The Alliance for Housing

2013 Renewal Scoring Application ADDENDUM

Continuum of Care Program Competition

The Alliance for Housing developed a renewal process to determine if Supportive Housing Projects (SHP) and Shelter Plus Care (S+C) projects are performing in accordance with HUD requirements and CoC expectations. This year, grants will be renewable under the CoC Program Competition as set forth in 24 CFR 578.33 to continue ongoing leasing operating supportive services, rental assistance, HMIS, and project administration costs. Projects are eligible for renewal if they are currently in operation and have a signed agreement with HUD expiring between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. Renewal grants will be limited to 1 year of funding.

Renewal projects will be scored on 5 components: program performance, financial performance, HMIS performance, consumer satisfaction, and CoC participation. Total scoring consists of 100 points and the threshold for renewal is 65 points. Projects below this threshold may not be eligible for refunding and will be offered technical assistance to improve project performance for future applicability. An appeals process will be available for renewal projects that do not pass the scoring threshold.

Based on CoC Community Priorities and the HUD FY2013 CoC Program Competition NOFA, qualified renewal project applications will be eligible for an additional twelve bonus points based on the extent to which they demonstrate or comply with the priorities of Ending Chronic Homelessness. These are defined in the Revised Version of the Alliance for Housing 2013 Renewal Continuum of Care Program Competition, and in Section VII. A.1.a of the FY2013 HUD NOFA.

The Alliance for Housing reserves the right to make decisions on which projects should receive funding and/or the amount awarded based upon recommendations of the Project Review committee and the Alliance for Housing Board of Directors.

Renewal applications and related documents were received on or before October 4th, 2013 from all eligible applicants. Based on the November 22nd, 2013 release of the FY2013-FY2014 HUD Continuum of Care Program Competition and Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), the Alliance for Housing adopted additional requirements for Renewal Applicants at its board meeting on December 12, 2013. Renewal applications will be considered in accordance with the scoring criteria released in September of 2013 and revised in December of 2013, AND in accordance with the following priorities.

Renewal applicants are required to submit narrative responses to the additional criteria as set forth below. Responses to this Addendum are required to be submitted electronically to Patrice Martin, NO LATER than December 23rd, 2013. The documents should pertain ONLY to the responses required of applicants pursuing the possible bonus points and the additional criteria. Original renewal applications and the addendum narratives will be presented to the Review Committee on or before January 2nd, 2014.

Renewal Project Bonus Points and Addendum Requirements – Due December 23rd, 2013

Possible Bonus Points:

Based on CoC Community Priorities and the HUD FY2013 CoC Program Competition NOFA, qualified renewal project applications will be eligible for an additional twelve bonus points based on the extent to which they demonstrate or comply with the following priorities of Ending Chronic Homelessness:

Ending Chronic Homelessness

  1. Renewal Applicants that increase the total number of PSH beds dedicated for use by the chronically homeless as reported in the FY 2012 CoC Application. 3 Points possible
  2. Renewal Applicants that demonstrate and commit to a continued increase in the total number of PSH beds dedicated for use by the chronically homeless in 2014 and 2015. 2 Points possible
  3. Renewal Applicants that demonstrate they are currently prioritizing the chronically homeless in at least 30 percent of the existing PSH units that are not dedicated to serving the chronically homeless in the CoC, and that are made available through turnover. Maximum points will be awarded to applicants that currently prioritize admission for the chronically homeless in at least 85 percent of the non-dedicated PSH units that are made available through turnover. 2 Points possible
  4. Renewal Applicants that commit to increasing the percentage of turnover in non-dedicated PSH units in which the chronically homeless are prioritized or if the commitment rate identified in this CoC Program Competition is currently at 85 percent, the CoC must maintain the 85 percent prioritization rate in 2014 and 2015. The numeric goals indicated here must be achievable as the CoC will be measured against these goals in future CoC Program Competitions through the use of the HIC and PIT data submitted in HDX. Renewal Applicants must attach a list of project(s) to their Renewal Application Addendum that includes the name of the project(s) and indicating the number/percentage of units per project, that will commit to prioritizing PSH units specifically for the chronically homeless as PSH units are vacated by the existing participant to meet this CoC-wide goal. 5 Points possible

Please refer to the FY2013 HUD NOFA, Section VII. A.1.a for additional information.

Addendum Requirements

Higher scoring Collaborative Applicants increase their competitiveness and have a better chance of being awarded projects ranked in Tier 2, depending on the availability of funds at the federal level. In order to increase the chances for the success of our Consolidated Application, Renewal Applicants are required to provide a narrative response to each of the items listed below for each Renewal Project. These items have been identified as critical indicators of a successful Consolidated Application. If an item does not apply to a particular Renewal Project, please respond “N/A”:

  1. Housing First Approach

a)Renewal project applicants must report and describe how they follow a Housing First approach. Housing First is defined as a model of housing assistance that is offered without preconditions (such as sobriety or a minimum income threshold) or service participation requirements, and rapid placement and stabilization in permanent housing are primary goals.

  1. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Renewal project applicants must describe the specific strategies the applicant has implemented that affirmatively furthers fair housing, according to the following criteria:

a)Affirmatively market their housing and supportive services to eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, familial status or handicap who are least likely to apply in the absence of special outreach.

b)Where a recipient encounters a condition or action that impedes fair housing choice for current or prospective program participants, how the applicant provides such information to the jurisdiction that provided the certification of consistency with the Consolidated Plan.

c)How the applicant provides program participants with information on rights and remedies available under applicable federal, state and local fair housing and civil rights laws.

  1. Affordable Care Act

a)Renewal project applicants must demonstrate how they have prepared for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Michigan. Descriptions must address the extent to which the renewal project applicants will participate in enrollment and outreach activities to ensure eligible households take advantage of the new healthcare options.

  1. Resources for Services

a)Renewal project applicants must identify the steps they are taking to identify other sources of mainstream funding for supportive services.

  1. Outreach

a)Renewal projects must describe the specific outreach procedures in place that are used to identify and engage homeless individuals and families.

b)Renewal projects must describe the specific outreach procedures in place that provide meaningful outreach to persons with disabilities and persons with limited English proficiency.

c)Renewal projects must describe the procedures they use to market their housing and supportive services to eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, familial status or disability who are least likely to apply in the absence of special outreach.

  1. Leveraging

a)Renewal projects must demonstrate a minimum 150 percent leveraging from other public and private sources, including mainstream programs.

b)Renewal projects must have commitment letter(s) on file that are dated within 60 days of February 3, 2014.

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