not violate the integrity of the game by using ineligible players.

4. PROTESTS: All protests will be made prior to the protested game. There will be a $50 protest fee paid at time of protest. If the protest is upheld, the $50 protest fee will be refunded. A protested form is enclosed in the coach’s packet.

5. OVERTIME and TIEBREAKERS: Overtime will be two minutes with regular clock operation. The clock stops on all dead balls and each team will get one timeout per overtime. After two overtimes, the team scoring first in the third overtime is the winner. Tiebreakers will be head to head competition and then a point differential system of +/- 15 points.

6. FREE THROWS: Teams will shoot one plus bonus on the 7th team foul and double bonus on the 10th foul.

7. ADMISSION: Each team will be issued two armbands for coaches. Players in complete uniform will be admitted free. All others must pay the appropriate entrance fee. Admission price is $8 for adults and $4 for students. Wristbands will BE WORN on the wrist at all times.

8. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: Head coaches will be held responsible for the conduct of their assistants, players and supporters. Any display of disrespectable behavior to officials, opposing players, spectators, or parents will not be tolerated. Tournament/Gym Director may remove coaches, players, or spectators if their conduct is deemed inappropriate.

9. AWARDS: Team award and medals will be presented to the championship team and medals will be awarded to the runner-up team.

10. FOOD AND DRINKS: No food or drinks are allowed in any of the gym facilities. No outside food or drink may be brought into any of the facilities. Violators will be asked to leave without admission refund.

11. TOURNAMENT/GYM DIRECTORS: The Tournament Director may modify tournament rules when it is deemed in the best interests of the tournament. All teams will be bound by any such change. Please contact the tournament/gym director to resolve any issues.