Associate Membership of FECCA

FECCA is the peak, national body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. FECCA's role is to represent and advocate on behalf of our constituency to government, business and the broader community. Established in 1979, FECCA is a non-politically aligned, community-based organisation.
FECCA strives to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Australians from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds are given proper recognition in public policy.We promote fairness and responsiveness to our constituency in the design and delivery of Government policies and programs and advocate for multiculturalism and community harmony as core social values.We work to protect the fundamental rights of all Australians, regardless of cultural, spiritual, gender, linguistic, social, political or other affiliations.Our core business and organisational principles are informed by social justice and involve: promoting full access and equity of CALD Australians to Government services; championing human rights, and arguing that multiculturalism is central to the social, economic and cultural health of Australia in the 21st century.

FECCA is keen to build stronger partnerships with other national organisations that have compatible aims, through offering associate membership.

The benefits of Associate Membership include:

  • the opportunity to network more closely with our affiliate organisations – Multicultural and Ethnic Communities’ Councils around Australia;
  • complimentary copies of our highly-regarded quarterly magazine,Australian Mosaic;
  • promotion and acknowledgement on our website;
  • the opportunity for key staff to be part of FECCA’s five policy committees (youth, disability, women, rural and regional issues and new and emerging communities); and
  • the opportunity to work with FECCA in promoting issues of concern to Australia’s multicultural communities by providing input into the development of FECCA policies and submissions.

The FECCA Executive will consider Associate Membership applications from national and multi-regional incorporated bodies whose Constitutions are compatible with the Objectives of FECCA.

The Associate Membership fee is $150 plus GST per financial year.To apply, simply complete the attached application forms (Parts A and B) on pages 2 and 3 respectively.When your application is approved, please pay the fee according to the invoice on page 4.

Associate Membership Form (Part A)

FECCA ABN: 236 847 929 47

Applicant Details

Name of Organisation:
Name of Manager
(or equivalent):
Contact person (if different from the above):
Email address for communications
(please include up to two):
Postal address:

Which option best describes your organisation?

Service provider or coordinatorAdvocacy organisation

Peak bodyOther (please details below):

Signature of authorised person:
Name and position:
Date of application:
Approved by FECCA Executive Date:
Advice to applicantDate:
Fee receivedDate:

Associate Membership Form (Part B)

FECCA ABN: 236 847 929 47

Statement of your organisation’s compatibility with FECCA Constitution

Please ensure your organisation considers the FECCA Constitution which can be accessed via the FECCA website:

Keeping in mind the FECCA Constitution, please provide a brief statement in support of your application for FECCA Associate Membership. The statement needs to include an explanation as to how your organisation’s goals and objectives relate to FECCA’sown goals and objectives as set out in the FECCA Constitution.

Please email your completed Associate Membership Form Parts A and B to:

or send via post:
FECCA Associate Membership
PO Box 344
Curtin ACT 2605

FECCA Associate Membership Tax Invoice

FECCA ABN: 236 847 929 47
Description of Service
Associate membership of FECCA 2013–14 financial year /
Plus GST
Total price including GST
Payment options:
1)Cheque/Money Order
made out to: /
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
2)Direct transfer to: / Account name:FECCA
BSB number:032-727
Account number:23-6360
Description:[your organisation’s name]

Please ensure you adequately identify your payment if paying by direct transfer, or we will not be able to allocate the payment you make to your organisation.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the details below:

Phone: (02) 6282 5755

Fax: (02) 6282 5734

Address: 1/4 Phipps Close, Deakin ACT 2600

Postal Address:PO Box 344, Curtin ACT 2605



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